
Welcome! If you want to start diving into data science and statistics, then data frames, CSV files, and R will be essential tools for you. Let's see how you can use their amazing capabilities.

欢迎! 如果您想开始研究数据科学和统计学,那么数据框,CSV文件和R将是您必不可少的工具。 让我们看看如何使用它们的惊人功能。

In this article, you will learn:


  • What CSV files are and what they are used for.什么是CSV文件以及它们的用途。
  • How to create CSV files using Google Sheets.如何使用Google表格创建CSV文件。
  • How to read CSV files in R.如何在R中读取CSV文件。
  • What Data Frames are and what they are used for.什么是数据帧以及它们的用途。
  • How to access the elements of a data frame.如何访问数据框的元素。
  • How to modify a data frame.如何修改数据框。
  • How to add and delete rows and columns.如何添加和删除行和列。

We will use RStudio, an open-source IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to run the examples.


Let's begin!


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