中文名: 萨布利亚·坦贝肯
外文名: Sabriye Tenberken
国籍: 德国
出生地: 德国
出生日期: 1970年
职业: “盲文无国界”组织创始人
毕业院校: 波恩大学
主要成就: 创建“盲文无国界”组织
获奖一: 国际友谊奖
获奖二: 2009感动中国十大人物


  感动中国推选委员会委员 涂光晋这样评价她:

1.来看萨布利亚·坦贝肯的视频,cctv3诗歌散文在07年就放过这位天使的故事看看这个土豆视频:感动中国 萨布利亚·坦贝肯 具体事例

Sabriye Tenberken

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Sabriye Tenberken (born 1970) is a German socialworker and co-founder of the organisation Braille Without Borders.



  • 1 Biography

    • 1.1 Braille for the Tibetan language
    • 1.2 A school for the blind
    • 1.3 Braille Without Borders (BWB)
  • 2 Honours and awards
  • 3 Appearances in films/talk shows
  • 4 Bibliography
  • 5 References
  • 6 External links

[edit] Biography

Sabriye was born near Bonn, Germany, and she became gradually visually impaired and completely blind by the age of thirteen due to retinal disease. She studied Central Asian Studies at Bonn University. In addition to Mongolian and modern Chinese, she studied modern and classical Tibetan in combination with Sociology and Philosophy.

[edit] Braille for the Tibetan language

As no blind student had ever before ventured to enroll in this kind of studies, she could not fall back on the experience of previous students,so she developed her own methods of studying her course of studying. It was thus that a Tibetan Braille script for the blind was developed in 1992, which became the official script for the blind in Tibet.

This script combines the principles of the Braille system with the special features of the Tibetan syllable-based script. This script for the blind was submitted for close examination to an eminent Tibetan scholar, who found it to be readily understandable, simple, and easy to learn. As Tibetans at the time had no script for the blind, he suggested to Sabriye that she let blind Tibetans make use of it.

[edit] A school for the blind

In 1997, Sabriye travelled to Tibet alone in order to assess the situation of the blind there. Returning in 1998, she founded the Centre for the Blind in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, to educate blind people. Before, the blind had not been able to attend school.

The centre started with education of five children with Sabriye initially teaching the children herself as well as her duties of coordinator and advisor. She then became responsible for the training of native Tibetans as teachers and trainers for the blind and she selected and supervised all staff-members.

The project's progress was not without difficulties - local Tibetans would at times cheat Sabriye, taking advantage of her blindness; many European foundations did not offer Sabriye help believing that a girl who herself was blind could not be successful with such a project, and promised funds from a German association for the blind did not materialize. Sabriye was assisted by Paul Kronenberg who had been working for the Red Cross in Shigatse. In 1998 Paul joined Sabriye in establishing the Project for the Blind, Tibet.

[edit] Braille Without Borders (BWB)

Main article: Braille Without Borders

In September 2002 the project adopted the name Braille Without Borders.

In addition to the school in Lhasa BWB runs a farm and cheese factory for the vocational training of adults near Shigatse and is planning the International School for Development and Project Planning near Trivandrum, India.

[edit] Honours and awards

  • 2000-03-08 elected Woman of the Year by members of the International Women's Club, Frankfurt, Germany (Elisabeth Norgall Award)
  • 2000-08 received the Zilveren Jandaia (together with Paul Kronenberg), a Dutch award for people who improve conditions in developing countries
  • 2000-12-08 received the Charity Bambi award of German Media for the documentary film Mit anderen Augen (English: With Other Eyes)
  • 2002-09-01, received the Albert Schweitzer Award of the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Foundation in Basel, Switzerland, together with Paul Kronenberg, handed over by the 80 year-old daughter of Albert Schweitzer
  • 2002-09 received Nuremberg Teddy for Humanity together with Paul Kronenberg
  • 2003-10-07 was knighted alongside Paul Kronenberg in the Order of Oranje-Nassau in the name of the Queen of The Netherlands
  • 2004-02-26 received a Christopher award for her book My Path Leads to Tibet
  • 2004-10-26 received the Time magazine European HERO 2004 award
  • 2004-11-10 received the Time magazine Asia's HERO 2004 award
  • 2005-01-29 chosen Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economy Forum
  • 2005-03-02 Leila Hadley Luce Award for Courage of the World Wings Quest Trust Women of Discovery Awards
  • 2005-10-05 awarded the Bundes Verdienstkreuz, highest German order from the German president Dr. Horst Köhler
  • 2005-12 awarded the National Fundraising Award in Berlin, Germany, together with Paul Kronenberg, for fundraising methods emphasizing the strengths and motivation of blind people rather than appealing to donors' pity
  • 2006-10 Sabriye and Braille Without Borders were honored as Laureates of the Mother Teresa Award
  • 2008-10 the National Braille Press in Boston handed Sabriye the “Hands On Award” for her book My Path Leads to Tibet.
  • 2008-10 Sabriye was awarded with the “Goldene Bild der Frau” Award in Germany. The award was given by Germany's largest women’s magazine Bild der Frau.
  • 2008-12 out of the hands of Geraldine Chaplin, Sabriye Tenberken received the Life Award in Austria.
  • 2008-12 Sabriye Tenberken was chosen as one of 15 most influential overseas experts over the past 30 years in China.
  • 2009-04 Sabriye Tenberken received the "Marburger Leuchtfeuer" from the Humanistische Union(HU) and the city of Marburg
  • 2010-02 Sabriye Tenberken was chosen as one of "Those who Moved China in 2009" ("感动中国 2009 年年度人物评选", Gandong Zhongguo) by CCTV.[1]

[edit] Appearances in films/talk shows

  • 2000 Documentary film titled Mit anderen Augen (German for "With Other Eyes") about the Braille Without Borders project. (This won Sabriye the 2000 Charity Bambi Award.)
  • 2005-08-15 talk show for CCTV 9 in Beijing, China
  • 2005-10-17 guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show titled 8 Women Oprah Wants You to Know, segment Phenomenal Females: Sabriye Tenberken's Journey
  • 2006 release of the documentary film Blindsight about the climbing project with Erik Weihenmayer and teens from the School for the Blind/Lhasa in the Himalaya

[edit] Bibliography

  • Sabriye Tenberken (2000) My Path Leads to Tibet, Arcade Publishing. ISBN 1-55970-658-9
  • Sabriye Tenberken and Olaf Schubert (2000) Tashis neue Welt, Dressler. ISBN 3-7915-1998-0
  • Sabriye Tenberken (available in late 2006 or early 2007) The Seventh Year - From Tibet to India

[edit] References

  1. ^ 2009年度感动中国人物评选颁奖词, Feb 11th, 2010

[edit] External links

  • Braille Without Borders
  • Braille Without Borders' founders
  • Bio page on the Climbing Blind website
  • Wings Trust "Women of Discovery" Awards
  • Bio on the PeaceWomen Across the Globe website - 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Sabriye Tenberken - Blind, Yet A Visionary - 2004 TIMEasia Magazine: Asia's Heroes - 20 under 40
  • Alchemist: The Visionary - TIME Europe | Heroes 2004
  • Article about Braille Without Borders on China Tibet Information Center website
  • Phenomenal Woman: Sabriye Tenberken an article from O, The Oprah Magazine


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