windows + python2.7



pip install pycrypto

linux + python2.7


error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1


sudo apt-get install python-dev


~$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:The following packages have unmet dependencies:python-dev : Depends: libpython-dev (= 2.7.11-1) but it is not going to be installedDepends: python2.7-dev (>= 2.7.11-1~) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

用aptitude 工具可以搞定

sudo apt-get install aptitude


sudo aptitude install python-dev


sudo aptitude install python-dev
The following NEW packages will be installed:libexpat1-dev{ab} libpython-dev{a} libpython2.7-dev{ab} python-devpython2.7-dev{ab}
0 packages upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 28.1 MB of archives. After unpacking 42.1 MB will be used.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:python2.7-dev : Depends: python2.7 (= 2.7.11-2) but 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 is installed.Depends: libpython2.7 (= 2.7.11-2) but 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 is installed.libexpat1-dev : Depends: libexpat1 (= 2.1.0-7) but 2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.2 is installed.libpython2.7-dev : Depends: libpython2.7-stdlib (= 2.7.11-2) but 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 is installed.Depends: libpython2.7 (= 2.7.11-2) but 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 is installed.
open: 24; closed: 106; defer: 16; conflict: 21                                 .The following actions will resolve these dependencies:Keep the following packages at their current version:1)     libexpat1-dev [Not Installed]
2)     libpython-dev [Not Installed]
3)     libpython2.7-dev [Not Installed]
4)     python-dev [Not Installed]
5)     python2.7-dev [Not Installed]                      Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] n        这里一定要n,因为给的solution是保持现在的状态,即不安装The following actions will resolve these dependencies:Downgrade the following packages:                                         1)     libexpat1 [2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.2 (now) -> 2.1.0-7 (xenial)]
2)     libpython2.7 [2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 (now) -> 2.7.11-2 (xenial)]
3)     libpython2.7-minimal [2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 (now) -> 2.7.11-2 (xenial)]
4)     libpython2.7-stdlib [2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 (now) -> 2.7.11-2 (xenial)]
5)     python2.7 [2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 (now) -> 2.7.11-2 (xenial)]
6)     python2.7-minimal [2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 (now) -> 2.7.11-2 (xenial)]  Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] y     接受新状态就可以安装了


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