
If you cut out a lot of objects from photographs, chances are you’ve run across a few rough, ugly looking edges. They can be easy fixes, and here’s three great (GIMP friendly) tips  to help in three different scenarios.

如果您从照片中切出很多物体,则可能会遇到一些粗糙,难看的边缘。 它们很容易修复,这是三个很棒的(GIMP友好)技巧,可以在三种情况下提供帮助。

We’ve covered lots of ways to remove the background from images, but given the right situation, the easiest way will be using “fill” tools like the Bucket Fill, Magic Wand, or Magic Eraser. Using tools like these to create transparent GIFs, PNGs, or just to simply swap out backgrounds can give horrible edges that look really obvious and can ruin the hard work you’re putting into your image. Here’s how to get the right look and make sure your image looks great on any background.

我们已经介绍了许多方法来从图像中删除背景 ,但是在适当的情况下,最简单的方法是使用“填充”工具,例如“桶填充”,“魔术棒”或“魔术橡皮擦”。 使用此类工具创建透明的GIF,PNG或仅换掉背景,可能会给人以可怕的边缘,这些边缘看起来确实很明显,并且会破坏您要在图像中进行的艰苦工作。 这是获得正确外观并确保您的图像在任何背景下看起来都很好的方法。

使用正确的填充设置 (Using Proper Fill Settings)

Let’s start with some basics. First we’re going to assume you’re using one of the “fill” methods to remove your background, and not one of the many other ways we’ve covered, including using the eraser, layer masks, and the pen tool. The paint bucket, magic wand, and magic eraser all have various settings that can make them better or worse, depending on the situation. “Anti-Alias” and “Tolerance” are the key players here.

让我们从一些基础知识开始。 首先,我们假设您使用的是“填充”方法之一来删除背景,而不是我们介绍的其他许多方法之一,包括使用橡皮擦,图层蒙版和钢笔工具 。 油漆桶,魔术棒和魔术橡皮擦都有各种设置,根据情况的不同,它们可能会变得更好或更糟。 “抗锯齿”和“容忍”是这里的主要角色。

As we learned last month, Anti-aliasing is the naturalistic softening of images. In this case, using it with the paint bucket, wand, or magic eraser will give you a smoother edge in most circumstances.

正如我们上个月所了解到的,抗锯齿是图像的自然柔化。 在这种情况下,将其与油漆桶,魔杖或魔术擦一起使用会在大多数情况下为您提供更平滑的边缘。

Tolerance adjusts how sensitive the fills are. These three tools all work by filling or selecting colors approximately like the ones you click on, and this adjusts the precision of that fill. Lower numbers are very precise, while higher numbers will fill, select, or delete colors that are less similar to the color you clicked on.

公差调整填充的敏感程度。 这三个工具都可以通过填充或选择颜色来工作,就像您单击的颜色一样,这可以调整填充的精度。 较低的数字非常精确,而较高的数字将填充,选择或删除与您单击的颜色不太相似的颜色。

The difference is pretty obvious; the left image uses a Tolerance of 5 and no anti-aliasing, while the right uses a tolerance of 40 with anti-aliasing. Simply using the right settings will help you isolate your objects better, if not perfectly.

区别是很明显的。 左图的容差为5,没有抗锯齿,右图的容差为40,有抗锯齿。 简单地使用正确的设置将帮助您更好地隔离对象,即使不是很完美。

从背景中删除模糊对象 (Removing Fuzzy Objects From The Background)

One of the flagship features of Photoshop CS5 is the tools for refining masks with “Smart Radiuses,” to help mask objects accurately and quickly. Some objects, like this butterfly, have soft edges, and are notoriously hard to cut out.

Photoshop CS5的旗舰功能之一是使用“ Smart Radiuses”细化蒙版的工具,可帮助您准确,快速地蒙版对象。 有些物体(如蝴蝶)的边缘较软,并且很难切割。

Let’s take a quick look at the tool for editing masks, and see how we can improve the selection and keep those fuzzy edges.


To start, we’ll keep things rough. This mask obviously is doing a horrible job of actually cutting out this butterfly.

首先,我们将保持粗糙。 这个面具显然在剪掉这只蝴蝶上做得很可怕。

Here’s our layers panel with our mask. This was done with the paint bucket, and simply gives horrid results. We can refine our results with the Mask Panel and “Mask Edge” but it’s a little bit like getting blood from a stone.

