


import random

import sys

from collections import Iterable

from functools import reduce

import pygame

# 屏幕尺寸

WIDTH, HEIGHT = (650, 370)

# 背景颜色

BG_COLOR = '#92877d'

# 棋盘需要的数据

MARGIN_SIZE = 10 # 间隔大小

BLOCK_SIZE = 80 # 棋子位置大小

def draw_tips(screen):




# 显示"分数:"

tips_img = pygame.image.load("resources/images/tips.png")

screen.blit(tips_img, (375, 200))

def get_score(chess_nums_temp):




def sum_all(x, y):

if isinstance(x, Iterable):

return sum(x) + sum(y)

return x + sum(y)

return reduce(sum_all, chess_nums_temp)

def draw_score(screen, score):




# 显示数字

font_size_big = 60

font_color = (0, 255, 255)

font_big = pygame.font.Font("resources/font/Gabriola.ttf", font_size_big)

score = font_big.render(str(score), True, font_color)

screen.blit(score, (470, 25))

# 显示"分数:"

score_img = pygame.image.load("resources/images/score.png")

screen.blit(score_img, (370, 30))

def show_game_over(screen):

font_size_big = 60

font_size_small = 30

font_color = (255, 255, 255)

font_big = pygame.font.Font("resources/font/Gabriola.ttf", font_size_big)

font_small = pygame.font.Font("resources/font/Gabriola.ttf", font_size_small)

surface = screen.convert_alpha()

surface.fill((127, 255, 212, 2))

text = font_big.render('Game Over!', True, font_color)

text_rect = text.get_rect()

text_rect.centerx, text_rect.centery = WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 50

surface.blit(text, text_rect)

button_width, button_height = 100, 40

button_start_x_left = WIDTH / 2 - button_width - 20

button_start_x_right = WIDTH / 2 + 20

button_start_y = HEIGHT / 2 - button_height / 2 + 20

pygame.draw.rect(surface, (0, 255, 255), (button_start_x_left, button_start_y, button_width, button_height))

text_restart = font_small.render('Restart', True, font_color)

text_restart_rect = text_restart.get_rect()

text_restart_rect.centerx, text_restart_rect.centery = button_start_x_left + button_width / 2, button_start_y + button_height / 2

surface.blit(text_restart, text_restart_rect)

pygame.draw.rect(surface, (0, 255, 255), (button_start_x_right, button_start_y, button_width, button_height))

text_quit = font_small.render('Quit', True, font_color)

text_quit_rect = text_quit.get_rect()

text_quit_rect.centerx, text_quit_rect.centery = button_start_x_right + button_width / 2, button_start_y + button_height / 2

surface.blit(text_quit, text_quit_rect)

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

while True:

screen.blit(surface, (0, 0))

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:



elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button:

if text_quit_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):


if text_restart_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):

return True



def judge_game_over(field):




return not any([judge_move_left(field), judge_move_right(field), judge_move_up(field), judge_move_down(field)])

def judge_move_up(chess_nums_temp):

# 对棋盘的数字进行「行与列转置」,即原来在第2行第3列变为第3行第2列

# zip: 实现

# *chess_nums_temp对列表进行拆包

chess_nums_temp = [list(row) for row in zip(*chess_nums_temp)]

return judge_move_left(chess_nums_temp)

def judge_move_down(chess_nums_temp):


逻辑:判断能否向下移动, 也就是对于元素进行转置, 判断转置后的棋盘能否向右移动


# 1.「行与列转置」

chess_nums_temp = [list(row) for row in zip(*chess_nums_temp)]

# 2. 判断是否可以向右移动

return judge_move_right(chess_nums_temp)

def judge_move_left(chess_nums_temp):

# 只要棋盘的任意一行可以向左移动, 就返回True

for row in chess_nums_temp:

for i in range(3): # 每一行判断3次

# 如果判断的左边的数为0,右边的数不为0,则说明可以向左移动;

if row[i] == 0 and row[i + 1] != 0:

return True

elif row[i] != 0 and row[i + 1] == row[i]:

# 如果判断的左边的数不为0,且左右2个数相等,则说明可以向左移动;

return True

return False

def judge_move_right(chess_nums_temp):

# 对棋盘的每一行元素进行反转,此时就可以用向左的函数进行判断了

return judge_move_left([row[::-1] for row in chess_nums_temp])

def move_left(chess_nums_temp):

for i, row in enumerate(chess_nums_temp):

# 1.把这一行的非0 数字向前放,把0向后放。例如之前是[0, 2, 2, 2]-->[2, 2, 2, 0]

row = sorted(row, key=lambda x: 1 if x == 0 else 0)

# 2.依次循环判断两个数是否相等,如果相等 第一个*2 第二个数为0。例如[2, 2, 2, 0]-->[4, 0, 2, 0]

for index in range(3):

if row[index] == row[index + 1]:

row[index] *= 2

row[index + 1] = 0

# 3.将合并之后的空隙移除,即非0靠左,0靠右。例如[4, 0, 2, 0]-->[4, 2, 0, 0]

row = sorted(row, key=lambda x: 1 if x == 0 else 0)

# 4. 更新数字列表,因为这一行已经是操作之后的了

chess_nums_temp[i] = row

return chess_nums_temp

def move_right(chess_nums_temp):

# 先翻翻转

chess_nums_temp = [row[::-1] for row in chess_nums_temp]

# 然后在调用像左移动的功能


# 最后再次翻转,实现之前的样子

return [row[::-1] for row in chess_nums_temp]

def move_up(chess_nums_temp):

