Shadows 阴影


Unity’s lights can cast Shadows from an object onto other parts of itself or onto other nearby objects. Shadows add a degree of depth and realism to a scene since they bring out the scale and position of objects that can otherwise look “flat”.

Scene with objects casting shadows

How do shadows work?

Consider the simplest case of a scene with a single light source. Light rays travel in straight lines from that source and may eventually hit objects in the scene. Once a ray has hit an object, it can’t travel any further to illuminate anything else (ie, it “bounces” off the first object and doesn’t pass through). The shadows cast by the object are simply the areas that are not illuminated because the light couldn’t reach them.

Another way to look at this is to imagine a camera at the same position as the light. The areas of the scene that are in shadow are precisely those areas that the camera can’t see.

A “light’s eye view” of the same scene

In fact, this is exactly how Unity determines the positions of shadows from a light. The light uses the same principle as a camera to “render” the scene internally from its point of view. A depth buffer system, as used by scene cameras, keeps track of the surfaces that are closest to the light; surfaces in a direct line of sight receive illumination but all the others are in shadow. The depth map in this case is known as a Shadow Map (you may find the Wikipedia Page on shadow mapping useful for further information).
事实上,这正是Unity如何决定光的阴影的位置。光线使用与摄像机相同的原理从内部“渲染”场景。场景摄影机使用深度缓冲系统,能追踪离光线最近的表面;直线视野内的物体表面接受光照,但其他物体都处于阴影中。在本例中,深度映射被称为阴影图(Shadow Map)(您可能会发现关于阴影映射的Wikipedia页面对进一步的信息有用)。

The sections below give details on casting shadows from Unity’s Light objects.

Enabling Shadows 启用阴影

Use the Shadow Type property in the Inspector to enable and define shadows for an individual light.

Each Mesh Renderer in the Scene also has a Cast Shadows and a Receive Shadows property, which must be enabled as appropriate.

Enable Cast Shadows by selecting On from the drop-down menu to enable or disable shadow casting for the mesh. Alternatively, select Two Sided to allow shadows to be cast by either side of the surface (so backface culling is ignored for shadow casting purposes), or Shadows Only to allow shadows to be cast by an invisible GameObject.

Shadow mapping and the Bias property 阴影贴图和偏差属性

The shadows for a given Light are determined during the final Scene rendering. When the Scene is rendered to the main Camera view, each pixel position in the view is transformed into the coordinate system of the Light. The distance of a pixel from the Light is then compared to the corresponding pixel in the shadow map. If the pixel is more distant than the shadow map pixel, then it is presumably obscured from the Light by another GameObject and it obtains no illumination.

Correct shadowing

A surface directly illuminated by a Light sometimes appears to be partly in shadow. This is because pixels that should be exactly at the distance specified in the shadow map are sometimes calculated as being further away (this is a consequence of using shadow filtering, or a low-resolution image for the shadow map). The result is arbitrary patterns of pixels in shadow when they should really be lit, giving a visual effect known as “shadow acne”.

Shadow acne in the form of false self-shadowing artifacts

To prevent shadow acne, a Bias value can be added to the distance in the shadow map to ensure that pixels on the borderline definitely pass the comparison as they should, or to ensure that while rendering into the shadow map, GameObjects can be inset a little bit along their normals. These values are set by the Bias and Normal Bias properties in the Light Inspector window when shadows are enabled.
为了防止影子粉刺,偏差值可以添加阴影贴图的距离到绝对确保像素边界通过比较功能,或确保渲染阴影贴图时,GameObjects可以沿着法线插一点值。当启用阴影时,这些值由偏差和法线偏差属性在Light Inspector窗口中设置。

Do not set the Bias value too high, because areas around a shadow near the GameObject casting it are sometimes falsely illuminated. This results in a disconnected shadow, making the GameObject look as if it is flying above the ground.

A high Bias value makes the shadow appear “disconnected” from the GameObject

Likewise, setting the Normal Bias value too high makes the shadow appear too narrow for the GameObject:

A high Normal Bias value makes the shadow shape too narrow

In some situations, Normal Bias can cause an unwanted effect called “light bleeding”, where light bleeds through from nearby geometry into areas that should be shadowed. A potential solution is to open the GameObject’s Mesh Renderer and change the Cast Shadows property to Two Sided. This can sometimes help, although it can be more resource-instensive and increase performance overhead when rendering the Scene.
在某些情况下,法线偏差会导致一种不受欢迎的效应,称为“光照渗出”,即光线从几何图形附近中渗出,进入应该被遮挡的区域。一个潜在的解决方案是打开GameObject的网格渲染器,并将Cast Shadows属性更改为双面。这有时是有帮助的,尽管它占用更多资源,并在渲染场景时增加性能开销。

The bias values for a Light may need tweaking to make sure that unwanted effects occur. It is generally easier to gauge the right value by eye rather than attempting to calculate it.

To further prevent shadow acne we are using a technique known as Shadow pancaking (see Directional light shadows: Shadow pancaking). This generally works well, but can create visual artifacts for very large triangles.

A low Shadow near plane offset value create the appearance of holes in shadows

Tweak the Shadow Near Plane Offset property to troubleshoot this problem. Setting this value too high introduces shadow acne.

Correct shadowing

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