
Every year, we gather everyone who works in Quality Engineering positions across Unity for a week of learning, sharing and socializing. This January, 110 QA folks from our offices around the world flew to sunny Sweden and huddled up at a nice snow-covered beach hotel. The theme of this internal mini conference was “Our Quality Mission at Unity”. Read on to find what we mean by “quality”, and what we learned during that week.

每年,我们都会召集每个在Unity担任质量工程职位的人,进行为期一周的学习,共享和社交活动。 今年1月,来自我们全球各地办公室的110名质量检查人员飞往阳光明媚的瑞典,并拥挤在一家美丽的冰雪覆盖的海滩酒店。 这次内部小型会议的主题是“团结的质量使命”。 请继续阅读以了解“质量”的含义以及在那一周中学到的知识。

For the first presentation on Monday, VP Quality Thomas Petersen talked about the nature of quality taking inspiration from both 3-star Michelin kitchens, mechanical precision watchmaking, and astronomy equipment. It ultimately led back to the mission statement for Unity QA: Provide expertise and implementation support, for all aspects of quality, that results in increased organizational knowhow and increasingly higher quality product. A bit of a mouthful but if you unpack it this single sentence contains everything that we aspire to in our QA work:

在周一的第一场演讲中,质量副总裁Thomas Petersen谈到了质量的本质,这是从米其林三星级厨房,精密机械制表和天文学设备中汲取灵感的。 最终,它回到了Unity QA的使命宣言: 为质量的各个方面提供专业知识和实施支持,从而导致组织专业知识的增长和产品质量的日益提高 。 有点冗长,但是如果您解压缩它,那么这句话包含了我们在质量检查工作中追求的一切:

  • “Provide expertise” is about being an expert. Both in terms of craft, product and subject matter knowledge.

    “提供专业知识”是关于成为专家。 在Craft.io,产品和主题知识方面。

  • “Implementation support” is about supporting development through the actions of both self and others. Accelerating the achievement of shippable quality to quote our own Alan Page.

    “实施支持”是指通过自身和他人的行动来支持发展。 加快实现可交付质量的速度,以引用我们自己的Alan Page。

  • “All aspects of quality” is about considering all dimensions of quality, not just functional correctness. It includes, but isn’t limited to, fit for purpose and non-functional aspects like performance, maintainability, and usability.

    “质量的所有方面”是关于质量的所有方面的考虑,而不仅仅是功能的正确性。 它包括但不限于适合用途和非功能性方面,例如性能,可维护性和可用性。

  • “Increased organizational knowhow” is about making the organization smarter. Being a force multiplier for the people around you.

    “增加组织专业知识”是关于使组织更智能。 成为周围人的力量倍增器。

“Increasingly higher quality product” should be self-explanatory. But it’s also about building feedback loops into our process. Seeking out new knowledge and learning from mistakes.

“质量越来越高的产品”应该不言而喻。 但这也与在我们的流程中建立反馈循环有关。 寻找新知识并从错误中学习。

Following Thomas’ opening keynote was Alan Page’s presentation on Leading a Quality Culture. In order to consistently deliver a quality product, a quality culture is key. It’s about broadening the scope of our efforts beyond testing the individual features we’re developing and looking at the process and context in which it is made. As QA, we do not own quality. But we should be drivers of a quality culture. Alan has identified eight attributes of a quality culture:

托马斯(Thomas)的开幕主题演讲之后是艾伦·佩奇(Alan Page)关于领导优质文化的演讲。 为了始终如一地交付优质产品,优质文化至关重要。 这是为了扩大我们的工作范围,而不仅仅是测试我们正在开发的单个功能并查看其制作过程和上下文。 作为质量检查人员,我们不具备质量。 但是我们应该成为优质文化的驱动力。 艾伦(Alan)确定了优质文化的八个属性:

  • Testing Breadth


  • Quality and Test Ownership


  • Technical Debt and Maintenance


  • Code Quality and Tools


  • Customer Data Analysis


  • Development Approach


  • Learning & Improvement


  • Leadership Emphasis


This topic is worthy of a blog post of its own, but if you’re interested you can also check out this episode of the A/B Testing Podcast where Alan elaborates on the attributes with his co-host Brent Jensen. But the point is that sustained delivery of quality requires a certain level of maturity in all these eight categories.

这个主题值得自己写一篇博客文章,但是如果您有兴趣,还可以查看A / B测试播客的这一集 ,其中Alan与他的联合主持人Brent Jensen讨论了这些属性。 但是关键是要持续交付质量,在所有这八类产品中都需要一定程度的成熟度。

During the quality week, we had three concurrent tracks on most days. Among the topics were technical deep dives like an HDRP workshop, a Unity Editor Test Framework workshop and a presentation on the new Memory Profiler  that was shipped in 2018.3. But there were also more general purpose QA topics like Finding Allies in Testing, a Motivation and Impact on Others workshop, and a Kanban board-game workshop.

在质量周期间,大多数时候我们有3个并发的曲目。 在这些主题就像一个技术深潜HDRP车间,统一编辑测试框架车间和新的演示内存分析器是被运在2018.3。 但是,还有更多通用的质量检查主题,例如在测试中寻找盟友,动机和对他人的影响研讨会和看板桌游研讨会。

We had three sessions throughout the week where people could come up and give a 10-minute lightning talk on a topic of their own choosing. Something cool and/or useful for others.

