英语教学理论与实践 试题
注 意 事 项
Information for the examinees :
This examination consists of 2 parts. They are:
SectionⅠ: Basic theories and principles ( 40 points)
SectionⅡ: Lesson plan (60 points)
The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet: Therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as vou do each task.

Section I: Basic Theories and Principles 40 points
Questions 1-20 are based on this part.
Directions : Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  1. What type of syllabus does the following show?
    Unit 1 First day at school.
    Unit 2 In the restaurant.
    Unit 3 At the market.
    Unit 4 Buying clothes.
    A. Structural syllabus B. Topic syllabus
    C. Situational syllabus
  2. What approach treats the students as a whole person,with feelings and emotions?
    A. The Natural Approach B. The Communicative Approach
    C. The Humanistic Approach
  3. Which of the following activities is typical of the Grammar-translation Method ?
    A. The students listen to and act on commands in the target language.
    B. The students whisper their words in the mother tongue to the teacher who thentranslate them into the target language.
    C. The students translate some sentences in the text into their mother tongue.
  4. If we compare the learning process to a journey,which of the following is similar tothe destination?
    A. Necessities. B. Lacks.
    C. Wants.
  5. What does the communication approach treat language as?
    A. A system. B. A means of communication.
    C. A set of habits.
  6. In which of the following activities does the teacher mainly play the role of a rompter?
    A.Organize the students to do activities by giving instructions.
    B. hange the pace of the class by various means.
    C.Elicit ideas from students.
  7. Which of the following is the description of a function?
    A Ownership. B Giving directions.
    C. Acting out a play.
  8. Which of the following activities is most likely interactive?
    A. Mimicking. B. Role play.
    C. Problem solving.
  9. Authentic materials are materials produced for .
    A. Native speakers B. English learners
    C. English teachers
  10. What does “locating the specific information”help to train?
    A. Scanmng. B. Skimming.
    C. Inferring.
    11.hich of the following activities can be used at the while-reading stage?
    A. Predicting the story to read.
    B. Skimming to find the gist.
    C. Associating the story with one’s own experience.
  11. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?
    A. Re-arranging the materials.
    B. Brainstorming the topic.
    C. Writing a summary of the text.
  12. When a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual lue, which one of the following approaches is he using?
    A. Bottom-up Approach.
    B. Top-down Approach.
    C. Interactive Approach.
  13. Which listening skill combines listening and writing?
    A. Inferring. B. Listening for specific information.
    C. Note-taking.
  14. What purpose does NOT post-listening activities serve?
    A.Helping students relate the text with their personal experience.
    B. Offering students the opportunities of extending other language skills.
    C. Practicing students’ ability of matching the pre-listing predictions with contentsof the text.
  15. To develop the skill of listening for specific information, the teacher asks studentsto fill in the blanks with the information they hear on the tape. Which stage of listening class is it at now?
    A Pre-listening. BWhile-1istening.
    C. Post-Iistening
  16. Which three stages can be used in the oral lesson aiming at teaching new language?
    A. Pre-speaking, while speaking, post-speaking.
    B. Presentation, practice, production.
    C. Preview, lecture, practice.
  17. When a teacher corrects the errors of his/her students, what measures shouldn,the/she use at first?
    A. To give the students who make the error the first opportunity to correct it.
    B. To get other students to correct it.
    C. To correct the student directly.
  18. What role is a teacher less likely to play at the later stage of a speaking class?
    A. Demonstrator. B.Helper.
    C. Corrector.
  19. Which of the following helps to train liaison in pronunciation?
    A. Not at all.
    B.She sells seashells by the seashore.
    C. I want to do a good deed.
    Section Ⅱ: Lesson Plan 60 points
  20. Directions: In this section, you are presented with a short passage. Read the passage and design three reading activities: one pre-reading activity, one reading activity and one post-reading activity. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. The requirement of each activity is as the following:
    Pre-reading : activating background knowledge
    Reading : understanding why“designer”clothes are preferred
    Post-reading : making comments
    You may follow the table given after the passage. Make sure the three activities are related
    to each other.
    Looking cool
    Everyone spends money on clothes, and everyone has their personal look. The best-known clothing companies seLl their ‘ designer ’ clothes a// over the world. But thenumber of these big name companies is in fact very small , and the clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well-known companies Even more surprising is that many people prefer them to cheaper clothes. Why?
    One reason is that many young peopLe today look after the way they look. They often buy ‘ designer ’ clothes because they think they look cool. Then the Less well-known companies make clothes which look the same. But they don, t sell as welL because they don ’t have the logo.
    Another explanation is that people think designer ctothes are better made. For example, many people think the right running shoes will make you run faster or Play better. Of course , this is not true at a//. It’s the training-not the trainers-which improves
    your speed or your score. But that’s not the point. The important thing is for people to beLieve it ,s true _ and then buy the shoes. The onty thing the big companies want to do is make a lot of money.
    But the most important reason why designer clothes are more popular is clever advertising. Whether we like it or not, advertising has a greater influence over us than we like to think. A// of the international companies spend miLlions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes. And they succeed !
    Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. But if some of U3’ buy erpensive. clothes just to look cool , what does that say about us? Maybe a// it says is that we ’ re easily taken in by cleroer advertising.
    So next weekend , think about the clothes you put on. What ’s the logo on your trainers ?
    Who made your jeans '? And how many of your friends wear the same clothes as you do?
    And then think that maybe some of us could spend our money better.
    Activity l (Pre-reading)
    Activity 2 (reading)
    Activity 3 (Post-reading)
    Backup plan :
    (1)Predicted problems
    (2)Possible solutions

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