345. Reverse Vowels of a String
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Total Accepted: 3821 Total Submissions: 10524 Difficulty: Easy
Write a function that takes a string as input and reverse only the vowels of a string.

Example 1:
Given s = “hello”, return “holle”.

Example 2:
Given s = “leetcode”, return “leotcede”.

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class Solution {
public:string reverseVowels(string s) {int i = 0, j = s.length() - 1;while(i < j) {while(i < j && s[i] != 'a' && s[i] != 'e' && s[i] != 'i' && s[i] != 'o' && s[i] != 'u'&& s[i] != 'A' && s[i] != 'E' && s[i] != 'I' && s[i] != 'O' && s[i] != 'U') {i++;}while(i < j && s[j] != 'a' && s[j] != 'e' && s[j] != 'i' && s[j] != 'o' && s[j] != 'u'&& s[j] != 'A' && s[j] != 'E' && s[j] != 'I' && s[j] != 'O' && s[j] != 'U') {j--;}if(i < j) {swap(s[i], s[j]);}i++;j--;}return s;}

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