数据库系统原理与应用教程(081)—— MySQL 视图(View)的创建与使用


  • 数据库系统原理与应用教程(081)—— MySQL 视图(View)的创建与使用
    • 一、MySQL 视图概述
    • 二、MySQL 创建视图的语法
    • 三、创建 MySQL 视图
      • 1、创建表,并输入数据
      • 2、创建视图
    • 四、查看 MySQL 视图信息
      • 1、使用 show tables 命令查看数据库中的视图名称
      • 2、使用 desc 命令查看视图结构
      • 3、使用 show create view 命令查看创建视图语句
    • 五、更新视图数据
      • 1、更新包含聚合函数的视图
      • 2、更新包含 distinct 的视图
      • 3、更新包含 group by 和 having 的视图
      • 4、更新包含子查询的视图
      • 5、更新包含 with check option 参数的视图
    • 六、修改和删除视图
      • 1、使用 create or replace view 命令修改视图
      • 2、使用 alter view 命令修改视图
      • 3、删除视图

一、MySQL 视图概述






二、MySQL 创建视图的语法

MySQL 创建视图的基本语法如下:

1、OR REPLACE:如果要创建的视图名称已存在,则替换已有视图。
2、ALGORITHM:可选参数,表示视图选择的算法,默认算法是 UNDEFINED。
4、column_list:可选参数,表示视图的字段列表。如果省略,则使用 select 语句中的字段列表。
5、AS select_statement:创建视图的 select 语句。
6、WITH CHECK OPTION:表示更新视图时要保证该视图的 WHERE 子句为真。比如定义视图:create view v1 as select * from salary > 5000;如果要更新视图,则必须保证 salary 字段的值在 5000 以上,否则报错。

