题目链接:B - Hard Calculation (atcoder.jp)

Problem Statement

You are given positive integers A and B.
Let us calculate A+B (in decimal). If it does not involve a carry, print Easy; if it does, print Hard.


  • A and B are integers.
  • 1≤A,B≤1018


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If the calculation does not involve a carry, print Easy; if it does, print Hard.

Sample Input 1

229 390

Sample Output 1


When calculating 229+390, we have a carry from the tens digit to the hundreds digit, so the answer is Hard.

Sample Input 2

123456789 9876543210

Sample Output 2


We do not have a carry here; the answer is Easy.
Note that the input may not fit into a 32-bit integer.



using namespace std;int main(){long long a, b;cin >> a >> b;bool flag = 0;while(a && b && !flag){int ans = a % 10;int cnt = b % 10;if(ans + cnt >= 10){flag = 1;break;}a /= 10;b /= 10;}if(flag){cout << "Hard" << endl;}else{cout << "Easy" << endl;}return 0;

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