

1 假设有一支枪在摄像机位置(0,1,-10),在(0,0,0-10-20)放置三个小球作为距离标记,调整视角直到小球在下中部

2 将鼠标所在平面坐标,转换为子弹(球体)射出的角度方向。子弹使用物理引擎,初速度恒定。(U3d 坐标变换: http://www.cnblogs.com/tekkaman/p/3809409.html )

Vector3 mp = Input.mousePosition; //get Screen Position

print (mp.ToString());

Vector3 mp1 = cam.camera.ScreenToViewportPoint (mp);

mp1.z = 10; //距摄像头 10 位置立面

mp1 = cam.camera.ViewportToWorldPoint (mp1);

print (mp1.ToString());

3 游戏要分多个 round , 飞碟数量每个 round 都是 n 个,但色彩,大小;发射位置,速度,角度,每次发射数量按预定规则变化。

4 用户按空格后,321倒数3秒,飞碟飞出(物理引擎控制),点击鼠标,子弹飞出。飞碟落地,或被击中,则准备下一次射击。

5 以下是一些技术要求:

◦ 子弹仅需要一个,不用时处于 deactive 状态

◦ 飞碟用一个带缓存的工厂生产,template 中放置预制的飞碟对象

◦ 程序类图设计大致如下:








using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Com.Mygame;
namespace Com.Mygame {public class DiskFactory: System.Object {private static DiskFactory _instance;private static List<GameObject> diskList;public GameObject diskPrefab;public static DiskFactory getInstance() {  if (_instance == null) {  _instance = new DiskFactory();  diskList = new List<GameObject>();  }  return _instance;  }// 获取可用飞碟id  public int getDisk() {   for (int i = 0; i < diskList.Count; ++i) {  if (!diskList[i].activeInHierarchy) {  return i;   // 飞碟空闲  }  }  // 无空闲飞碟,则实例新的飞碟预设diskList.Add(GameObject.Instantiate(diskPrefab) as GameObject);  return diskList.Count-1;  }// 获取飞碟对象  public GameObject getDiskObject(int id) {  if (id >= 0 && id < diskList.Count) {  return diskList[id];  }  return null;  }// 回收飞碟  public void free(int id) {  if (id >= 0 && id < diskList.Count) {  // 重置飞碟速度  diskList[id].GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero;  // 重置飞碟大小  diskList[id].transform.localScale = diskPrefab.transform.localScale;  diskList[id].SetActive(false);  }  }}
public class DiskFactoryBaseCode : MonoBehaviour {public GameObject disk;  void Awake () {  // 初始化预设对象  DiskFactory.getInstance().diskPrefab = disk;  }



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Com.Mygame;
public class GameModel : MonoBehaviour {public float countDown = 3f;public float timeToEmit;private bool counting;private bool shooting;public bool isCounting() {return counting;}public bool isShooting() {return shooting;}private List<GameObject> disks = new List<GameObject> ();private List<int> diskIds = new List<int> ();private int diskScale;private Color diskColor;private Vector3 emitPosition;private Vector3 emitDirection;private float emitSpeed;private int emitNumber;private bool emitEnable;private SceneController scene;void Awake() {scene = SceneController.getInstance ();scene.setGameModel (this);}public void setting(int scale, Color color, Vector3 emitPos, Vector3 emitDir, float speed, int num) {diskScale = scale;diskColor = color;emitPosition = emitPos;emitDirection = emitDir;emitSpeed = speed;emitNumber = num;}public void prepareToEmitDisk() {if (!counting && !shooting) {timeToEmit = countDown;emitEnable = true;}}void emitDisks() {for (int i = 0; i < emitNumber; i++) {diskIds.Add (DiskFactory.getInstance ().getDisk ());disks.Add (DiskFactory.getInstance ().getDiskObject (diskIds [i]));disks [i].transform.localScale *= diskScale;disks [i].GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = diskColor;disks [i].transform.position = new Vector3 (emitPosition.x, emitPosition.y + i, emitPosition.z);disks [i].SetActive (true);disks [i].GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddForce (emitDirection * Random.Range (emitSpeed * 5, emitSpeed * 10) / 10, ForceMode.Impulse);}}void freeDisk(int i) {DiskFactory.getInstance ().free (diskIds [i]);disks.RemoveAt (i);diskIds.RemoveAt (i);}void FixedUpdate() {if (timeToEmit > 0) {counting = true;timeToEmit -= Time.deltaTime;} else {counting = false;if (emitEnable) {emitDisks ();emitEnable = false;shooting = true;}}}// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {for (int i = 0; i < disks.Count; i++) {if (!disks [i].activeInHierarchy) {scene.getJudge ().scoreADisk ();freeDisk (i);} else if (disks [i].transform.position.y < 0) {scene.getJudge ().failADisk ();freeDisk (i);}}if (disks.Count == 0) {shooting = false;}}



