• 题目分析:


  • 解题思路:




  • 实现程序

    • C++版本

      class Solution
      {public:void my_swap(char *c1, char *c2){char temp = *c1;*c1 = *c2;*c2 = temp;}string reverseVowels(string s){int i = 0;int j = s.length() - 1;while (i < j){while (i < j && (s[i] != 'a' && s[i] != 'e' && s[i] != 'i' && s[i] != 'o' && s[i] != 'u')&& (s[i] != 'A' && s[i] != 'E' && s[i] != 'I' && s[i] != 'O' && s[i] != 'U'))i++;while (i < j && (s[j] != 'a' && s[j] != 'e' && s[j] != 'i' && s[j] != 'o' && s[j] != 'u')&& (s[j] != 'A' && s[j] != 'E' && s[j] != 'I' && s[j] != 'O' && s[j] != 'U'))j--;my_swap(&s[i], &s[j]);i++;j--;}return s;}
    • Java版本

      public boolean isVowels(char c){// 将字符c同一转换为小写字符c = Character.toLowerCase(c);if (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u')return true;return false;}public String reverseVowels(String s){int i = 0;int j = s.length() - 1;char[] ss = s.toCharArray();char temp;while (i < j){while (i < j && (!isVowels(ss[i]))){i++;}while (i < j && (!isVowels(ss[j]))){j--;}// 交换两个ss[i]与ss[j]temp = ss[i];ss[i] = ss[j];ss[j] = temp;i++;j--;}return new String(ss);}

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