
The history of robots

By: Li Longjiang


The history of robots

The first stage-Theoretical Development(1920-1948)

1920 Czechoslovak Writers Karel Capek “Luo Samu‘s universal robot” was first mentioned in Robota (Czech “drudgery, servitude”) Robotnik (Polish, intended for the “workers”), create a “robot” is the word.

1942 American science fiction writer Asimov put forward the "Three Laws of Robotics."

1948 Robert Wiener published "Cybernetics", Offered to the computer as the core of automated factory.

The history of robots

Three Laws of Robotics

The first rule  Robot may not injure a human, or sit back and do nothing hurt humans; The second rule  Unless contrary to the first rule, the robot must obey human orders; The third rule  Without prejudice to the first and second law, the robot must protect themselves.

The history of robots

The first stage- Theoretical evelopment (1954-1978)

1954 American George Dvorkin create the world's first programmable robot, and registered patents. 1959 Dvorkin and American inverntor Joseph Ying Ge Bogeinvernt the first industrial robot and found a robot copany- Unimation.


The history of robots

The second stage - Technology development (1954-1978)

1962-1963 Application of sensors to improve the operability of the robot.

1965 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory developed the Beast robot

1969 Japan’s Wsaseda University developed the first robot to walk with its feet.

1978 Unimation company developed industrial robot PUMA which means the industrial robot technology has fully matured.

The history of robots

The third stage - Intelligent robotics development (1984-?)

1997 Honda demonstrated the Intelligent robotics ASIMO 。

The history of robots

The third stage - Intelligent robotics development (1984-?)

The history of robots

The third stage - Intelligent robotics development (1984-?)

The purpose of creating robots

Thousands of years we human are burdened by heavy labor. And today there is a trend for us to solve the problem step by step since the robot was invented.

The purpose of creating robots


Implementation of the robot is automatic machine device. It can accept human command, and can run a pre-arranged program, also based on the principles of artificial intelligence techniques to develop programs of action.

Its mission is to assist or replace human work, such as manufacturing, construction, or dangerous work .

Classification of robots

Civilian robot: help people live better

Industrial robot: increase the efficient of manufacture

military robot : avoid death

Special robot: do special jobs

Classification of robots

Civilian robot -help us do job in everyday life.

Classification of robots

Industrial robot - the carrier robot hold  Lamborghini in the production line.

Classification of robots

Industrial robot - the carrier robot hold  Lamborghini in the production line.

Classification of robots

military robot :

military robot help the army to avoid death in battle and beat the enemy efficiently.

Classification of robots

Special robot: for special use. Agriculture. geography. Rescue.

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Robot Photo View

Thank You!


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