excel 中vb组合框

With Excel VBA programming, you can add a Combo Box to the worksheet, to show a data validation list. Usually a single column combo box is enough, like this list of weekdays, but sometimes a multi-column Excel combo box is better.

使用Excel VBA编程,可以将组合框添加到工作表中 ,以显示数据验证列表。 通常,像这样的工作日列表,单列组合框就足够了,但是有时多列Excel组合框会更好。

单列或多列组合框 (Single or Multi-Column Combo Box)

First, here is a single column combo box, showing a list of weekday names.


In some cases, it's helpful to have a multi-column combo box. For example, instead of a single-column list with just the product codes, you could show the product names in another column.

在某些情况下,使用多列组合框会很有帮助。 例如,您可以在另一列中显示产品名称,而不是仅包含产品代码的单列列表。

That way, people will know exactly what they're selecting, without memorizing a long list of product codes.


Then, when you select an item from the drop down list, only the product code is added to the worksheet cell.


查询清单 (The Lookup Lists)

On another worksheet, there are two named ranges – ToolList (A1:A7) and ToolListFull (A1:B7).

在另一个工作表上,有两个命名范围– ToolList(A1:A7)和ToolListFull(A1:B7)。

The ToolListFull range is used as the ListFillRange for the Combo Box, and ToolList is used for the data validation list.


组合框设置 (Combo Box Settings)

To show two columns in the combo box, open its property window, and change its ColumnCount setting to 2.


When you double-click on a data validation cell, event code runs, that finds the list used in the data validation cell.


Then, "Full" is added to that name, to find the list for the combo box.

然后,“ Full”添加到该名称,以查找组合框的列表。

下载样本工作簿 (Download the Sample Workbook)

To see the multi-column combo box, and the code, click this link to download the Multi-Column Combo Box sample file.

要查看多列组合框和代码,请单击此链接以下载“ 多列组合框”样本文件。

The zipped file contains macros, so be sure to enable macros after you unzip the file and open it. _______________

压缩后的文件包含宏,因此请确保在解压缩并打开文件后启用宏。 _______________

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/05/27/multi-column-excel-combo-box/

excel 中vb组合框



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