三、创建 MySQL 视图


CREATE TABLE student(s_id char(5) primary key,s_name char(20),birth datetime,phone char(20),addr varchar(100)
);INSERT INTO student
('S2032','达芬奇','1999-12-31','13043731234','郑州市');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS teacher;
CREATE TABLE teacher(t_id char(5) primary key,t_name char(20),job_title char(20),phone char(20)
);INSERT INTO teacher
('T8007','王安石','副教授','13703735369');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course;
CREATE TABLE course(c_id char(4) primary key,c_name char(20),t_id char(5)
);INSERT INTO course
('C110','经济法','T8007');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS score;
CREATE TABLE score(s_id char(5),c_id char(4),score int,primary key(s_id, c_id)
*/mysql> select * from student;
| s_id  | s_name    | birth               | phone       | addr      |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    | 1999-12-03 00:00:00 | 13163735775 | 信阳市    |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | 1999-10-11 00:00:00 | 13603732255 | 新乡市    |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | 1998-02-13 00:00:00 | 13853735522 | 郑州市    |
| S2014 | 刘艳      | 1998-06-24 00:00:00 | 13623735335 | 郑州市    |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | 1999-07-06 00:00:00 | 13813735225 | 信阳市    |
| S2016 | 刘若非    | 2000-08-31 00:00:00 | 13683735533 | 开封市    |
| S2021 | 董雯花    | 2000-07-30 00:00:00 | 13533735564 | 开封市    |
| S2022 | 周华建    | 1999-05-25 00:00:00 | 13243735578 | 郑州市    |
| S2023 | 特狼普    | 1999-06-21 00:00:00 | 13343735588 | 新乡市    |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | 2000-10-17 00:00:00 | 13843735885 | 信阳市    |
| S2025 | 周健华    | 2000-08-22 00:00:00 | 13788736655 | 开封市    |
| S2026 | 张学有    | 1998-07-06 00:00:00 | 13743735566 | 郑州市    |
| S2031 | 李明博    | 1999-10-26 00:00:00 | 13643732222 | 郑州市    |
| S2032 | 达芬奇    | 1999-12-31 00:00:00 | 13043731234 | 郑州市    |
14 rows in set (0.10 sec)mysql> select * from teacher;
| t_id  | t_name    | job_title | phone       |
| T8001 | 欧阳修    | 教授      | 13703735666 |
| T8002 | 祖冲之    | 教授      | 13703735888 |
| T8003 | 李时珍    | 教授      | 13703735675 |
| T8004 | 牛盾      | 教授      | 13703735638 |
| T8005 | 李白      | 副教授    | 13703735828 |
| T8006 | 孔子      | 教授      | 13703735457 |
| T8007 | 王安石    | 副教授    | 13703735369 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from course;
| c_id | c_name          | t_id  |
| C101 | 古代文学        | T8001 |
| C102 | 高等数学        | T8002 |
| C103 | 线性代数        | T8002 |
| C104 | 临床医学        | T8003 |
| C105 | 传染病学        | T8003 |
| C106 | 大学物理        | T8004 |
| C107 | 诗歌欣赏        | T8005 |
| C108 | 教育学          | T8006 |
| C109 | 刑事诉讼法      | T8007 |
| C110 | 经济法          | T8007 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from score;
| s_id  | c_id | score |
| S2011 | C102 |    84 |
| S2011 | C105 |    90 |
| S2011 | C106 |    79 |
| S2011 | C109 |    65 |
| S2012 | C101 |    67 |
| S2012 | C102 |    52 |
| S2012 | C103 |    55 |
| S2012 | C104 |    86 |
| S2012 | C105 |    87 |
| S2012 | C106 |    64 |
| S2012 | C107 |    62 |
| S2012 | C108 |    73 |
| S2012 | C109 |    78 |
| S2012 | C110 |    89 |
| S2013 | C102 |    97 |
| S2013 | C103 |    68 |
| S2013 | C104 |    66 |
| S2013 | C105 |    68 |
| S2014 | C102 |    90 |
| S2014 | C103 |    85 |
| S2014 | C104 |    77 |
| S2014 | C105 |    96 |
| S2015 | C101 |    69 |
| S2015 | C102 |    66 |
| S2015 | C103 |    88 |
| S2015 | C104 |    69 |
| S2015 | C105 |    66 |
| S2015 | C106 |    88 |
| S2015 | C107 |    69 |
| S2015 | C108 |    66 |
| S2015 | C109 |    88 |
| S2015 | C110 |    69 |
| S2016 | C101 |    65 |
| S2016 | C102 |    69 |
| S2016 | C107 |    82 |
| S2016 | C108 |    56 |
| S2021 | C102 |    72 |
| S2021 | C103 |    90 |
| S2021 | C104 |    90 |
| S2021 | C105 |    57 |
| S2022 | C102 |    88 |
| S2022 | C103 |    93 |
| S2022 | C109 |    47 |
| S2022 | C110 |    62 |
| S2023 | C102 |    68 |
| S2023 | C103 |    86 |
| S2023 | C109 |    56 |
| S2023 | C110 |    91 |
| S2024 | C102 |    87 |
| S2024 | C103 |    97 |
| S2024 | C109 |    80 |
| S2024 | C110 |    81 |
| S2025 | C102 |    61 |
| S2025 | C105 |    62 |
| S2025 | C106 |    87 |
| S2025 | C109 |    82 |
| S2026 | C102 |    59 |
| S2026 | C105 |    48 |
| S2026 | C106 |    90 |
| S2026 | C109 |    73 |
60 rows in set (0.00 sec)



create or replace view v_stu
as select s_id, s_name, year(now()) - year(birth) age
from student;
mysql> create or replace view v_stu-> as select s_id, s_name, year(now()) - year(birth) age-> from student;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu;
| s_id  | s_name    | age  |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    |   23 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    |   23 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    |   24 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      |   24 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      |   23 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    |   22 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    |   22 |
| S2022 | 周华建    |   23 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    |   23 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    |   22 |
| S2025 | 周健华    |   22 |
| S2026 | 张学有    |   24 |
| S2031 | 李明博    |   23 |
| S2032 | 达芬奇    |   23 |
14 rows in set (0.05 sec)


