Follow up for problem "Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node".

What if the given tree could be any binary tree?

Would your previous solution still work?


  • You may only use constant extra space.

For example,
Given the following binary tree,

         1/  \2    3/ \    \4   5    7

After calling your function, the tree should look like:

         1 -> NULL/  \2 -> 3 -> NULL/ \    \4-> 5 -> 7 -> NULL
/*** Definition for binary tree with next pointer.* struct TreeLinkNode {*  int val;*  TreeLinkNode *left, *right, *next;*  TreeLinkNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL), next(NULL) {}* };*/
struct TreeLinkNode
{int val;TreeLinkNode *left, *right, *next;TreeLinkNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL), next(NULL) {}
class Solution {
public:void connect(TreeLinkNode *root) {TreeLinkNode *head = NULL;TreeLinkNode *prev = NULL;TreeLinkNode *cur  = root;while(cur != NULL){while(cur != NULL){if(cur->left != NULL){if(prev != NULL){prev->next = cur->left;}else{head = cur->left;}prev = cur->left;}if(cur->right != NULL){if(prev != NULL){prev->next = cur->right;}else{head = cur->right;}prev = cur->right;}cur = cur->next;}cur = head;head = NULL;prev = NULL;}}


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