



LLVMLinux Project Overview

This project aims to fully build the Linux kernel using Clang which is the C front end for the LLVM compiler infrastructure project. Together Clang and LLVM have many positive attributes and features which many developers and system integrators would like to take advantage of when developing and deploying the Linux Kernel as a part of their own projects.

The hope is that this project will help reduce duplicate work, as well as concentrate, and accelerate efforts around this subject matter in order to allow Linux Kernel developers, and system integrators to have the choice of a Clang compiled Linux kernel. The goal is for this project to be a testing/proving ground for these updates and to get patches that make this possible upstream to their respective projects.

The LLVMLinux project consolidates the work of the lll-project, the PAX team, and Mark Charlebois' work on the ARM kernel.

There have been several presentations and articles on this topic if you wish to learn more about the reasons for this project.

Currently the work is centred around the ARM, x86, x86_64, and MIPS architectures but contributions to support other architectures are welcome. Patches accepted!

Interested parties will be holding a Bi-weekly Google Hangout to discuss project status and goals.


Features You Won't Find In The Linux 4.9 Mainline Kernel

Written by Michael Larabel in Linux Kernel on 19 October 2016 at 07:18 AM EDT. 17 Comments


LLVM Clang Building - The mainline kernel still can't build cleanly under the LLVM Clang compiler. The LLVMLinux project slowed down a lot but hopefully developers will get back to working on this support in the not too distant future.




另外,该项目的邮件列表为: llvmlinux@lists.linuxfoundation.org.

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