多维度空间,是打破静止或运动 状态而产生的。
从三维空间,要产生四位的空间,也是 在三位坐标或物体,在运动方向上,垂直产生的坐标空间,可认为是四位空间。
最简单的四位空间,就是镜子前 的目标和镜子构成的空间(本质是光的运动,构建了两种状态的打破方法),当目标靠镜子前进,镜子里的物体会向着相反方向运动,阻碍状态的变化,这个整个状态,都是由光构建的,所以,这里光是否有构建整个四维空间的能力。
那目前是3维物体, 摆在我们面前的是四维的空间,(你可以说是镜像,但我不这样理解),这个 四维空间,有点类似于量子力学的量子纠缠,两个量子,我估计是处在四维空间内的,一个量子状态改变,另外一个量子会朝其阻碍其发展的方向改变,同时产生高维时空,在高维时空,才可能有超光速的响应。

The idea of going from three-dimensional space to four-dimensional space
The point moves along a certain direction and becomes a line and a one-dimensional space. The point may be stationary or moving. To break these two states, when it is in the process of breaking the state, it can generate or construct a space with higher latitude than it is on the plane perpendicular to its motion direction.

From one dimension to two dimensions, it is also one dimension. If you want to break the two states, you will produce a higher dimensional space.

Multidimensional space is produced by breaking the static or moving state.

From the three-dimensional space, it is necessary to generate the four bit space, which is also the coordinate space generated vertically in the three-bit coordinate or object in the direction of motion, which can be considered as the four bit space.

The simplest four dimensional space is the space composed of the target in front of the mirror and the mirror (the essence is the movement of light, which constructs the breaking method of two states). When the target moves forward by the mirror, the objects in the mirror will move in the opposite direction and hinder the change of state. The whole state is constructed by light, so, Here, whether light has the ability to build the whole four-dimensional space.

At present, it is a three-dimensional object. In front of us is a four-dimensional space (you can say it is a mirror image, but I don’t understand it this way). This four-dimensional space is a bit similar to the quantum entanglement of quantum mechanics. I estimate that two quanta are in a four-dimensional space. One quantum state changes, and the other quantum will change in the direction that hinders its development, At the same time, it produces high-dimensional space-time. Only in high-dimensional space-time can there be a response to the speed of light.

One speed light shines vertically on the mirror. In its vertical direction, it has generated a high-dimensional space, which hinders its change. When it reaches the mirror, according to the principle, the speed of light in the period of refraction will accelerate, because its state is changed, it will generate a high-dimensional space to accelerate its speed, so that the light can accelerate, because its state is blocked by the mirror. At this time, the generated acceleration space, I think, is a four bit space or a four bit space superimposed on a three-dimensional space. As for whether the mirror constructs a four-dimensional space, I think so. Our image information enters through light energy, but our consciousness cannot enter.


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