
Getting a good PDF viewer is easier than ever. Modern web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge can all read PDFs out of the box, so you may not even need one. But if you want a separate PDF viewer, perhaps for the advanced PDF features some documents require, we have some options.

获取优质的PDF查看器比以往任何时候都容易。 诸如Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox和Microsoft Edge之类的现代网络浏览器都可以直接读取PDF,因此您甚至不需要一个。 但是,如果您需要单独的PDF查看器,也许某些文档需要高级PDF功能,我们有一些选择。

Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox或Microsoft Edge:您的浏览器可以处理基础知识 (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge: Your Browser Handles the Basics)

Modern web browsers come with integrated PDF readers. You don’t even need to install a separate PDF viewer anymore. Browser PDF readers work well, offering a speedy experience without additional load times and clutter. And, since your browser updates its integrated PDF reader automatically, it’s always up-to-date with the latest security fixes.

现代的网络浏览器带有集成的PDF阅读器。 您甚至不需要再安装单独的PDF查看器。 浏览器PDF阅读器运行良好,可提供快速的体验,而不会增加加载时间和混乱情况。 而且,由于您的浏览器会自动更新其集成的PDF阅读器,因此它始终是最新的安全修复程序。

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge all come with integrated PDF readers. When you find a PDF on the web, click it and it will open directly in your web browser. PDFs are treated just like other web pages. When you’re done, you can just hit the back button and keep browsing.

Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox和Microsoft Edge都带有集成的PDF阅读器。 当您在网络上找到PDF时,单击它,它将直接在Web浏览器中打开。 PDF就像其他网页一样被对待。 完成后,您只需点击“后退”按钮并继续浏览即可。

You can make PDF files on your hard drive open in your preferred web browser, too. For example, let’s say you want to open PDF files in Chrome. Just locate a .PDF file on your computer, right-click it, and select Open With > Choose Another App.

您也可以在首选的Web浏览器中打开硬盘上的PDF文件。 例如,假设您要在Chrome中打开PDF文件。 只需在计算机上找到一个.PDF文件,右键单击它,然后选择“打开方式”>“选择另一个应用程序”。

Select Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge in the list, check the “Always use this app to open .pdf files” option, and click “OK”. The browser you chose will become your default PDF reader and will be used when you double-click a PDF file.

在列表中选择Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox或Microsoft Edge,选中“始终使用此应用程序打开.pdf文件”选项,然后单击“确定”。 您选择的浏览器将成为默认的PDF阅读器,并在双击PDF文件时使用。

If you don’t see your preferred browser here, scroll down in the list, select More Apps > Look For Another App on This PC, and point Windows at the browser’s .exe file in your Program Files folder.


苏门答腊PDF:浏览器之外的快速,轻便的PDF查看器 (Sumatra PDF: A Speedy, Lightweight PDF Viewer Outside Your Browser)

If you do want a separate PDF reading program, we recommend Sumatra PDF. Sumatra is an open-source PDF viewer that also has support for other types of documents, including ePub and Mobi eBooks, XPS documents, and CBZ and CBR comic books.

如果您确实需要单独的PDF阅读程序,建议您使用Sumatra PDF 。 苏门答腊是一个开放源代码的PDF查看器,还支持其他类型的文档,包括ePub和Mobi电子书,XPS文档以及CBZ和CBR漫画书。

Sumatra PDF is small, lightweight, and fast. It works entirely outside your browser, so PDFs will open in a separate window. It’s even available as a portable application, so you can take it with you and use it on any PC, even if you can’t install software on that PC.

Sumatra PDF体积小,重量轻且速度快。 它完全在您的浏览器之外运行,因此PDF将在单独的窗口中打开。 它甚至可以作为便携式应用程序使用 ,因此即使您无法在该PC上安装软件,也可以随身携带并在任何PC上使用它。

There’s no real advantage to using this application over your web browser unless you just like having a separate application. It should work just as well as your browser, with no big additional features. But, if you’d rather see PDFs in a separate window, Sumatra PDF is your best bet.

除非您只想拥有一个单独的应用程序,否则通过Web浏览器使用此应用程序并没有真正的优势。 它应该和您的浏览器一样好,没有太大的附加功能。 但是,如果您希望在单独的窗口中查看PDF,Sumatra PDF是您的最佳选择。

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC:速度较慢,但​​支持高级PDF功能 (Adobe Acrobat Reader DC: Slower, But Supports Advanced PDF Features)

We recommend you stick with your web browser or a lightweight PDF reader like Sumatra PDF most of the time. Most PDF documents you’ll come across are not complicated, and they work very well—and very quickly—in these simplified PDF readers.

我们建议您大多数时候都坚持使用网络浏览器或像Sumatra PDF这样的轻量级PDF阅读器。 您会遇到的大多数PDF文档并不复杂,在这些简化的PDF阅读器中,它们可以很好且非常快速地工作。

But, every now and then, you may come across a PDF document that needs additional features. For example, we’ve seen official government PDFs that include complex, scripted fillable forms that don’t work in the average PDF viewer. PDF documents can also contain 3D models and other rich media objects, and those just won’t work in your browser or Sumatra.

但是,有时您可能会遇到需要其他功能的PDF文档。 例如,我们看到了官方的政府PDF,其中包含复杂的,脚本化的可填写表格,这些表格在一般的PDF查看器中不起作用。 PDF文档还可以包含3D模型和其他富媒体对象,而这些文档仅在您的浏览器或Sumatra中不起作用。

If you come across a PDF that doesn’t work properly in your typical PDF reader, we recommend Adobe’s official Adobe Acrobat Reader DC application. It’s unnecessarily heavy compared to lightweight PDF alternatives, but it will be able to handle all the obscure PDF features you’re likely to encounter. If you find yourself needing to open PDFs that require advanced features regularly, you should probably just stick with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC as your main PDF viewer, as much as it pains us to say.

如果遇到典型的PDF阅读器无法正常工作的PDF,建议您使用Adobe的官方Adobe Acrobat Reader DC应用程序。 与轻量级PDF替代品相比,它不必要地沉重,但它将能够处理您可能会遇到的所有晦涩的PDF功能。 如果您发现自己需要定期打开需要高级功能的PDF,则可能应该坚持使用Adobe Acrobat Reader DC作为主要的PDF查看器。

Adobe Acrobat Reader has historically had regular security holes, likely due to all the additional features it needs to support. Modern versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC are automatically kept up-to-date with the latest security patches. Don’t worry about enabling automatic updates—automatic updates are enabled by default, and you can’t normally disable them.

过去,Adobe Acrobat Reader经常存在安全漏洞,这可能是由于其需要支持的所有其他功能。 现代版本的Adobe Acrobat Reader DC会自动更新为最新的安全补丁。 不必担心启用自动更新-默认情况下会启用自动更新,通常您不能禁用它们。

Warning: The latest versions of Adobe Acrobat reader automatically prompt you to install a Chrome extension that reports information about your web browsing to Adobe. When you’re prompted to install an Adobe Acrobat extension in Chrome, click “Remove from Chrome”. There’s no good reason to activate this extension.

警告 :Adobe Acrobat Reader的最新版本会自动提示您安装Chrome扩展程序,该扩展程序会将有关您的网络浏览信息报告给Adobe。 当提示您在Chrome中安装Adobe Acrobat扩展程序时,单击“从Chrome中删除”。 没有充分的理由激活此扩展程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/282937/the-best-pdf-readers-for-windows/



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