这是带有蒙版的图层面板。 这是用油漆桶完成的,仅给出可怕的结果。 我们可以使用“蒙版面板”和“蒙版边缘”优化结果,但这有点像从石头上取血。

The computer struggles to mask out the proper parts of the butterfly and properly isolate the object. While the Edge Detection in Photoshop can be very useful, it’s not a magic, one-size fits all solution. You can safely ignore using the “Refine Mask” tool in the Mask Panel if your results are as poor as this one. For our demonstration purposes, we’re going to use it and show you how we can successfully get a good image out of this bad mask.

计算机努力掩盖蝴蝶的适当部分并正确隔离物体。 尽管Photoshop中的边缘检测功能非常有用,但这并不是一个魔术,一种尺寸适合所有解决方案。 如果您的结果与该结果一样差,则可以放心使用“遮罩面板”中的“ Refine Mask”工具。 出于演示目的,我们将使用它并向您展示如何成功地从此不良蒙版中获得良好的图像。

There is a handy trick to take a rough selection like this one and turn it into a convincing fuzzy-edged object. You’ll want to find the smudge tool buried in your toolbox. Click and hold down the Blur Tool until you can switch to the Smudge Tool.

有一个方便的技巧可以进行像这样的粗略选择,然后将其变成令人信服的模糊边缘对象。 您将要找到埋在工具箱中的涂抹工具。 单击并按住“模糊工具”,直到可以切换到“涂抹工具”。

There are a lot of settings, and you may have to experiment with the ones that suit you best, but the most important is the “Strength” of the Smudge Tool. You may need significantly less than 100% if you’re using the mouse–if you’re using a pressure sensitive tablet, you’ll be able to control the strength much more accurately, and will likely want a high setting.

有很多设置,您可能必须尝试最适合您的设置,但最重要的是“涂抹”工具的“强度”。 如果使用鼠标,则可能需要少于100%的压力-如果您使用的是压力感应平板电脑,则可以更加精确地控制强度,并且可能需要较高的设置。

Here’s the butterfly isolated into its own layer. The mask has been “Applied” so that the layer is rendered this way, so that we can make changes to the edges.You won’t be able to smudge the edges this way unless the Layer Mask has been applied. Save yourself the frustration and make sure you do this!

这是孤立在其自身图层中的蝴蝶。 蒙版已被“应用”,以便以此方式渲染图层,以便我们可以更改边缘。 除非已应用“图层蒙版”,否则您将无法以这种方式弄脏边缘。 拯救自己的挫败感,并确保您做到这一点!

Simply click and drag to smudge and paint a fuzzy edge, recreating the softness of the butterfly, without all the ugly white pixels.


If you do this around all of the edges that need to be fuzzy and soft, you’ll get a very convincing cutout of the object that will look good on all colors and backgrounds. It may not be exactly the way the original image looked, but it does look similar effects in a fraction of the time it would take to properly use channels to remove the image.

如果在需要模糊和柔和的所有边缘周围进行此操作,则会得到非常令人信服的对象裁切效果,该裁切效果在所有颜色和背景下都看起来不错。 它可能不完全是原始图像的外观,但是在正确使用通道删除图像所需的时间中,它看起来确实具有相似的效果。

快速补偿粗糙的白色边缘 (Quickly Compensating for Rough, White Edges)

One of the toughest challenges is taking an object that was photographed on a white background and putting it seamlessly on a dark one. Let’s take a look at some tricks to do just that.

最艰巨的挑战之一是拍摄在白色背景上拍摄的物体并将其无缝地放在黑暗的物体上。 让我们看一些实现这一目的的技巧。

The magic wand was used here to delete the white background, and then the layer with the tigers was put on top of a solid black background to test the edges. Yikes.

此处使用魔术棒删除白色背景,然后将带有老虎的图层放在纯黑色背景上以测试边缘。 kes

Depending on the situation and how simple the object is, setting a “Blending Option” can hide a lot of these ugly edges. Right click your layer (in this case, the layer with the tigers) to pick “Blending Options.”

根据情况和对象的简单程度,设置“混合选项”可以隐藏很多这些难看的边缘。 右键单击您的图层(在本例中为带有老虎的图层)以选择“混合选项”。

This is the effect you want: “Inner Glow.” Click the check-box to turn it on, then we’ll make adjustments to use it properly.