# "行与列转置"

chess_nums_temp = [list(row) for row in zip(*chess_nums_temp)]

# 向左移动

chess_nums_temp = move_left(chess_nums_temp)

# 再次"行与列转置"从而实现复原

return [list(row) for row in zip(*chess_nums_temp)]

def move_down(chess_nums_temp):

# "行与列转置"

chess_nums_temp = [list(row) for row in zip(*chess_nums_temp)]

# 向右移动

chess_nums_temp = move_right(chess_nums_temp)

# 再次"行与列转置"从而实现复原

return [list(row) for row in zip(*chess_nums_temp)]

def move(chess_nums_temp, direction):




# 存储判断各个方向是否可移动对应的函数

judge_move_func_dict = {

'left': judge_move_left,

'right': judge_move_right,

'up': judge_move_up,

'down': judge_move_down


# 存储各个方向移动的函数

move_func_dict = {

'left': move_left,

'right': move_right,

'up': move_up,

'down': move_down


# 调用对应的函数,判断是否可以朝这个方向移动

ret = judge_move_func_dict[direction](chess_nums_temp)

print("%s方向是否可以移动:" % direction, ret)

if ret:

chess_nums_temp = move_func_dict[direction](chess_nums_temp)


# 返回列表,如果更新了就是新的,如果没有更新就是之前的那个

return chess_nums_temp

def get_num_color(num):



对应的数字:[方格背景颜色, 方格里的字体颜色]


color_dict = {

2: ['#eee4da', '#776e65'], 4: ['#ede0c8', '#776e65'], 8: ['#f2b179', '#f9f6f2'],

16: ['#f59563', '#f9f6f2'], 32: ['#f67c5f', '#f9f6f2'], 64: ['#f65e3b', '#f9f6f2'],

128: ['#edcf72', '#f9f6f2'], 256: ['#edcc61', '#f9f6f2'], 512: ['#edc850', '#f9f6f2'],

1024: ['#edc53f', '#f9f6f2'], 2048: ['#edc22e', '#f9f6f2'], 4096: ['#eee4da', '#776e65'],

8192: ['#edc22e', '#f9f6f2'], 16384: ['#f2b179', '#776e65'], 32768: ['#f59563', '#776e65'],

65536: ['#f67c5f', '#f9f6f2'], 0: ['#9e948a', None]


return color_dict[num]

def create_random_num(nums_temp):




# 存储所有空位置

positions = list()

for row, line in enumerate(nums_temp):

for col, num in enumerate(line):

if num == 0:

positions.append((row, col))

# 随机从空位置列表中抽取一个,然后拆包

row, col = random.choice(positions)

nums_temp[row][col] = random.choice([2, 4, 2]) # 随机从2个2,1个4中抽取,这样抽到2的概率是4的2倍

def draw_nums(screen, chess_nums_temp):




# 准备字体等

font_size = BLOCK_SIZE - 10

font = pygame.font.Font("./resources/font/Gabriola.ttf", font_size)

# 遍历数字

for i, line in enumerate(chess_nums_temp):

for j, num in enumerate(line):

if num != 0:

# 计算显示位置(x坐标、y坐标)

x = MARGIN_SIZE * (j + 1) + BLOCK_SIZE * j

y = MARGIN_SIZE * (i + 1) + BLOCK_SIZE * i

# 获取颜色

font_color = pygame.Color(get_num_color(num)[1])

# 显示数字

text = font.render(str(num), True, font_color)

text_rect = text.get_rect()

text_rect.centerx, text_rect.centery = x + BLOCK_SIZE / 2, y + BLOCK_SIZE / 2

# 用对应的数字背景色,重新绘制这个方块

pygame.draw.rect(screen, pygame.Color(get_num_color(num)[0]), (x, y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE))

screen.blit(text, text_rect)

def draw_chess_board(screen):




for i in range(4):

for j in range(4):

x = MARGIN_SIZE * (j + 1) + BLOCK_SIZE * j

y = MARGIN_SIZE * (i + 1) + BLOCK_SIZE * i

pygame.draw.rect(screen, pygame.Color('#f9f6f2'), (x, y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE))

def run(screen):

# 定义列表,用来记录当前棋盘上的所有数字,如果某位置没有数字,则为0

chess_nums = [[0 for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(4)]

# 随机生成一个数字



# 记录当前的分数

score = get_score(chess_nums)

# 创建计时器(防止while循环过快,占用太多CPU的问题)

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

while True:

# 事件检测(鼠标点击、键盘按下等)

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:



elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

if event.key in [pygame.K_UP, pygame.K_DOWN, pygame.K_LEFT, pygame.K_RIGHT]:

direction = {pygame.K_UP: 'up', pygame.K_DOWN: 'down', pygame.K_LEFT: 'left', pygame.K_RIGHT: 'right'}[event.key]

print("按下了方向键:", direction)

chess_nums = move(chess_nums, direction)

if judge_game_over(chess_nums):



# 每按下方向键,就重新计算

score = get_score(chess_nums)

# 显示背景色


# 显示棋盘


# 显示棋盘上的数字

draw_nums(screen, chess_nums)

# 显示分数

draw_score(screen, score)

# 显示操作提示


# 刷新显示(此时窗口才会真正的显示)


# FPS(每秒钟显示画面的次数)

clock.tick(60) # 通过一定的延时,实现1秒钟能够循环60次

def main():

# 游戏初始化


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))

while True:

# 运行一次游戏


# 显示游戏结束,是否重来


if __name__ == '__main__':


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