题目链接:C - Final Day (atcoder.jp)

Problem Statement

N students are taking a 4-day exam.

There is a 300-point test on each day, for a total of 1200 points.

The first three days of the exam are already over, and the fourth day is now about to begin. The i-th student (1≤i≤N) gotPi,j​ points on the j-th day (1≤j≤3).

For each student, determine whether it is possible that he/she is ranked in the top K after the fourth day.
Here, the rank of a student after the fourth day is defined as the number of students whose total scores over the four days are higher than that of the student, plus 1.


  • 1≤K≤N≤105
  • 0≤Pi,j​≤300(1≤i≤N,1≤j≤3)
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

P1,1​ P1,2​ P1,3​
PN,1​ PN,2​ PN,3​


Print N lines. The i-th line (1≤i≤N) should contain Yes if it is possible that the i-th student is ranked in the top K after the fourth day, and No otherwise.

Sample Input 1 Copy

3 1
178 205 132
112 220 96
36 64 20

Sample Output 1 Copy


If every student scores 100 on the fourth day, the 1-st student will rank 1-st.
If the 2-nd student scores 100 and the other students score 0 on the fourth day, the 2-nd student will rank 1-st.
The 3-rd student will never rank 1-st.

Sample Input 2 Copy

2 1
300 300 300
200 200 200

Sample Output 2 Copy


Sample Input 3 Copy

4 2
127 235 78
192 134 298
28 56 42
96 120 250

Sample Output 3 Copy


题意:有n个人参加4场比赛,告诉你前三场比赛的得分(0 - 300),问第四场比完后每一个人有没有成为前k名的可能


using namespace std;int arr[100005];
int b[100005];//用来查找第k个人的成绩 bool cmp(int a, int b){return a > b;
} int main(){int n, k;while(cin >> n >> k){int a;for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){arr[i] = 0;b[i] = 0;for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){cin >> a;arr[i] += a;b[i] += a;}}sort(b + 1, b + n + 1, cmp);int ans = b[k];//记录第k个人的成绩for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){if(arr[i] + 300 >= ans){cout << "Yes" << endl;}else{cout << "No" << endl; }}}return 0;

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