谷歌惊喜发现破解版---Spire.Office for Java is a combination of Enterprise-Level Office Java APIs offered by E-iceblue. It includes Spire.Doc for Java, Spire.XLS for Java, Spire.Presentation for Java, Spire.PDF for Java and Spire.Barcode for Java.

Developers can use Spire.Office for Java to perform a wide range of office document operations in Java applications, such as opening, creating, modifying, converting and printing Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents, generating and scanning 1D&2D barcodes.

As an independent Office Java library, Spire.Office for Java doesn't need Microsoft Office to be installed on either the development or target systems.
Spire.Doc for Java
Spire.Doc for Java is a professional Java Word API that enables Java applications to create, convert, manipulate and print Word documents without using Microsoft Office.

A plenty of Word document processing tasks can be performed by Spire.Doc for Java, such as creating, reading, editing, converting and printing Word documents, inserting image, adding header and footer, creating table, adding form field and mailing merge field, adding bookmark and watermarking, adding hyperlink, setting background color/image, adding footnote and endnote, encrypting Word documents.

Spire.XLS for Java
Spire.XLS for Java is a professional Java Excel API that enables developers to create, manage, manipulate, convert and print Excel worksheets without using Microsoft Office or Microsoft Excel.

Spire.XLS for Java offers a wide range of features of operating Excel worksheets on Java applications, such as creating, reading, editing, converting and printing Excel worksheets, finding and replacing data, creating charts, creating auto filters, reading and writing hyperlinks, merging/unmerging cells and files, grouping/ungrouping rows and columns, freezing/unfreezing panes, and encrypting/decrypting Excel workbooks.

Spire.PPT for Java
Spire.Presentation for Java
Spire.Presentation for Java is a professional PowerPoint API that enables developers to create, read, write, convert and save PowerPoint documents in Java Applications.

A rich set of features can be supported by Spire.Presentation for Java, such as adding/editing/removing slides, creating charts and tables, adding bullets, encrypting and decrypting documents, adding watermarks and hyperlinks, inserting audios and videos, setting documenting properties, inserting/extracting images, extracting text, setting animations, adding headers and footers, adding/deleting comments, adding notes, and creating SmartArt.

Spire.PDF for Java
Spire.PDF for Java is a PDF API that enables Java applications to read, write and save PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat.

Using this Java PDF library, developers and programmers can implement rich capabilities to create PDF files from scratch or process existing PDF documents entirely. Spire.PDF for Java supports extract text/image from the PDF, merge/split PDF, draw text/image/shape/barcode to the PDF, create and fill in form fields, add and delete PDF layers, overlay PDF, insert text/image watermark to the PDF, add/update/delete PDF bookmarks, add tables to the PDF, compress PDF document etc.

Spire.Barcode for Java
Spire.Barcode for Java is a professional barcode library specially designed for developers to generate, read and scan 1D & 2D barcodes on Java applications (J2SE and J2EE).

Spire.Barcode supports various common image formats, such as Bitmap, JPG, PNG, EMF, TIFF, GIF and WMF.

File Formats Supported
Word 97-2003, Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013 and Word 2016 (.doc, docx, .dot) format.
Excel 97-2003 format (.xls), Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016 (.xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm) and Open Office (.ods) format
PDF 1.2 to PDF 1.7, PDF/A-1b, PDF/x1a
Barcode Bitmap, JPG, PNG, EMF, TIFF, GIF and WMF.
Convert Word to RTF (Rich Text Format) and vice versa.
Convert Word to TXT (Plain Text)
Convert Word to HTML file
Convert Word to XML
Convert Word to XPS document.
Convert Word to EPUB (Digital Publishing).
Convert Word to PDF
Convert Excel to HTML/XML/CSV
Convert XML/CSV to Excel
Convert Excel to Image
Convert Excel to Text
Convert Excel to PDF
Convert Excel to XPS
Convert Excel to SVG
Convert PDF to PDF/A
Convert PDF to Image
Convert PDF to SVG
Convert PDF to XPS
Convert XPS to PDF
Convert PDF to Word
Convert PDF to HTML
Convert PPT/PPTX to Image
Convert PPT/PPTX to PDF
Convert PPT/PPTX to SVG
Convert PPT/PPTX to XPS
Insert Hyperlinks in Word in Java
Add Text Watermark and Image Watermark to Word Document
Extract Text and Images from Word in Java
Encrypt and Decrypt Word Document in Java
Insert Image into Word Document in Java
Set Page Margins and Page Borders for Word Document
Insert Header and Footer to Word in Java
Print Word
Create and Edit Excel, charts, auto filters, Pivot Tables
Find and Replace Data in Excel
Print excel files
Import/Export data from a DataTable, DataView, Array, DataGrid etc.
Save Excel to file/Stream or as web response
Create Read and write hyperlinks in Excel
Implement Data Sorting, Data Validations
Merge/Unmerge Cells and files
Group/UnGroup Rows and Columns
Insert/Delete or Hide Rows, Columns and Sheets
Calculate Complex Excel Formula
Insert Hyperlinks to link data
Protect/Unprotect Worksheets
Insert Text Watermark to Presentation Slides
Insert and Extract Images from a PowerPoint Document
Read/Extract Text from a PowerPoint Document
Modify and Apply Slide Masters in PowerPoint
Merge and Split Table Cells in PowerPoint
Add Hyperlinks to a PowerPoint Slide
Insert Audio/Video in PowerPoint
Merge/Split PDF Files
Create Fillable Form Fields in PDF
Set Background Color and Background Image for PDF
Insert Text Watermark/ Image Watermark to PDF
Encrypt and Decrypt PDF
Add Header and Footer to PDF
Print PDF Document
Create Barcode
Generate QR Code
Scan Barcode

Version: 7.9.9----fix----fix----修复

We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Office for Java 7.9.9. In this version, Spire.Doc for Java supports word level comparison when comparing Word documents; Spire.Presentation supports adding MathML equations and selecting the print range in the Print dialog box. Besides, some known issues are successfully fixed in this version. More details are listed below.

Spire.Office for Java 7.10.FIX[7.9.9]-全新版相关推荐

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