wordpress pdf

Do you want to add PDF files to your WordPress site? By default, WordPress cannot generate or embed PDF files in posts or pages. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best PDF plugins for WordPress.

您想将PDF文件添加到WordPress网站吗? 默认情况下,WordPress无法在帖子或页面中生成或嵌入PDF文件。 在本文中,我们为WordPress精选了一些最佳的PDF插件。

1. PDF查看器 (1. PDF Viewer)

The PDF Viewer allows you to display PDF files inside your WordPress posts and pages. It uses Mozilla’s PDF.js script to render PDF documents beautifully with tools to scroll, search, jump between pages, print, and download PDF files.

PDF Viewer可让您在WordPress帖子和页面中显示PDF文件。 它使用Mozilla的PDF.js脚本通过滚动,搜索,在页面之间跳转,打印和下载PDF文件的工具精美地呈现PDF文档。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add a PDF viewer in WordPress.


2. WP高级PDF (2. WP Advanced PDF)

WP Advanced PDF plugin allows your users to download your posts and pages in PDF format. You can enable the PDF download for all users or just for registered users. You can use custom fonts, logo, and even add a watermark to your PDF files.

WP Advanced PDF插件可让您的用户以PDF格式下载您的帖子和页面 。 您可以为所有用户或仅为注册用户启用PDF下载。 您可以使用自定义字体,徽标,甚至可以在PDF文件中添加水印。

3. BestWebSoft的PDF和打印 (3. PDF & Print by BestWebSoft)

As the name suggests, this plugin adds a PDF download and print button to your WordPress posts, pages, and custom post types. You can add your website title, featured image, custom styles, and fonts. The plugin can also execute shortcodes when generating PDFs or creating a printer friendly version.

顾名思义,此插件为您的WordPress帖子,页面和自定义帖子类型添加了PDF下载和打印按钮。 您可以添加网站标题, 特色图片 ,自定义样式和字体。 生成PDF或创建打印机友好版本时,该插件还可以执行简码。

4. PDF图像生成器 (4. PDF Image Generator)

PDF Image Generator creates a cover image for PDF Files you add in WordPress posts for download. The plugin can generate this cover image by either using the first page in the PDF or featured image. The download icon will then display the thumbnail image linked to PDF file.

PDF Image Generator为您在WordPress帖子中添加供下载的PDF文件创建封面图像。 该插件可以通过使用PDF的首页或精选图片来生成此封面图片。 然后,下载图标将显示链接到PDF文件的缩略图。

For this plugin to work your WordPress hosting provider should have ImageMagick and GhostScript installed on their server.


5. PDF缩略图 (5. PDF Thumbnails)

Similar to the previous plugin, PDF thumbnail also generates a thumbnail of the first page of your PDF file during the upload. However, your PDF file and the thumbnail image remain as two separate files. You will need to manually insert the generated thumbnail and then link it to the PDF file.

与以前的插件类似,PDF缩略图也会在上传过程中生成PDF文件首页的缩略图。 但是,您的PDF文件和缩略图图像保留为两个单独的文件。 您将需要手动插入生成的缩略图,然后将其链接到PDF文件。

6. DK PDF (6. DK PDF)

This powerful plugin allows users to download your posts and pages in PDF format by clicking on a button. It comes with an easy interface to setup the placement of the PDF download button and create your own custom header and footer for PDF downloads.

这个功能强大的插件使用户可以通过单击按钮下载PDF格式的帖子和页面。 它带有一个简单的界面,用于设置PDF下载按钮的位置,并为PDF下载创建您自己的自定义页眉和页脚。

The plugin also comes with shortcodes that allow you to control what content goes inside the PDF. You can also hide the content you don’t want to be included into PDF download.

该插件还带有短代码,可让您控制PDF内容。 您也可以隐藏不想包含在PDF下载中的内容。

7. PDF嵌入器 (7. PDF Embedder)

As the name suggests, PDF Embedder plugin allows you to embed PDF files in WordPress posts and pages. The plugin uses JavaScript to embed files with a fully functional toolbar allowing users to zoom, navigate, and even download the PDF file.

顾名思义,PDF Embedder插件可让您将PDF文件嵌入WordPress帖子和页面。 该插件使用JavaScript嵌入功能齐全的工具栏,使用户可以缩放,导航甚至下载PDF文件。

8. WordPress PDF Light Viewer插件 (8. WordPress PDF Light Viewer Plugin)

WordPress PDF Lite Viewer plugin is particularly good at embedding very large PDF files. It uses Turn.js JavaScript library to display PDF files as flipbooks with thumbnail navigation. The PDF viewer comes with zoom, navigation, and fullscreen buttons. It is also fully responsive and can work on different device sizes.

WordPress PDF Lite Viewer插件特别擅长嵌入非常大的PDF文件。 它使用Turn.js JavaScript库将PDF文件显示为带有缩略图导航的活页簿。 PDF查看器带有缩放,导航和全屏按钮。 它还具有充分的响应能力,并且可以在不同的设备尺寸上工作。

9. BSK PDF管理器 (9. BSK PDF Manager)

BSK PDF Manager is a file manager for PDF files on a WordPress site. If you upload PDF files often, then you may want to categorize them, display them as lists, or a single download. This plugin makes it easier to manage PDF files in WordPress.

BSK PDF Manager是WordPress网站上PDF文件的文件管理器。 如果您经常上传PDF文件,则可能需要对其进行分类,将它们显示为列表或一次下载。 这个插件可以更轻松地在WordPress中管理PDF文件。

奖励插件 (Bonus Plugins)

These plugins do not offer a way generate or embed PDF files. However, if you serve PDF files on your WordPress site, then you may find them helpful.

这些插件不提供生成或嵌入PDF文件的方式。 但是,如果您在WordPress网站上提供PDF文件,则可能会发现它们对您有所帮助。

10. SearchWP (10. SearchWP)

SearchWP is a paid WordPress plugin. It allows you to add a better search experience to your WordPress site. One of the features of this plugin is the ability to search the text inside PDF files. However, it cannot search PDF files that are encrypted, stored outside media library, or have images as text. See our guide on how to improve WordPress search with SearchWP

SearchWP是一个付费的WordPress插件。 它使您可以向WordPress网站添加更好的搜索体验。 该插件的功能之一是能够搜索PDF文件中的文本。 但是,它无法搜索已加密,存储在媒体库外部或具有图像作为文本的PDF文件。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何使用SearchWP改进WordPress搜索

11. OptinMonster (11. OptinMonster)

OptinMonster is a powerful tool that helps you grow your email list. You can convert abandoning visitors into subscribers by using OptinMonster. You can ask users to signup for your email list in exchange for free download PDF resource.

OptinMonster是一个功能强大的工具,可帮助您扩展电子邮件列表。 您可以使用OptinMonster将放弃访问者转化为订阅者。 您可以要求用户注册您的电子邮件列表,以换取免费的下载PDF资源。

You can also use it to offer content upgrades. See this list of 30 content upgrade ideas to 10X your subscribers.

您也可以使用它来提供内容升级 。 请参阅此30个内容升级建议列表,以将您的订户增加10倍。

We hope this article helped you find the best PDF plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳PDF插件。 您可能还希望查看我们的24个列表, 这些列表必须具有用于商业网站的WordPress插件 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-pdf-plugins-for-wordpress/

wordpress pdf

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