
  • 多线程绘制,增加处理速度
  • 绘制时追踪playhead handle(视频播放头),优先绘制视频播放头的部分
  • 将波形数据缓存至.blender文件中,使得下一次加载时不再卡顿


Video Sequence Editor(VSE)的可能与项目相关的几个文件:

  • source/blender/sequencer/intern/strip_add.c添加strip(VSE序列)
  • source/blender/sequencer/intern/sound.cSound Strip实用功能,用于音频处理
  • source/blender/editors/space_sequencer/sequencer_draw.c绘制时间线和预览
  • source/blender/editors/space_sequence/sequencer_preview.c负责在sound strip中绘制waveform(波形)



Blender provides a number of different editors for displaying and modifying different aspects of data. An Editor is contained inside an Area which determines the size and placement of the editor with in the Blender window. Every area in Blender may contain any type of editor.


typedef struct Editing {/** Pointer to the current list of seq's being edited (can be within a meta strip). */ListBase *seqbasep;ListBase *displayed_channels;void *_pad0;/** Pointer to the top-most seq's. */ListBase seqbase;ListBase metastack;ListBase channels; /* SeqTimelineChannel */// more ...
} Editing;

这个Editing结构体保存着属于sequence core的数据。其中ListBase是一个链表结构体,seqbase是指向保存strips的一个链表

// The sequence structure is the basic struct used by any strip. each of the strips uses a different sequence structure.
typedef struct Sequence {struct Sequence *next, *prev;/** SEQ_NAME_MAXSTR - name, set by default and needs to be unique, for RNA paths. */char name[64];/** The length of the contents of this strip - before handles are applied. */int len;Strip *strip;/** The linked "bSound" object. */struct bSound *sound;void *scene_sound;float volume;// more...
} Sequence;


This is quite confusing part of sequencer code - What is usually called a strip is represented by data structure called Sequence. There is also data structure with name Strip which defines data and some properties used by Sequence.


typedef struct bSound {ID id;/*** The path to the sound file.*//** 1024 = FILE_MAX. */char filepath[1024];/*** The packed file.*/struct PackedFile *packedfile;/*** The handle for audaspace.*/void *handle;/*** Deprecated; used for loading pre 2.5 files.*/struct PackedFile *newpackedfile;struct Ipo *ipo;float volume;float attenuation;float pitch;float min_gain;float max_gain;float distance;short flags;/** Runtime only, always reset in readfile. */short tags;char _pad[4];double offset_time;/* Unused currently. */// int type;// struct bSound *child_sound;/*** The audaspace handle for cache.*/void *cache;/*** Waveform display data.*/void *waveform;/*** The audaspace handle that should actually be played back.* Should be cache if cache != NULL; otherwise its handle*/void *playback_handle;/** Spin-lock for asynchronous loading of sounds. */void *spinlock;/* XXX unused currently (SOUND_TYPE_LIMITER) *//* float start, end; *//* Description of Audio channels, as of eSoundChannels*/int audio_channels;int samplerate;} bSound;

调用函数名称为draw_seq_waveform_overlay 从名字来看和波形绘制非常有关系,我们打断点测试。

 SoundWaveform *waveform = sound->waveform;/* Waveform could not be built. */if (waveform->length == 0) {return;}typedef struct SoundWaveform {int length;float *data;} SoundWaveform;

sound是一个bSound结构体指针,它的waveform数据被赋值到了SoundWaveform 这个结构体中。我们发现,它是一个具有长度和浮点数组指针的一个结构体。在调试窗口中可以发现,waveform->data确实是一个浮点数组。


// 读取
{#  include "stdio.h"FILE *sound_file = fopen("C:\\Users\\xs\\Desktop\\datadispose\\1.txt", "r");int i = 0;int return_value = 0;if (sound_file != NULL) {fseek(sound_file, 0, SEEK_SET);while (return_value != -1) {fscanf_s(sound_file, "%f", &(waveform->data[i++]));waveform->data[i-1] /= 8;return_value = fscanf_s(sound_file, ",");}fclose(sound_file);waveform->length = i/3;state = 1;}else {// blender提供的音频读取并生成波形的函数waveform->length = AUD_readSound(sound->playback_handle, waveform->data, length, SOUND_WAVE_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, stop);}}
// 写入
{#include "stdio.h"if (state == 0) {FILE *sound_file = fopen("C:\\Users\\xs\\Desktop\\datadispose\\1.txt", "w");int count = 0;for (int i = 0; i < waveform->length * 3; ++i) {if (i == waveform->length - 1)fprintf_s(sound_file, "%f", waveform->data[i]);elsefprintf_s(sound_file, "%f,", waveform->data[i]);count++;}fclose(sound_file);


值得一提的是,我的写入的for循环采用的是waveform->length * 3作为终止条件而不是waveform->length。这是因为我采用后者生成的波形只有总波形的大约1/3。

为什么通常的声音格式,每个采样点都是用整形? - 诗云的回答 - 知乎
Blender的波形读取代码是int AUD_readSound(AUD_Sound* sound, float* buffer, int length, int samples_per_second, short* interrupt),我们进入到函数内部去查看内部代码。

AUD_API int AUD_readSound(AUD_Sound* sound, float* buffer, int length, int samples_per_second, short* interrupt)
{float* buf;int len;float min, max, power, overallmax;bool eos;for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {// more...len = floor(samplejump * (i+1)) - floor(samplejump * i);std::shared_ptr<IReader> reader = ChannelMapper(*sound, specs).createReader();aBuffer.assureSize(len * AUD_SAMPLE_SIZE(specs));buf = aBuffer.getBuffer();reader->read(len, eos, buf);max = min = *buf;power = *buf * *buf;for(int j = 1; j < len; j++){if(buf[j] < min)min = buf[j];if(buf[j] > max)max = buf[j];power += buf[j] * buf[j];}buffer[i * 3] = min;buffer[i * 3 + 1] = max;buffer[i * 3 + 2] = std::sqrt(power / len);if(overallmax < max)overallmax = max;if(overallmax < -min)overallmax = -min;if(eos){length = i;break;}if(overallmax > 1.0f){for(int i = 0; i < length * 3; i++){buffer[i] /= overallmax;}}return length;

以上是函数中比较关键的部分。从这里面的代码可以看出为什么之前需要使用waveform->length * 3作为终止条件以及每一组浮点数(三个浮点数)所代表的意义。
浮点数组以三个为一组,其中分别为最小值、最大值以及能量。从循环for(int j = 1; j < len; j++)中的循环体可以看出这些值是如何求出的。其中能量需要稍微说明一下。在信号与系统中,我们把能量表述为信号平方对于时间的积分。对于离散来说,这就意味着对信号平方进行求和。至于为什么能量表示为这样子,我们可以理解为对于自然界一些能量的抽象。具体可以参照奥本海姆的信号与系统这本书。

if(overallmax < max)overallmax = max;
if(overallmax < -min)overallmax = -min;if(overallmax > 1.0f)
{for(int i = 0; i < length * 3; i++){buffer[i] /= overallmax;}

除此之外,reader->read(len, eos, buf);涉及到工厂模式的一些知识,

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