
A  fantastic  movie.

The story

The story happened in 2805, because of the excessive damage to the environment, the earth at this time has become as a large garbage ball floating in space, humans have moved to the spacecraft, and hired Buy N Large to remove garbage on the earth, waiting for the day of garbage clean up, come back to the earth.

So Buy N Large to earth to the delivery of a large number of robots garbage, but the robot is not suitable for the earth's environment, are gradually broken, finally, only one robot is still day in and day out procedures in accordance with the scheduled garbage.

Clearly this is an impossible task. So after a hundred years, the robot to collect a lot of artificial objects, which make it like a videotape -- musical "starring Barbara Streisand, Hello Dolly".

With the passage of time, the only remaining robots have a sense of self, began to feel lonely. One day a spaceship landed it was almost over their heads, an advanced robot Eve came to earth in charge of search for something, the garbage robot "love" on Eve, but it is faced with a choice, along with Eve and the spacecraft to leave the earth, or continue in accordance with the default command to go pick garbage. Of course it is the last choice and Eve leave together, into space, but the show has just begun......

Main character


Search palnt on earth

More intelligence

Human living

Place where EVA comes from.

Manage daily affairs of the Axiom

Getting fatter and fatter like any  other man in the ship

Take the journey of home

The story line

Wall-e and Eva meet on earth

They become familiar.

Wall-e show his collection to Eva.

Eve get into Dormant state

Wall-e try his best to wake Eva.

Eva was taken back.

Wall-e go after she.

Eva take the plant to the Aiom.

People struggle with the bad robot:Auto.

Mark on the journey home

Back to earth

Wall-e takes Eva’s hand just like human do.

Wonderful dialogue

Captain:Out there is our home. HOME, AUTO! And it's in trouble. I can't just sit here and do nothing. That's all I've ever done. That's all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done. Nothing!

AUTO: On the Axiom you will survive.

Captain:I don't want to survive. I want to live!

Main item

Evoke passion for love


Obesity  problem


the earth is our only home, we must love our earth, protect our environment!

Thanks for your watching!

That’s all.







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