create or replace view v_score
as select s.s_id, s.s_name, c.c_id, c.c_name, sc.score
from student s join score sc on s.s_id = sc.s_id
join course c on sc.c_id = c.c_id;
mysql> create or replace view v_score-> as select s.s_id, s.s_name, c.c_id, c.c_name, sc.score-> from student s join score sc on s.s_id = sc.s_id-> join course c on sc.c_id = c.c_id;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)mysql> select * from v_score;
| s_id  | s_name    | c_id | c_name          | score |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    | C102 | 高等数学        |    84 |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    | C105 | 传染病学        |    90 |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    | C106 | 大学物理        |    79 |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    65 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C101 | 古代文学        |    67 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C102 | 高等数学        |    52 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C103 | 线性代数        |    55 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C104 | 临床医学        |    86 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C105 | 传染病学        |    87 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C106 | 大学物理        |    64 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C107 | 诗歌欣赏        |    62 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C108 | 教育学          |    73 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    78 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    | C110 | 经济法          |    89 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | C102 | 高等数学        |    97 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | C103 | 线性代数        |    68 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | C104 | 临床医学        |    66 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | C105 | 传染病学        |    68 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      | C102 | 高等数学        |    90 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      | C103 | 线性代数        |    85 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      | C104 | 临床医学        |    77 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      | C105 | 传染病学        |    96 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C101 | 古代文学        |    69 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C102 | 高等数学        |    66 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C103 | 线性代数        |    88 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C104 | 临床医学        |    69 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C105 | 传染病学        |    66 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C106 | 大学物理        |    88 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C107 | 诗歌欣赏        |    69 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C108 | 教育学          |    66 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    88 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | C110 | 经济法          |    69 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    | C101 | 古代文学        |    65 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    | C102 | 高等数学        |    69 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    | C107 | 诗歌欣赏        |    82 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    | C108 | 教育学          |    56 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    | C102 | 高等数学        |    72 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    | C103 | 线性代数        |    90 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    | C104 | 临床医学        |    90 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    | C105 | 传染病学        |    57 |
| S2022 | 周华建    | C102 | 高等数学        |    88 |
| S2022 | 周华建    | C103 | 线性代数        |    93 |
| S2022 | 周华建    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    47 |
| S2022 | 周华建    | C110 | 经济法          |    62 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    | C102 | 高等数学        |    68 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    | C103 | 线性代数        |    86 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    56 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    | C110 | 经济法          |    91 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | C102 | 高等数学        |    87 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | C103 | 线性代数        |    97 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    80 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | C110 | 经济法          |    81 |
| S2025 | 周健华    | C102 | 高等数学        |    61 |
| S2025 | 周健华    | C105 | 传染病学        |    62 |
| S2025 | 周健华    | C106 | 大学物理        |    87 |
| S2025 | 周健华    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    82 |
| S2026 | 张学有    | C102 | 高等数学        |    59 |
| S2026 | 张学有    | C105 | 传染病学        |    48 |
| S2026 | 张学有    | C106 | 大学物理        |    90 |
| S2026 | 张学有    | C109 | 刑事诉讼法      |    73 |
60 rows in set (0.07 sec)


create or replace view v_stu_avg_score(sid, sname, avg_score)
as select s.s_id, s.s_name, avg(sc.score)
from student s join score sc on s.s_id = sc.s_id
group by s.s_id, s.s_name;
mysql> create or replace view v_stu_avg_score(sid, sname, avg_score)-> as select s.s_id, s.s_name, avg(sc.score)-> from student s join score sc on s.s_id = sc.s_id-> group by s.s_id, s.s_name;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu_avg_score;
| sid   | sname     | avg_score |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    |   79.5000 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    |   71.3000 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    |   74.7500 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      |   87.0000 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      |   73.8000 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    |   68.0000 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    |   77.2500 |
| S2022 | 周华建    |   72.5000 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    |   75.2500 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    |   86.2500 |
| S2025 | 周健华    |   73.0000 |
| S2026 | 张学有    |   67.5000 |
12 rows in set (0.06 sec)

(4)指定 WITH CHECK OPTION 参数限制更新

create or replace view v_stu_zz
as select * from student where addr = '郑州市'
with check option;
mysql> create or replace view v_stu_zz-> as select * from student where addr = '郑州市'-> with check option;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu_zz;
| s_id  | s_name    | birth               | phone       | addr      |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | 1998-02-13 00:00:00 | 13853735522 | 郑州市    |
| S2014 | 刘艳      | 1998-06-24 00:00:00 | 13623735335 | 郑州市    |
| S2022 | 周华建    | 1999-05-25 00:00:00 | 13243735578 | 郑州市    |
| S2026 | 张学有    | 1998-07-06 00:00:00 | 13743735566 | 郑州市    |
| S2031 | 李明博    | 1999-10-26 00:00:00 | 13643732222 | 郑州市    |
| S2032 | 达芬奇    | 1999-12-31 00:00:00 | 13043731234 | 郑州市    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

更新视图 v_stu_zz,更新失败:

mysql> update v_stu_zz set addr = '新乡市' where s_id = 'S2014';
ERROR 1369 (HY000): CHECK OPTION failed 'mydb.v_stu_zz'

