
  1、1990年10月3日,原东、西德实现了统一。根据同一天生效的有关德国商标和领土延伸到的过去国际注册商标的统一条约 第二部分的规定,自该条约生效后提交的商标申请应依照原西德的法律注册并在整个德国生效。1990年10月3日之前原东西德的商标申请或领土延伸到西德的 国际注册仍由原机关分别处理并在原东西德的领土上分别保持效力而不相互延伸。








1. Summary of German trademark registration

1. On October 3, 1990, the former East and West Germany achieved unification. According to the provisions of the second part of the United Treaty on German Trademarks and Territories Extension to the Past International Registered Trademarks which came into force on the same day, the trademark application submitted after the entry into force of the Treaty shall be registered in accordance with the laws of the former West Germany and shall enter into force throughout Germany. The trademark application or international registration of the Territory extending to West Germany prior to 3 October 1990 remains separately processed by the original authorities and remains in force on the Territory without mutual extension.

Another bill passed on September 2, 1991 and entered into force at the end of that year stipulated that all industrial property rights acquired and existing in East and West Germany before October 3, 1990 were automatically extended to the whole of Germany. This extension does not require the obligee to propose automatic occurrence. So far, the original East German trademark law no longer exists and completely replaced by the West German law.


2. The current German trademark law was first formulated in 1968, and was amended twice in 1979 and 1987. In 1979, the content of protecting service trademarks was added. The implementation details of the Trademark Law came into force in 1986.

The new German Trademark Law came into force on January 1, 1995. The revised trademark law includes : Trademark must be registered immediately after examination. The registered trademark will be announced and can be challenged within 3 months. This important regulation enables trademark owners to sue for infringement even if the trademark is still under objection. The new trademark law also includes the enforcement regulations of the logo of protection.


3. German law provides that the acquisition of trademark rights is based on registration. In Germany, commodity trademarks, service trademarks and collective trademarks can apply for registration according to law.


( 4 ) Germany adopts the international classification of goods and services for trademark registration. However, when applying for a registered trademark, an application may include multiple categories of goods or services, but the applicant should pay the fees according to the number of categories.


5. Germany is currently a member of the Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property Rights, the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks, the Niss Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Germany ratified the Madrid Protocol on December 20, 1995, which entered into force in Germany on April 1, 1996.


National English abbreviation : DE.


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