这就是您想要的效果:“内发光”。 点击复选框将其打开,然后我们将进行调整以正确使用它。

You can use either “Blend Mode” of Normal or Darken to do this properly. The basic idea is to use a color in the image itself, and use the “Inner Glow to darken or mask out the white pixel border, making it more invisible.

您可以使用“正常”或“变暗”的“混合模式”正确执行此操作。 基本思想是在图像本身中使用一种颜色,并使用“内部发光”使白色像素边框变暗或变暗,使其更加不可见。

This can work for simple objects. These tigers are improved by this layer effect, but aren’t perfect–note how the white leg is turning orange-brown in inappropriate areas. If your object doesn’t have trouble spots like this, you can simply stop here. But, for this how to, we’ll undo our Inner Glow effect and try something slightly different.

这可以用于简单的对象。 这些老虎通过这种分层效果得到了改善,但并不完美-请注意在不适当的地方白腿如何变成橙棕色。 如果您的物体没有这样的麻烦点,您可以在这里停下来。 但是,对于这种方法,我们将取消“内发光”效果,并尝试一些稍有不同的方法。

We’ll start over again by reverting back to our roughly cut out tigers. We’ll create a layer and selectively paint in color to improve those edges on the dark background.

我们将重新回到大致切割的老虎上来重新开始。 我们将创建一个图层并有选择地绘画颜色以改善深色背景上的那些边缘。

We create a layer (Ctrl + Shift+ N) on top of our cut out tiger, then set that layer to a Clipping Mask for the tiger layer. You can do this by going to Layer > Create Clipping Mask. Then set your Blending Mode (shown on the right) to “Darken” for best results.

我们在切出的老虎的顶部创建一个图层(Ctrl + Shift + N),然后将该图层设置为Tiger图层的Clipping Mask。 您可以通过“图层”>“创建剪贴蒙版”来完成此操作。 然后将混合模式(如右图所示)设置为“变暗”以获得最佳效果。

We grab the eyedropper tool to pick a color from within the artwork.


Then paint over the edges that look too white and obviously out of place. Use darker colors to paint if necessary, particularly if you’re intending your image to be on a dark background.

然后在看起来太白且明显不适当的边缘上油漆。 如有必要,请使用较深的颜色进行绘画,尤其是当您打算将图像放在深色背景上时。

Use the eyedropper to grab lighter colors when you’re working on areas that need to look lighter–use your own discretion on what looks better.


While many will defend the Pen Tool (to the death, even) as the perfect way to remove objects, the fact remains that a combination of the Wand, Bucket Fill, or Magic Eraser are the most user friendly way to remove a background. And when using those tools, you can almost be certain to have to use the eraser or paint brush to clean up ugly mess like this from your edges. This can give you an opportunity to further improve those edges by using a soft brush to delete out the worst, most jaggy parts of them. See below.

尽管许多人会捍卫钢笔工具(甚至杀死)作为删除对象的完美方法,但事实是,将魔杖,水桶填充或魔术橡皮擦组合使用是删除背景的最人性化方法。 使用这些工具时,几乎可以肯定必须使用橡皮擦或油漆刷从边缘清除像这样的丑陋杂物。 这可以使您有机会通过使用软笔刷删除最差,最锯齿的部分来进一步改善这些边缘。 见下文。

With the combination of these techniques, you can remove the background from your image fairly quickly, and get a nice result as well.


Got questions about the techniques, or have your own methods you care to share? Tell us about them in the comments, or send them to ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com.

对技术有疑问,或者您想分享自己的方法? 在评论中告诉我们有关它们的信息,或发送至ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com 。

Image Credits: Darter Anhinga Melanogaster by Fir002, available under GNU license. Graphium Macleayanus by JJ Harrison, available under GNU License. Panthera Tigris at the Buffalo Zoo by Dave Pape, in public domain.

图片来源:Fir002的Darter Anhinga Melanogaster,已获得GNU许可。 JJ Harrison提供的Graphium Macleayanus,可在GNU许可下获得。 戴夫·帕佩(Dave Pape)在布法罗动物园的Panthera Tigris,在公共领域。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/76383/3-easy-tips-to-fix-ugly-edges-when-removing-backgrounds/



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