

a-, ab-, abs- (Latin: from, away, away from; used as a prefix).

This prefix is normally used with elements of Latin and French origins (abs- usually joins elements beginning with c, q or t).

The form ab- is regularly used before all vowels and h; and it becomes a- before the consonants m, p, and v. The prefix apo- has similar meanings.

ad- (Latin: to, a direction toward, addition to, near; used as a prefix).

ad- appears before vowels and before the consonants d, h, j, m, and v:

agri-, agrio- (Greek > Latin: fields).

“Wild, savage; living in the fields” through Latin, ager, agri.

amat-, amor-, am- (Latin: love, loving; fondness for).

ami-, amic- (Latin: friend).

ambi-, amb- (Latin: both, on both sides; around, about).

ambul-, ambulat-, -ambulate, -ambulating, -ambulation -ambulator, -ambulatory, -ambulant, -ambulic, -ambulism, -ambulist (Latin: walk, take steps,

move around; from “to wander, to go astray”).

anima-, anim- (Latin: animal life; breath; soul; mind).

Anima- is “a living being” from a Latin form meaning, “of air, having a spirit, living”, which in turn comes from another form meaning, “breath of air, air, soul, life”.

anni-, annu-, enni- (Latin: year, yearly).

ante-, anti-, ant- (Latin: before, in front of, prior to, forward; used as a prefix).

Compare this element with anti-, meaning “against”. Anti-, with the meaning of “before”, is found in very few words, such as: “antipasto” (from Italian). and “anticipate” with its various forms, plus a few scientific terms.

aqua-, aquatic-, aqui-, aqu-, -aquatically, aque-, -aqueous (Latin: water).

audio-, aud-, audi-, audit- (Latin: hearing, listening, perception of sounds).

bene-, ben-, beni- (Latin: good, well) and bon- (Latin: good).

brevi-, brev- [brie-, bri-] (Latin: short).

cand-, can-, cend- (Latin: glow; white).

capit-, capt-, ceps-, chapt-, chef, cip-, -cup- (Latin: head, leader, chief, or first).

carno-, carn-, carne-, carni- (Latin: flesh, meat).

celer- (Latin: fast, speed, swift, rapid).

centi-, cent- (Latin: hundred; a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements).

This prefix is used in the metric [decimal] system as, one-hundredth [U.S.] and hundredth [U.K.], and denotes 1/100th of a unit or 10-2 [0.01]. The metric symbol for centi- is c.

-cise, -cis, -cide (Latin: a suffix; to cut, cut).

-cide, -cides, -cidal (Latin: a suffix; kill, killer; murder, to cause death, slayer; cutter; “to cut down”).

Don’t confuse this element with the another -cide that means “to cut”; although -cide, “death”, is related to -cise, -cide, “to cut down”.

circum- (Latin: around, about, surrounding, on all sides; literally, “in a circle”).

com- [co-, cog-, col-, con-, cor-] (Latin: together, with; used as a prefix).

contra-, contro-, counter, contre- (Latin: against, opposed to, opposite, contrary; used as a prefix).

cor-, cord-, cour- (Latin: heart).

corp-, corpor-, corpus- (Latin: body).

cred-, credit-, creed- (Latin: believe, belief, faith, confidence, trust).

cura-, cur- (Latin: heal, cure [care for, give attention to, to take care of]).

cur(r).-, curs-, -course (Latin: run, go).

dei-, div- (Latin: God, god [deity, divine nature]).

adieu (French): Goodbye (literally, “I commend you to god.”).

dento-, dent-, denta-, dentino-, denti-, dentin- (Latin: tooth, teeth).

dic-, dict- (Latin: talk, speak, say, tell, declare).

digit (Latin: finger, toe).

dor-, do-, don- (Greek > Latin: gift).

dorm-, dormi- (Latin: sleep, sleeping).

duo-, du- (Latin: two; a number used as a prefix).

duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement,

ducation (Latin: lead, leading, bring, take, draw).

equ-, equi- (Latin: same, equal, similar, even).