四、查看 MySQL 视图信息

1、使用 show tables 命令查看数据库中的视图名称

 mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_mydb  |
| course          |
| president       |
| score           |
| student         |
| teacher         |
| v_score         |
| v_stu           |
| v_stu_avg_score |
| v_stu_zz        |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2、使用 desc 命令查看视图结构

mysql> desc v_stu;
| Field  | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| s_id   | char(5)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| s_name | char(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| age    | int(5)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.08 sec)mysql> desc v_score;
| Field  | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| s_id   | char(5)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| s_name | char(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c_id   | char(4)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| c_name | char(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| score  | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3、使用 show create view 命令查看创建视图语句

mysql> show create view v_score\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************View: v_scoreCreate View:
CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_score` AS select `s`.`s_id` AS `s_id`,`s`.`s_name` AS `s_name`,`c`.
`c_id` AS `c_id`,`c`.`c_name` AS `c_name`,`sc`.`score` AS `score` from ((`student` `s` join `score` `sc` on((`s`.`s_id` = `sc`.`s_id`))) join `course` `c` on((`sc`.`c_id` = `c`.`c_id`)))character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



(1)包含以下关键字的 SQL 语句:聚合函数、distinct、group by 、having、union 或 uinon all;

(2)select 中包含子查询;

(3)from 一个不可更新的试图;

(4)where 子句的子查询引用了 from 子句中的表。


mysql> show create view v_stu\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************View: v_stuCreate View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_stu` AS select `student`.`s_id` AS `s_id`,`student`.`s_name` AS `s_
name`,(year(now()) - year(`student`.`birth`)) AS `age` from `student`character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu;
| s_id  | s_name    | age  |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    |   23 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    |   23 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    |   24 |
| S2014 | 刘艳      |   24 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      |   23 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    |   22 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    |   22 |
| S2022 | 周华建    |   23 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    |   23 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    |   22 |
| S2025 | 周健华    |   22 |
| S2026 | 张学有    |   24 |
| S2031 | 李明博    |   23 |
| S2032 | 达芬奇    |   23 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> update v_stu set s_name = '刘艳艳' where s_id = 'S2014';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0mysql> select * from v_stu;
| s_id  | s_name    | age  |
| S2011 | 张晓刚    |   23 |
| S2012 | 刘小青    |   23 |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    |   24 |
| S2014 | 刘艳艳    |   24 |
| S2015 | 刘岩      |   23 |
| S2016 | 刘若非    |   22 |
| S2021 | 董雯花    |   22 |
| S2022 | 周华建    |   23 |
| S2023 | 特狼普    |   23 |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    |   22 |
| S2025 | 周健华    |   22 |
| S2026 | 张学有    |   24 |
| S2031 | 李明博    |   23 |
| S2032 | 达芬奇    |   23 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)-- 更新失败
mysql> update v_stu set age = 25 where s_id = 'S2014';
ERROR 1348 (HY000): Column 'age' is not updatable

2、更新包含 distinct 的视图

mysql> create or replace view v_stu001 -> as select distinct s_id, s_name from student;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)-- 更新失败
mysql> update v_stu001 set s_name = '刘艳' where s_id = 'S2014';
ERROR 1288 (HY000): The target table v_stu001 of the UPDATE is not updatable

3、更新包含 group by 和 having 的视图

create or replace view v_stu002
as select addr, count(*) cnt
from student group by addr
having cnt > 2;
mysql> create or replace view v_stu002-> as select addr, count(*) cnt -> from student group by addr-> having cnt > 2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu002;
| addr      | cnt |
| 信阳市    |   3 |
| 开封市    |   3 |
| 郑州市    |   6 |
3 rows in set (0.03 sec)-- 更新失败
mysql> update v_stu002 set addr = '郑州' where addr = '郑州市';
ERROR 1288 (HY000): The target table v_stu002 of the UPDATE is not updatablemysql> update v_stu002 set cnt = 8 where addr = '郑州市';
ERROR 1288 (HY000): The target table v_stu002 of the UPDATE is not updatable


create or replace view v_stu003
as select * from student
where birth > (select birth from student where s_id = 'S2021');
mysql> create or replace view v_stu003-> as select * from student-> where birth > (select birth from student where s_id = 'S2021');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu003;
| s_id  | s_name    | birth               | phone       | addr      |
| S2016 | 刘若非    | 2000-08-31 00:00:00 | 13683735533 | 开封市    |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | 2000-10-17 00:00:00 | 13843735885 | 信阳市    |
| S2025 | 周健华    | 2000-08-22 00:00:00 | 13788736655 | 开封市    |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)-- 更新失败
mysql> update v_stu003 set addr = '郑州市' where s_id = 'S2025';
ERROR 1288 (HY000): The target table v_stu003 of the UPDATE is not updatable

