Day after day your humble and hard working router holds your home network together and links it to the greater internet. Is it possible to work it to death?

日复一日,您的不起眼而又努力的路由器将您的家庭网络连接在一起,并将其链接到更大的互联网。 有可能将其工作至死?

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-drive grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的问答环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,它是Q&A网站的社区推动组织。

问题 (The Question)

After having more than his fair share of trouble with a home router, SuperUser reader JQAn posed the following question to the community:


I’ve been having problems with my internet connection over the past weeks (intermittent disconnections, slow transfers, etc.), and my provider keeps telling me that the problem is not on their end.


I have cable modem with a Wi-Fi router (this router was not provided by them).


The router is quite old (DIR-300), so I’m starting to wonder if it could be the issue and if I should replace it.


Is it possible that it is the cause? Can they become so outdated that they cause intermittent interruptions of service?

是否可能是原因所在? 它们会变得过时而导致服务中断吗?

If I reset the modem and the router, they work fine for a few hours, but the problems starts again after a while.


Can you wear out a router like an old car? Let’s take a look at the community response.

您能像旧车一样磨损路由器吗? 让我们看一下社区的回应。

答案 (The Answers)

SuperUser contributor John weighs in on the matter and offers some trouble shooting insight:




In general, routers can and do fail. The primary cause of failure for consumer grade equipment is heat stress. Most consumer grade hardware runs far too hot and have respectively poor air circulation compared to their ventilation needs.

通常,路由器可能并且确实会发生故障。 消费级设备故障的主要原因是热应力。 与消费者的通风需求相比,大多数消费级硬件的运行温度都很高,空气流通也很差。

Long-term exposure to heat causes various components to degrade/fail and manifests itself as “intermittent” problems. In general, consumer grade hardware is not as robustly made as commercial or enterprise hardware. But all physical devices are subject to physical effects.

长期暴露于热中会导致各种组件退化/失效,并表现为“间歇性”问题。 通常,消费者级硬件的性能不如商业或企业级硬件强。 但是所有物理设备都会受到物理影响。

It’s not uncommon for consumer grade devices to fail within a few years due to heat or vibration issues. Routers stuck near windows (argh! the sun!), placed on the floor (dust!), or jammed into a bookcase (no air flow) are especially prone to failures. Contrast that with commercial grade devices which are often still working for 10 or more years after their first deployment.

消费级设备在几年内由于发热或振动问题而发生故障的情况并不少见。 卡在窗户附近(阳光!!),放置在地板上(灰尘!)或卡在书架中(无气流)的刨机特别容易发生故障。 与之相对应的是商业级设备,这些设备通常在首次部署后仍可以工作10年以上。

Most cable modems have either an Ethernet port or Wi-Fi ability. To isolate the cause of your network problems, you should consider bypassing your router and plugging your PC/laptop directly into the cable modem to see if whether or not you experience the same problems.

大多数电缆调制解调器都具有以太网端口或Wi-Fi功能。 为了找出造成网络问题的原因,您应该考虑绕过路由器,将PC /笔记本电脑直接插入电缆调制解调器中,以查看是否遇到相同的问题。

Of course, bypassing the router means you bypass the router’s firewall protection and NAT abilities so take due precautions on your computer.


Contributor Climenole points out that heat is most likely the culprit:


A (possibly) good example of the Second Law of Thermodynamics:


«Any transformation of a thermodynamic system is carried out with increase in entropy including overall entropy of the system and the external environment.»


You wrote:


If I reset the modem and the router, they work fine for a few hours, but the problems start again after a while.


This may be an overheating problem or the overheating is the symptom…


The easiest way to check if the router is Out of Service or near to this inevitable state, you may try with another one temporary (from a friend for example). If this solved the Internet connection problems, you have the answer.

检查路由器是否已退出服务或接近此不可避免状态的最简单方法是,您可以尝试使用另一个临时路由器(例如,从朋友那里来)。 如果这解决了Internet连接问题,则您可以找到答案。

While there’s no shortage of how-to guides over at Instructables to help guide you through adding a heatsink/fan to a router, unless you’re in the mood for a DIY solution that may not ultimately fix your problem it’s often easier to just buy a new router.

虽然在Instructables上不乏如何指导的知识,可帮助您通过在路由器中添加散热器/风扇来进行指导 ,但除非您有意最终无法解决问题的DIY解决方案,否则通常更容易购买一个新的路由器。

For more information about routers from the How-To Geek archives, make sure to check out:

有关How-To Geek存档中的路由器的更多信息,请确保签出:

  • HTG Explains: Understanding Routers, Switches, and Network Hardware


  • Turn Your Home Router Into a Super-Powered Router with DD-WRT


  • Boost Networking Performance by Installing Tomato on Your Router


  • The Best Wi-Fi Articles for Securing Your Network and Optimizing Your Router


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion threads here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论主题 。



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