ex- (e-, ef-). (Latin: [out of, from]; [upward]; [completely, entirely]; [to remove from, deprive of]; [without]; [former]; used as a prefix).

extra-, extro- (Latin: beyond, outside, on the outside, outward, external; used as a prefix).

fac-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, fic-, -fy, facil- (Latin: make, do, build, cause, produce; forming, shaping).

fid-, fidel- (Latin: believe, belief, trust, faith).

fin- (Latin: end, last, limit, boundary, border).

flagr- (Latin: fire; burn, blaze).

fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu- (Latin: flow, wave).

fortu-, fortun- (Latin: chance, fate, luck).

frag-, frang-, fract-, fring- (Latin: break).

fug-, -fuge, -fugit (Latin: drive away, flee, fly, run away).

grad-, -grade, -gred, -gree, -gress (Latin: walk, step, take steps, move around; walking or stepping).

grav-, griev- (Latin: heavy, weighty).

habili-, habil- (Latin: clothe, clothing; that which may be easily handled, suitable, fit, proper).

ign-, igni-, ignis- (Latin: fire, burn).

inter- (Latin: between [als among, mutually, together]; used as a prefix).

intra- (Latin: within, inside, on the inside; used as a prefix).

jet-, -ject, -jecting, -jected, -jection, -jector, -jectory; jac- (Latin: throw, send, fling, hurl, cast; gush; spurt).

junct-, jug- (Latin: join, unite, yoke).

lav-, lava-, lavat- (Latin: wash, bathe).

linguo-, lingu-, lingua-, -linguist, -linguistic, -linguistical, -linguistically (Latin: tongue, language).

luco-, luc-, luci-, lux, -lucence, -lucent (Latin: light, shine).

locu-, loc- (Latin: talk, speak, say, word, speech).

lumen-, lumin-, lum- (Latin: light, shine; source).

luna-, luni-, lun-, lunu- (Latin: moon, light, shine).

magni-, magn- (Latin: large, big, great).

mal-, male-, mali- (Latin: bad, badly, harsh, wrong; ill; evil; abnormal, defective).

This combining form has no etymological connection to “male”, meaning “man” or “masculine”; despite what some women may think.

manu-, man-, mani- (Latin: hand).

medio-, medi- (Latin: middle).

migr-, migrat- (Latin: wander, moving).

milli- [MIL i], mille-, mill-, mili- (Latin: thousand; a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements).

In the metric [decimal] system, milli- denotes 1/1 000 of a unit, thousandth [U.S.] and thousandth part [U.K.]; 10-3 [0.001] The metric symbol for milli- is m.

mini-, minor-, minut-, minu- (Latin: small, little).

miss-, -miss, -mis-, -mit, -mitt- (Latin: send, let go, cause to go; throw, hurl, cast).

mort-, mor-, mori- (Latin: death, dead).

multi-, mult- (Latin: many, much; used as a prefix).

nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic (Latin: name).

Don’t confuse this element with the Greek nomo- that means “law”.

non- (Latin: nothing, not).

novo-, nov-, novi- (Latin: new, recent; used as a prefix).

omni-, omn- (Latin: all, every).

pac-, peac-, peas- (Latin: peace, calm).

pari-, par- (Greek: same, equal, equality, equal value). and peer, pair (Latin: same, equal, similar).

pass-, pati- (Latin: suffering, feeling; enduring).

ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia (Latin: foot).

petro-, petr-, petri-, peter- (Greek > Latin: stone, rock).

port-, portat- (Latin: carry, bring, bear).

port- (Latin: door, gate, entrance, harbor).

poten-, pot-, poss-, -potent, -potence, -potency, -potential (Latin: power, strength, ability).

pre- (prae-) (Latin: before [both in time and place]; used as a prefix).

pro-, por- (Greek > Latin: before; forward; for, in favor of; in front of; in place of, on behalf of; used as a prefix).

quir-, quisit-, quis-, que-, quer-, quest-, -quirement, -quirable, -quisition, -quisitive (Latin: ask, seek).

re-, red- (Latin: back, backward, again; used as a prefix).