5、更新包含 with check option 参数的视图

create or replace view v_stu004
as select * from student
where phone like '138%'
with check option;
mysql> create or replace view v_stu004-> as select * from student-> where phone like '138%'-> with check option;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from v_stu004;
| s_id  | s_name    | birth               | phone       | addr      |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | 1998-02-13 00:00:00 | 13853735522 | 郑州市    |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | 1999-07-06 00:00:00 | 13813735225 | 信阳市    |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | 2000-10-17 00:00:00 | 13843735885 | 信阳市    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> update v_stu004 set phone = '13805641222' where s_id = 'S2013';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0mysql> select * from v_stu004;
| s_id  | s_name    | birth               | phone       | addr      |
| S2013 | 曹梦德    | 1998-02-13 00:00:00 | 13805641222 | 郑州市    |
| S2015 | 刘岩      | 1999-07-06 00:00:00 | 13813735225 | 信阳市    |
| S2024 | 奥吧码    | 2000-10-17 00:00:00 | 13843735885 | 信阳市    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)-- 更新失败
mysql> update v_stu004 set phone = '13723736666' where s_id = 'S2013';
ERROR 1369 (HY000): CHECK OPTION failed 'mydb.v_stu004'


1、使用 create or replace view 命令修改视图

mysql> desc v_stu;
| Field  | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| s_id   | char(5)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| s_name | char(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| age    | int(5)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.03 sec)/*
create or replace view v_stu
as select s_id, s_name, year(now()) - year(birth) age, addr
from student;
mysql> create or replace view v_stu -> as select s_id, s_name, year(now()) - year(birth) age, addr-> from student;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)mysql> desc v_stu;
| Field  | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| s_id   | char(5)      | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| s_name | char(20)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| age    | int(5)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| addr   | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2、使用 alter view 命令修改视图

mysql> show create view v_stu004\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************View: v_stu004Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_stu004` AS select `student`.`s_id` AS `s_id`,`student`.`s_name` AS
`s_name`,`student`.`birth` AS `birth`,`student`.`phone` AS `phone`,`student`.`addr` AS `addr` from `student` where (`student`.`phone` like '138%') WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)/*
alter view v_stu004
as select * from student
where phone like '136%';
mysql> alter view v_stu004-> as select * from student-> where phone like '136%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> show create view v_stu004\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************View: v_stu004Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_stu004` AS select `student`.`s_id` AS `s_id`,`student`.`s_name` AS
`s_name`,`student`.`birth` AS `birth`,`student`.`phone` AS `phone`,`student`.`addr` AS `addr` from `student` where (`student`.`phone` like '136%')character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



drop view [if exists] view_name;

删除视图 v_stu:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_mydb  |
| course          |
| president       |
| score           |
| student         |
| teacher         |
| v_score         |
| v_stu           |
| v_stu001        |
| v_stu002        |
| v_stu003        |
| v_stu004        |
| v_stu_avg_score |
| v_stu_zz        |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> drop view v_stu;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_mydb  |
| course          |
| president       |
| score           |
| student         |
| teacher         |
| v_score         |
| v_stu001        |
| v_stu002        |
| v_stu003        |
| v_stu004        |
| v_stu_avg_score |
| v_stu_zz        |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

数据库系统原理与应用教程(081)—— MySQL 视图(View)的创建与使用相关推荐

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  7. 数据库系统原理与应用教程(074)—— MySQL 练习题:操作题 141-150(十八):综合练习

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  8. 数据库系统原理与应用教程(073)—— MySQL 练习题:操作题 131-140(十七):综合练习

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  9. 数据库系统原理与应用教程(066)—— MySQL 练习题:操作题 71-81(十):连接查询

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  10. 数据库系统原理与应用教程(002)—— MySQL 安装与配置:MySQL 软件的卸载(windows 环境)

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