
As more features in different stages of development move into packages, choosing the right tools for your project can be challenging. Updates to the Package Manager in Unity 2020.1 and to how we list packages in the Package Manager will help make it easier for you to consider the impact of using preview packages in your project and achieve a more predictable development experience.

随着处于不同开发阶段的更多功能进入软件包,为您的项目选择正确的工具可能会面临挑战。 对 Unity 2020.1 中的包管理器以及我们在包管理器中列出包的方式的更新将帮助您更轻松地考虑在项目中使用预览包的影响,并获得更可预测的开发经验。

Using preview packages has its risks. For example, API or functionality changes could disrupt the continuous usage of the new tool in a production environment. On the other hand, we know many users enjoy being on the cutting edge of Unity, and trying prerelease technology can help teams prepare the tooling necessary for future projects and anticipate opportunities. Feedback from early adopters also helps us to make better tools for everyone, so we’re working to provide more clarity so users can make more informed decisions for their project.

使用预览包有其风险。 例如,API或功能更改可能会破坏生产环境中新工具的连续使用。 另一方面,我们知道许多用户喜欢Unity的最前沿,尝试预发行技术可以帮助团队准备未来项目所需的工具并预期机会。 早期采用者的反馈还有助于我们为每个人提供更好的工具,因此我们正在努力提供更高的清晰度,以便用户可以为他们的项目做出更明智的决定。

If you want to add preview packages, you need to expose them through a checkbox in Project Settings.


套餐目标 (Goals for packages)

This is the first step in a series of measures that we are working on to help make it easier for you to explore the latest Unity tools and features. Our goal is to make it clearer which packages can be considered safe to adopt for full production and to give an idea of when a package will be verified. At the same time, we want users to be able to access experimental packages for early testing and feedback.

这是我们正在努力采取的一系列措施的第一步,以帮助您更轻松地探索最新的Unity工具和功能。 我们的目标是弄清可以认为哪些包装可以安全地用于全面生产,并给出何时验证包装的想法。 同时,我们希望用户能够访问实验包以进行早期测试和反馈。

在软件包管理器中可重新发现的软件包列表 (Revisited list of packages discoverable in Package Manager)

In a company-wide effort, we reevaluated our package list to identify preview packages that are either more experimental than production-ready, or else not under active development. In Unity 2020.1 and later versions, preview packages in those categories will not be listed in the Package Manager. However, if you’ve already installed these preview packages, they won’t be removed from your projects – you can continue to use them, and they will still be able to receive the available updates.

在全公司范围内,我们重新评估了包列表,以识别预览包,这些预览包要么试验性强于量产型,要么不处于积极开发中。 在Unity 2020.1和更高版本中,那些类别中的预览包不会在“包管理器”中列出。 但是,如果您已经安装了这些预览包,则它们不会从您的项目中删除-您可以继续使用它们,并且它们仍将能够接收可用的更新。

Our intention is to include preview packages in the Package Manager when the development team believes that the package will be verified within that version’s release cycle. For example, if a preview package is visible in the Package Manager in Unity 2020.1, we plan for it to be verified by the time we reach the Unity 2020 LTS release. Naturally, things can change, but this is the initial guidepost we have used to filter which packages are visible.

当开发团队认为该软件包将在该版本的发行周期内得到验证时,我们打算在软件包管理器中包含预览软件包。 例如,如果预览软件包在Unity 2020.1中的软件包管理器中可见,则我们计划在到达Unity 2020 LTS版本时对其进行验证。 自然,情况会发生变化,但这是我们用来过滤哪些程序包可见的初始指南。

Packages that are in the early stages of development or considered experimental will remain available in the production registry. You can still add them by editing your project manifest. See this forum post for the full list of packages in this category.

在开发的早期阶段或被认为是实验性的软件包将在生产注册表中保持可用。 您仍然可以通过编辑 项目清单 来添加它们 。 请参阅 此论坛帖子 以获取此类别中软件包的完整列表。

We’re still working on ways to make packages clearer for users, so your feedback is welcome. If you’re interested in contributing feedback about preview packages, sign up for the Beta tester newsletter. We’ll be sending updates on new packages available for testing, even if they’re not discoverable, and sharing details on how to use them and provide feedback to our development teams

我们仍在努力使用户更清楚了解软件包,因此欢迎您提供反馈。 如果您有兴趣提供有关预览软件包的反馈,请 注册 Beta测试器新闻通讯。 即使无法发现新包,我们也将发送可用于测试的更新,并分享有关如何使用它们的详细信息并向我们的开发团队提供反馈

了解有关Unity 2020.1的更多信息 (Learn more about Unity 2020.1)

Want to start using Unity 2020.1 right now? Get more details on upcoming features and improvements in the 2020.1 beta announcement blog and the 2020.1 beta overview webinar.

是否要立即开始使用Unity 2020.1? 在 2020.1 Beta公告博客 和 2020.1 Beta概述网络研讨会中 获得有关即将推出的功能和改进的更多详细信息 。

If you’re interested in hearing more about upcoming technology and connecting with developers at Unity, sign up for our beta newsletter and follow the beta forum.

如果您想了解更多有关即将到来的技术并在Unity上与开发人员联系的信息,请注册我们的 beta新闻, 并关注 beta论坛 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/06/24/package-manager-updates-in-unity-2020-1/


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