retro-, retr- (Latin: back, backward, behind; used as a prefix).

rupt-, -rupting, -ruption (Latin: break, tear, rend; burst).

sana-, sani-, san- (Latin: healthy, whole; by extension: cure, heal, take care of).

sci-, -science, -sciently, -scientific, -scientifically, -scient, -sciently (Latin: know, learn, knowledge).

scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive (Latin: write, record).

sec-, seg-, -sect, -section, -sectional (Latin: to cut).

semi- (Latin: half, partly, twice; used as a prefix).

senso-, sens-, sensi-, sensori-, sent- (Latin: feeling, sensation, perception through the senses, be aware, discern by the senses).

sed-, sedat-, -sid, -sess (Latin: sit).

sol-, soli-, solo- (Latin: sun).

soli-, sol- (Latin: one, alone, only).

solv-, -solu-, solut-, -sol, -soluble, -solubility, -solvent (Latin: loosen, dissolve; untie, set free).

sono-, son-, sona-, -sonous, -sonic, -sonically (Latin: sound).

spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective (Latin: see, sight, look, appear, behold, and examine).

spiro-, spir-, spira-, spirat-, -spire, -spiring, -spiration, -spirational (Latin: breath of life, breath, breathing, mind, spirit, courage, “soul”).

stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist, -stasic, -stit- (Greek: standing, stay, make firm, fixed).

stell- (Latin: star).

stru-, struct-, -structure, -struction, -structive (Latin: build, construct, place together, arrange).

sub- (Latin: under, below [suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-]; used as a prefix) andsubter- (Latin: under, beneath, secretly, less than; formed from sub-; used as a prefix).

Don’t confuse the sur- in this element with the sur- in super-. Note: sub- regularly means “under”, but it often changes its form as it retains its meaning:

super-, supra-, sur- (Latin: above, over, more than; excessive).

Sur- is a form of super- formed through the French and shouldn’t be confused with another assimilated sur- form that comes from sub- and means: “under, below, beneath”. In some words, super- is amplified to mean: “on top of; higher in rank or position than; superior to; greater in quality, amount, or degree than others of its kind; to a degree greater than others of its kind; to a degree greater than normal; extra, additional”.

tempo-, tempor- (Latin: time, occasion).

Don’t confuse this tempo- element with other words that refer to the temples, such as the flattened sides of the forehead or the buildings used for religious worship or services. They simply have no connection.

ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence (Latin: hold, grasp, have).

trans-, tran-, tra- (Latin: across, through, over, beyond, on the far side of; used as a prefix).

Don’t confuse the tra- in this element with another tra- in “drag” or “draw”. Trans- becomes tra- before the consonants -d, -j, -l, -m, -n, and -v.

ultra-, ult- (Latin: beyond, on the other side; excessive, to an extreme degree).

uni-, un- (Latin: one, single; a number used as a prefix).

vaga-, vag- (Latin: wander, move around).

veloci-, veloc-, velo- (Latin: fast, speed, swift, and rapid).

veri-, ver- (Latin: true, truth, real, truthfulness).

verg-, -vergent, -vergence (Latin: bend, curve, turn, tend toward, incline).

vers-, vert-, -verse, -version, -version, -versation, -versary, -vert, vort-, vors- (Latin: bend, turn).

via- [-vey, -voy-] (Latin: way, road, path).

vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu- (Latin: see, sight, view, look, perceive).

vir-, viri-, virtu-(Latin: man, manliness; manhood; husband).

vita-, vito-, vit- (Latin: life, living, pertaining to life, essential to life).

voc-, voca-, vocat-, -vocation, -vocative, -vocable, vok-, -voke (Latin: call, talk, speak, say, voice, word).

volen-, volunt-, voli-, vol- (Latin: will, free will, free choice; wish, personal desire).

volv-, volu-, -volve, volut-, -volute, -volution (Latin: bend, curve, turn, twist, roll).

vor-, vora-, -vore, -vorous, -vores, -vora, -vory (Latin: eat, consume, devour).


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