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Com.Mygame;
namespace Com.Mygame {// Com.Mygame内添加public interface IUserInterface {void emitDisk();}public interface IQueryStatus {bool isCounting();bool isShooting();int getRound();int getPoint();int getEmitTime();}public class SceneController : System.Object, IQueryStatus, IUserInterface {private static SceneController _instance;private GameModel _gameModel;private SceneControllerBaseCode _baseCode;private int _round;private int _point;public static SceneController getInstance() {if (_instance == null) {_instance = new SceneController ();}return _instance;}public void setSceneControllerBaseCode (SceneControllerBaseCode obj) {_baseCode = obj;}  internal SceneControllerBaseCode getSceneControllerBC() {return _baseCode;} public void setGameModel(GameModel obj) {_gameModel = obj;}// 当前程序或派生类可用internal GameModel getGameModel() {return _gameModel;}public void emitDisk() {_gameModel.prepareToEmitDisk ();}public bool isCounting() {return _gameModel.isCounting ();}public bool isShooting() {return _gameModel.isShooting ();}public int getRound() {return _round;}public int getPoint() {return _point;}public int getEmitTime() {return (int)_gameModel.timeToEmit + 1;}public void setPoint(int point) {_point = point;}public void nextRound() {_point = 0;}}
public class SceneControllerBaseCode : MonoBehaviour {  private Color color;  private Vector3 emitPos;  private Vector3 emitDir;  private float speed;  void Awake() {  SceneController.getInstance().setSceneControllerBaseCode(this);  }  void Start() {color = Color.green;  emitPos = new Vector3(-2.5f, 0.2f, -5f);  emitDir = new Vector3(24.5f, 40.0f, 67f);  speed = 4;SceneController.getInstance().getGameModel().setting(1, color, emitPos, emitDir.normalized, speed, 1);  }


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using Com.Mygame;
public class UserInterface : MonoBehaviour {public Text mainText;public Text scoreText;public Text roundText;private int round;public GameObject bullet;public ParticleSystem explosion;public float fireRate = .25f;public float speed = 500f;private float nextFireTime;private IUserInterface userInt;private IQueryStatus queryInt;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {bullet = GameObject.Instantiate (bullet) as GameObject;explosion = GameObject.Instantiate (explosion) as ParticleSystem;userInt = SceneController.getInstance () as IUserInterface;queryInt = SceneController.getInstance () as IQueryStatus;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {if (queryInt.isCounting ()) {mainText.text = ((int)queryInt.getEmitTime ()).ToString ();} else {if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space)) {userInt.emitDisk ();}if (queryInt.isShooting ()) {mainText.text = " ";} else {mainText.text = "Press space";}if (queryInt.isShooting() && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0) && Time.time > nextFireTime) {nextFireTime = Time.time + fireRate;Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity = Vector3.zero;bullet.transform.position = transform.position;bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddForce (ray.direction * speed, ForceMode.Impulse);RaycastHit hit;if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit) && hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Disk") {explosion.transform.position = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position;explosion.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color;explosion.Play ();hit.collider.gameObject.SetActive (false);}}}roundText.text = " Round: " + queryInt.getRound ().ToString ();scoreText.text = " Score: " + queryInt.getPoint ().ToString ();if (round != queryInt.getRound ()) {round = queryInt.getRound ();mainText.text = "Round: " + round.ToString() + "!";}}



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Com.Mygame;  public class Judge : MonoBehaviour {  public int oneDiskScore = 10;  public int oneDiskFail = 10;  public int disksToWin = 4;  private SceneController scene;  void Awake() {  scene = SceneController.getInstance();  scene.setJudge(this);  }  void Start() {  scene.nextRound();  // 默认开始第一关  }  // 击中飞碟得分  public void scoreADisk() {  scene.setPoint(scene.getPoint() + oneDiskScore);  if (scene.getPoint() == disksToWin*oneDiskScore) {  scene.nextRound();  }  }  // 掉落飞碟失分  public void failADisk() {  scene.setPoint(scene.getPoint() - oneDiskFail);  }


// Com.Mygame内添加public interface IjudgeEvent {void nextRound();void setPoint(int point);}
// 类内部添加并且类继承IjudgeEventprivate Judge _judge;  public void setJudge(Judge obj) { _judge = obj; }  internal Judge getJudge() { return _judge; }


void Update () {for (int i = 0; i < disks.Count; i++) {if (!disks [i].activeInHierarchy) {scene.getJudge ().scoreADisk ();freeDisk (i);} else if (disks [i].transform.position.y < 0) {scene.getJudge ().failADisk ();freeDisk (i);}}if (disks.Count == 0) {shooting = false;}}



public void loadRoundData(int round) {  switch(round) {  case 1:     // 第一关  color = Color.green;  emitPos = new Vector3(-2.5f, 0.2f, -5f);  emitDir = new Vector3(24.5f, 40.0f, 67f);  speed = 4;  SceneController.getInstance().getGameModel().setting(1, color, emitPos, emitDir.normalized, speed, 1);  break;  case 2:     // 第二关  color = Color.red;  emitPos = new Vector3(2.5f, 0.2f, -5f);  emitDir = new Vector3(-24.5f, 35.0f, 67f);  speed = 4;  SceneController.getInstance().getGameModel().setting(1, color, emitPos, emitDir.normalized, speed, 2);  break;case 3:     // 第二关  color = Color.yellow;  emitPos = new Vector3(2.5f, 0.2f, -5f);  emitDir = new Vector3(-24.5f, 35.0f, 67f);  speed = 4;  SceneController.getInstance().getGameModel().setting(1, color, emitPos, emitDir.normalized, speed, 3);  break;  }  }






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