
In statistics, mean is defined as the ‘average’ value that you get when you add all the values and divide them by the total number of values.


This tutorial is focused on finding the mean of the values using three different methods.


查找输入值列表的平均值 (Find the mean of an input list of values)

In this method, we are creating a list including some values and try to find the mean of those values.


Example 1


x <- c(21,32,43,54,65,76,87,98)      #calculates the mean for the given values
mean(x)Output -->  59.5

In the above code, we first created a list ‘x’ containing some values. Then, with the help of function mean(), we can find the mean of the values in the list ‘x’.

在上面的代码中,我们首先创建了一个包含一些值的列表“ x”。 然后,借助mean()函数,我们可以在列表“ x”中找到值的平均值。

Example 2


x <- c(2.5,3.7,6.8,5.7,6.8,4.6)       #calculates the mean for the decimal values
mean(x)--> 5.016667

在文本文件中查找值的平均值 (Find the mean of the values in a text file)

In this method, you will get to know how you can find the mean of the values which are stored in a text file.


x <- read.table('testvalues.txt')    #This will read the text file
mean(x$V1)    #This will calculate the mean of the values in the text file
--> 75.33333

查找存储在CSV文件中的值的平均值 (Find the mean of the values stored in a CSV file)

In this method, we are importing a CSV file, which includes some values in it. Then, as you did in the above steps, you can find the mean of the values using function mean().

在这种方法中,我们要导入一个CSV文件,其中包含一些值。 然后,与上述步骤一样,可以使用mean()函数找到值的均值。

The below code demonstrated the importing and reading of a CSV file.

下面的代码演示了CSV文件的导入和读取 。

x <- read.csv('testdata1.csv')

The above image shows the values which are present in the CSV file. In the next step, we can calculate the mean of these values. For that purpose run the below code.

上图显示了CSV文件中存在的值。 在下一步中,我们可以计算这些值的平均值。 为此,请运行以下代码。

mean(x$Values)  #calculates the mean for the values present in CSV file--> 68.92857

结论 (Conclusion)

R is a great statistical analysis language. It offers a range of functions for mathematical computations. In this tutorial, we have used mean() function to find the mean of given values. You can find the mean of values by creating a list of values, a text file or a CSV file as shown above as well.

R是一种出色的统计分析语言。 它提供了一系列用于数学计算的功能。 在本教程中,我们使用了mean()函数来查找给定值的均值。 您还可以通过创建值列表,文本文件或CSV文件(如上所示)来找到值的平均值。

I hope you got some good understanding of finding the mean of values using different methods. That’s all for now, happy learning!!!

希望您对使用不同方法求出均值的方法有所了解。 现在就这些,学习愉快!!!

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/38103/find-the-mean-of-values-in-r



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