整个星期我们进行了三场会议,人们可以上场进行10分钟的闪电演讲,讨论他们自己选择的主题。 很酷的东西和/或对他人有用的东西。

We were also fortunate to have guest speakers from other parts of the Unity organization. Ciaran O’Connor from Enterprise Support gave an entertaining account of the life a Developer Relations Manager.

我们也很幸运有来自Unity组织其他部门的嘉宾演讲。 来自企业支持部门的Ciaran O'Connor向开发人员关系经理讲述了他的生活。

Peter Andreasen from our Sample Game team (makers of FPS Sample) gave a historic account of working with QA and game engines. We had Carlos Rincon from Release Management do a workshop on how to get a feature into a release and we had Chris Pacey from Sustained Engineering give a presentation on what they do.

我们的Sample Game团队( FPS Sample的制造商)的Peter Andreasen对使用质量检查和游戏引擎进行了历史性介绍。 我们让Release Management的Carlos Rincon举办了关于如何将功能引入发布的研讨会,而我们让Sustained Engineering的Chris Pacey进行了介绍。

One of the most successful sessions was actually an improvised Q&A session about the Package Manager. One of the things that getting everyone together in one place allowed us to do.

最成功的会议之一实际上是关于Package Manager的即兴问答会议。 让每个人都聚集在一处的事情之一就是我们可以做。

客户日:艰难的爱 (Customer Day: Tough love)

Wednesday was “Customer Day” – by most participant’s account the highlight of the week. We had invited six Enterprise Customers to give talks: Adam Kapos (Yousician), Alexander Siemer-Schmetzke (Innogames), Daniel Doubleday (Wooga), Srđa Štetić Kozić and Aleksandar Tešić (Nordeus), Ricky Taylor and Tim Page (Well Played Games) and Basil Fierz (VirtaMed). At the end of the day, each customer did a workshop where we could ask questions about their projects and project setup.

周三是“客户日”-大多数参与者认为,本周的亮点是。 我们邀请了六位企业客户进行演讲:Adam Kapos ( Yousician ),Alexander Siemer-Schmetzke( Innogames ),Daniel Doubleday( Wooga ),SrđaŠtetićKozić和AleksandarTešić( Nordeus ),Ricky Taylor和Tim Page( 玩得 很好的游戏 )和Basil Fierz( VirtaMed )。 最终,每个客户都参加了一个研讨会,在这里我们可以问有关他们的项目和项目设置的问题。

While all of them made a point of mentioning that they liked Unity, this was definitely some tough love. Hearing about their pain points was, well, painful. But at the same time, it was very enlightening. We’re already well aware of upgrading issues, problems with Asset Bundles, UI, Profiling, working with large teams, crashes … But one of the things that were an eye-opener for many of us was the fact that Unity needs to not just work, it needs to fit into the automation frameworks and build pipelines of all the teams that use the editor. We also took note of the fact that the lifespan of even a small mobile game with an online component can be three, five or even up to ten years.

尽管他们所有人都提到他们喜欢Unity,但这绝对是一些艰难的爱。 听到他们的痛点,真是痛苦。 但与此同时,这非常有启发性。 我们已经很清楚升级问题,资产捆绑包,UI,性能分析,与大型团队合作,崩溃等问题……但是让我们许多人大吃一惊的是,Unity不仅需要工作时,它需要适应自动化框架并建立使用该编辑器的所有团队的管道。 我们还注意到以下事实:即使是带有在线组件的小型手机游戏,其寿命也可能长达三年,五年甚至长达十年。

Fortunately, a lot of the feedback was actionable. There was a certain satisfaction in letting the participating users know that a lot of the pain points were actually addressed in upcoming releases. In some ways, this felt like a micro-Unite. More than once while a customer would describe a problem, another would put their hand up and say that they had actually solved that problem.

幸运的是,很多反馈是可行的。 让参与的用户知道在即将发布的版本中确实解决了许多难题,这一定让人感到满意。 在某些方面,这就像一个微型联合体。 当一个客户描述一个问题时,不止一次,另一个则举起手来,说他们实际上已经解决了这个问题。

We owe a huge thank you to all the customers who participated.


We learned a lot from both customer presentations and internal session, but even more from talking to colleagues between sessions and in the evenings. Perhaps the most valuable benefit of a week like this is the connections it creates between people. Especially in a company like Unity with offices all across the globe. It was an opportunity to hang out, socialize, play games and have fun with people you only know from their Slack profile picture and video conferencing.

从客户演示和内部会议中我们学到了很多东西,但是在会议之间和晚上与同事交谈中,我们学到了很多。 像这样的一周,最有价值的好处也许是它在人与人之间建立的联系。 特别是在像Unity这样的公司中,其办事处遍布全球。 借此机会,您可以与仅通过Slack个人资料图片和视频会议认识的人一起出去玩,社交,玩游戏和娱乐。

Are you passionate about quality? Join us! You can see more than a hundred open positions at careers.unity.com.

您对品质充满热情吗? 加入我们! 您可以在careers.unity.com上看到一百多个职位空缺 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/22/quality-week-2019/



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