mplayer 播放电台

MPlayer is a great movie player. SSH is a great tool to connect and transfer data over the network securely. Combining these 2 great tools together will be greater. You may already has a small server storing some movies or videos or music and playing them on your laptop will be convenient. In this post, we will introduce three methods to play movie using MPlayer over SSH.

MPlayer是一个很棒的电影播放器。 SSH是一个很好的工具,可以通过网络安全地连接和传输数据。 将这两个出色的工具组合在一起将变得更大。 您可能已经拥有一台小型服务器,用于存储一些电影,视频或音乐,在笔记本电脑上播放它们会很方便。 在本文中,我们将介绍通过SSH使用MPlayer播放电影的三种方法。

Here, we use the example that we want to play the movie file ~/movie.mp4 on

在这里,我们以要在user@example.org上播放电影文件〜/ movie.mp4的示例为例。

X11转发∞ (X11 forwarding ∞)

Use the -X option of the ssh client, we can enable X11 forwarding. (Read: ssh manual)

使用ssh客户端的-X选项,我们可以启用X11转发。 (阅读: ssh手册 )

ssh -X mplayer ~/movie.mp4

The command is straightforward and you can also just connect to the remove server and invoke mplayer anytime you like. The drawback here is that there is no sound.

该命令非常简单,您也可以随时连接到删除服务器并调用mplayer。 这里的缺点是没有声音。

将ssh用作数据传输隧道∞ (Use ssh as a data transfer tunnel ∞)

MPlayer can play content from STDIN. We can use ssh to transfer the movie file

MPlayer可以播放STDIN中的内容。 我们可以使用ssh传输电影文件

ssh cat ~/movie.mp4 | mplayer -

This is also handy. The drawback is that you can not seek back when you play the movie.

这也很方便。 缺点是播放电影时无法找回。

挂载远程目录通过ssh ∞ (Mount remote directory over ssh ∞)

This method is my favorite one.


We can mount a remote directory over ssh to our laptop (e.g. ~/remote) by:

我们可以通过ssh将远程目录挂载到我们的笔记本电脑(例如〜/ remote),方法是:

sshfs ~/remote

Read more on mount remote folder by ssh at Mounting Remote Folder Through SSH.


Then you can just use MPlayer open the movie under ~/remote by:

然后,您可以使用MPlayer打开〜/ remote下的影片:

mplayer ~/remote/movie.mp4


mplayer 播放电台

mplayer 播放电台_通过SSH的MPlayer从远程主机播放电影相关推荐

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