
















Dominican trademark registration fee : number by category

Dominican trademark protection period : 10 years from registration date

Dominican trademark acceptance time : within 2 – 4 weeks

Dominican trademark registration time : 12-18 months

Dominican trademark application materials :

1 ) Name and address of applicant

2 ) Category of goods or services and specific projects

3 ) Trademark pattern

4 ) Copy of applicant 's identity document

5 ) Letter of Trust ( required public certification )


1. Summary of Dominican trademarks

The Dominican Republic is an island country in the Caribbean Sea, located south of Guadeloupe Island and north of Martinique Island. The country was independent in 1978, and established the Republic, is a member of the Commonwealth. Dominican trademark law is based on Law No. 1450 of 30 December 1937 ; law No. 3763 promulgated on February 11, 1954 ; law No. 290 promulgated on June 30, 1966 ; regulations No. 1 of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce promulgated on February 6, 1992 clarified the concepts of trademarks and trade names. The acquisition of Dominica ' s trademark rights is based on the principle of prior registration. It accepts the registration application of commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks and certification trademarks, and adopts the classification method stipulated in the ' International Classification of Goods and Services Nice Agreement '. Dominica is a member of the Paris Convention on the Protection of Intellectual Property and the World Intellectual Property Organization.

2. Dominican trademark review

After receiving the application for trademark registration, the official first examines the form of the application. For sending the acceptance notice that meets the requirements, the notice that does not meet the requirements is corrected within 30 days, otherwise the application will be considered to be abandoned. After formal review, the examiner will conduct substantive review on the registrability of trademarks. Officials who do not meet the requirements will notify the applicant to revoke the application or correction within 60 days. After the adoption of the substantive review phase, the trademark application will be announced in official documents for third-party objection. Any third party may challenge the application during the 45th notice. If there is no objection or the objection reason is not established, the official will register the trademark and issue the trademark registration certificate.

The validity period of trademark registration is 10 years from the date of registration, and the validity period of renewal is also 10 years. The applicant can apply for renewal 6 months before the expiration of the trademark, and the extension period is 6 months. When submitting a request for renewal, it is necessary to use the trademark declaration and evidence at the same time.


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