
Though acne is not curable it can be prevented and treated effectively. The relationship between diet and acne has not being established; though some certain people have said that certain foods cause them to breakout (I am one of such), for these people it is advisable they avoid such foods at least 90% of the time.

Eating a healthy diet however not only helps fight infections, it helps maintain a healthy skin so it is a win-win situation for you. There are some nutrients that are found in some foods and also available as nutrient supplements that are known to promote a healthy body and skin. Consuming these nutrients regularly would increase your chances of conquering your acne. These nutrients include :

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1. Vitamin A: It is a fat-soluble substance stored in body organs, principally the liver. Retinol (naturally occurring vitamin A) can be found in fish oils, liver and some diary products. Vitamin A is now found in fortified foods like margarine, iodized salt, and wheat flour. Beta-carotene (the Vitamin A found in plants) can be found in carrots, apricots, cantaloupe and in some green vegetables like parsley, kale and spinach (remember Popeye the Sailor). Vitamin A is also good for your eyesight however high doses of Vitamin A are toxic, so don't overdo it. It is available as tablets or capsules and in injectable form.

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2. Vitamin B2: Also known as Riboflavin. It is a water-soluble vitamin and helpful in alleviating stress which is known to aggravate existing cases of acne for a lot of acne sufferers. It can be found in foods like diary products, whole grain cereals, yeast, eggs, leafy green vegetables.

3. Vitamin B3:: It helps improve circulation, promotes healthy skin. It is water-soluble, reduces the cholesterol level in the blood (which can be helpful for hypertensive patients), helps metabolize protein, sugar and fat thereby helping to increase your energy through proper utilization of food. It can be found in foods such as eggs, peanuts, liver, lean meats and avocado pear.

4. Vitamin C: A water-soluble vitamin that is an antioxidant. It helps reduce skin damage, improves the immune system by working against free radicals. It is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a key structural protein of the skin. Therefore consuming Vitamin C would increase the synthesis of collagen. It is also useful in preventing scurvy. Vitamin C helps reduce wrinkles and improves skin texture. So try to take lots of Vitamin C either as tablets/capsules or in fruits that contain Vitamin C like oranges/another citrus fruits, pineapples, grapes, apples.

5. Vitamin E: A fat-soluble vitamin that exists in eight different forms with 'alpha tocopheryl' being the most active form. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are damaging byproducts of the body's metabolism and digestive system that can help in the development of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system and cancer. Vitamin E increases the effects of Vitamin C and is found in almonds, peanuts, broccoli, wheat germ, sunflower seeds. You can also obtain Vitamin E in the drug stores as tablets/capsules.

There are some substances that are not vitamins but are antioxidants/contain substances that are helpful in maintaining a healthy skin. They include:

1. Alpha Lipoic acid: It is also known as Thioctic Acid. It is an antioxidant that is both fat and water soluble. It can therefore travel more widely than antioxidants that are either fat or water soluble. It helps suppress the inflammatory response within the cell and reduces the redness due to skin irritation. It helps prevent and reverse scar formation and also make other antioxidants like Vitamin E and C work better. It also effective in preventing wrinkles. It is obtained in small amount in foods and obtained in a larger amount in some supplements available in drug stores.

2. Ubidecarenone Co-Enzyme Q10: Is made naturally in the body. It is needed for the proper functioning of enzymes. It is an antioxidant that is effective in reducing the aging of and damage to the skin. It can be found in some supplements available.

3. Aloe vera (leaf): It contains a number of nutrients and other beneficial compounds like minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It contains gibberlin and polysaccharides which effectively decreases inflammation and promotes wound healing. It helps to reduce scar tissue. Aloe vera can be found available as a drink (juice), as a gel or even as capsules.

4. Zinc: It is a mineral and an antioxidant that boosts the immune system helping to improve your health. It can be found in foods such as eggs, whole grains and nuts.

These nutrients and other substances are not only good for the skin but also for your physical well-being. This therefore makes consuming them a win-win situation for you so try as much as possible to take them in adequate amounts in a healthy, balanced diet/as supplements. Also drink lots of water, it would do your skin wonders.

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