科目编号:0529 座位号:
高级英语阅读(1)试题 (开卷)
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Part I
Directions: Match the words given under A with the meaning given under B. (30 points, 3 points each)
A. B.

  1. genuine a. complain
  2. intently b. a very bad situation
  3. paradise c. the garden where Adam and Eve lived
  4. plight d. likely to offend many people
  5. evict e. with careful attention
  6. execute f. to make someone leave the house
  7. lucid g. real
  8. vulgar h. to kill somebody
  9. forgery i. a copy of something that is intended to deceive people
  10. whine j. clear and easy to understand
    Part II
    Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then decide whether statements 1-10 are true or false. Write T for true and F for false against the number of the item on your answer sheet. (40 points, 4points each)
    Friday I Met Anne and walked to school with her. I really like her. Richard was still in bed when I left! He’s so lazy! The first lesson was Geography. It was BORING! I Saw Richard running past the window during Geography. At break time, Sophie wanted to play a game, but the others all said ‘No’. Sophie cried. I feel sorry for her sometimes. Richard caught us up on the way home so Anne and I couldn’t talk. I was really annoyed. He just kept on about something Tony Hatch did in Maths. And now he won’t lend me his T-shirt. Super play on TV – a mystery story. I love mysteries! Mum let me stay up to see the end.
  11. The writer of this passage walked to school alone on Friday.
  12. The writer likes Anne very much.
  13. Richard got up before the writer left for school.
  14. The writer likes the 1st lesson very much.
  15. Richard didn’t attend Geography lesson on Friday.
  16. All agreed to play a game suggested by Sophie.
  17. Richard, Anne and the writer walked home together.
  18. Richard agreed to lend me his T-shirt.
  19. The writer loved mystery story.
  20. The writer went to bed late on Friday.
    Part III.
    Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points, 3points each)
    Passage A
    To have a good teacher-student relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student respect each other. If the teacher is too strict, he frightens the student. He student will not learn well. On the other hand, if the teacher is too friendly, the student may become lazy and stop working hard. The teacher’s attitude and method should be in between these two extremes.
    In a good teacher-student relationship the teacher does not have to force the student to learn. The teacher should inspire the student so that he wants to learn. He needs patience and understanding. He must encourage the student without pushing or forcing him.
    Learning can be fun when the student has the right attitude about it. It is part of the teacher’s job to help develop a good positive attitude in his students.
    The student should always show proper respect to his teacher. He should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It is also important to listen carefully and pay attention. If he does not do these things, he will not be able to profit fully from his teacher’s knowledge and assistance.

What is important for a good teacher-student relationship is______?
the respect for each other
only the student’s respect for the teacher
only the teacher’s respect for the student
the attitude to study
If the teacher is_____the student, the student may get lazy and stop working hard.
A. too strict with B. too hard on
C. too friendly to C. too unkind to
The teacher should not____the student to learn.
A. inspire B. force
C. encourage D. ask
The student cannot learn much from his teacher unless he______
is eager to learn
is willing to work hard
listens carefully and pays attention
all those mentioned above
What is the best title for this article?
the teacher-student relationship
the student’s respect to the teacher
the teacher’s respect to the student
the student’s attitude to the teacher
Passage B
When you turn on the radio, you hear an advertisement. When you watch television, you hear and see an advertisement. If you turn the pages of a newspaper or magazine, again you find an advertisement. If you walk down the street, you see one advertisement board after another. All day, every day, people who want to sell something compete to catch your attention. As a result, advertisements are almost everywhere.
In the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work. Many TV stations, newspapers, magazines, radio stations are privately owned. The government does not five them money. So where does the money come from? From advertisements, without advertisements, there would not be these private businesses.
Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is? Through the years, people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of “keeping you name before the public.” And some people thought that advertising was “truth well told.” Now more and more people tend to define it in this way: Advertising is the paid, nonpersonal (非亲自的), and usually persuasive (有说服力的) presentation of goods, services and ideas by identified sponsors through various media.
First, advertising is usually paid for. Various sponsors pay for the ads we see, read, and hear over the various media. Second, advertising is nonpersonal. It is not face-to-face communication. Although you may feel that a message in a certain advertisement is aimed directly at you, in reality, it is directed at large groups of people. Third, advertising is usually persuasive. Directly or indirectly it urges people to do something. All advertisements try to convince people that the product, idea, or service advertised can benefit them. Fourth, the sponsor of the advertisement must be identified. From the advertisement, we can see if the sponsor is a corporation, or a committee, or an individual. Fifth, advertising reaches us through traditional and non-traditional mass media. Included in the traditional media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and films. Non-traditional media include the mail, matchbox covers, and billboards.
6. The existence of the privately owned mass media depends financially on the support of _____.
the government
their owners’ families
the audience
7. The passage seems to say that different definitions of advertising are given due to ______.
the change of time
the subject of the advertisements
people’s age difference
people’s different perspective
8. According to the passage, who are most probably paying for the advertisements? ______.
All of the above.
9. Which of the following is considered nontraditional mass media? _______.
The mail
10. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the features of advertisements is NOT true? ______.
Advertising must be honest and amusing
Advertising is meant for large groups of people
There is the description of things advertised
The sponsors are always mentioned

科目编号:0529 座位号:

Part I (30 points, 3 points each)

  1. 2.     3.       4.          5.
  2. 7.         8.         9.     10.
    Part II (40 points, 4 points each)

Part III (30 points, 3 points each)

  1. 2.          3.             4.        5.         
    6.            7.      8.         9.            10.

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