



sudo apt-get install python


- pip是Python的安装包管理系统- virtualenv是搭建Python的虚拟环境,在同时用Python开发多个项目时,可以把环境相互独立起来- virtualenvwrapper提供了在virtualenv一组快捷命令脚本- fabric是python的一个插件包,用来实现自动化部署非常方便

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
sudo pip install --upgrade fabric


  • 创建Python工程虚拟环境:
export WORKON_ENV=~/Env && mkdir -p $WORKON_ENV
source /usr/local/bin/
mkvirturalenv myprojenv
pip install mezzanine
  • 创建mezzanine工程
mezzanine-project myproj
cd myproj
python createdb


    # HOMEPAGE AS STATIC TEMPLATE# ---------------------------# This pattern simply loads the index.html template. It isn't# commented out like the others, so it's the default. You only need# one homepage pattern, so if you use a different one, comment this# one out.# url("^$", direct_to_template, {"template": "index.html"}, name="home"),# HOMEPAGE AS AN EDITABLE PAGE IN THE PAGE TREE# ---------------------------------------------# This pattern gives us a normal ``Page`` object, so that your# homepage can be managed via the page tree in the admin. If you# use this pattern, you'll need to create a page in the page tree,# and specify its URL (in the Meta Data section) as "/", which# is the value used below in the ``{"slug": "/"}`` part.# Also note that the normal rule of adding a custom# template per page with the template name using the page's slug# doesn't apply here, since we can't have a template called# "/.html" - so for this case, the template "pages/index.html"# should be used if you want to customize the homepage's template.# url("^$", "", {"slug": "/"}, name="home"),# HOMEPAGE FOR A BLOG-ONLY SITE# -----------------------------# This pattern points the homepage to the blog post listing page,# and is useful for sites that are primarily blogs. If you use this# pattern, you'll also need to set BLOG_SLUG = "" in your# ```` module, and delete the blog page object from the# page tree in the admin if it was installed.url("^$", "", name="home"),
python runserver



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