
Today I am sharing the best java books to learn java programming. Java is one of the most widely used programming languages. You will find java based applications everywhere, from embedded systems to web applications. Android programming is built on top of java, that is used in billions of smartphones, tablets etc.

今天,我分享最好的Java书籍,以学习Java编程。 Java是使用最广泛的编程语言之一。 从嵌入式系统到Web应用程序,到处都可以找到基于Java的应用程序。 Android编程是建立在Java之上的,它已在数十亿智能手机,平板电脑等中使用。

So if you want to build your career as a Java professional, having good core java knowledge is a must. If you are good at Core Java, learning all other java based frameworks is not that hard. That’s why, even after working in IT industry for 10 years and using several Java, Java EE frameworks; I value Core Java most.

因此,如果您想以Java专业人员的身份发展自己的职业,那么必须具备良好的Java核心知识。 如果您擅长Core Java,那么学习所有其他基于Java的框架并不难。 这就是为什么即使在IT行业工作了10年并使用了多个Java Java EE框架的原因。 我最看重Core Java。

最佳Java书籍 (Best Java Books)

There are a lot of online tutorials that you can follow, but nothing can replace a good book. Here I am sharing 5 Core Java Books that you should read, I am sure that you must have read at least one of these books.

您可以遵循很多在线教程,但是没有什么可以代替一本好书。 在这里,我分享了您应该阅读的5本Java核心书籍,我确信您至少已经阅读其中一本。

  1. Head First Java: Head First Java was the first java related book that I read, almost 9 years ago. This is a great book and you should read it. The best part of Head First Java is the simplicity of the book and how easily it relates java programming concepts to real life.

    This book needs to be updated with all the recent changes, but still it’s a must-have book for everybody to understand OOPS concepts, and unlike other programming books it’s very interesting.

    You can buy the “Head First Java” book from below stores. (India) (India)

    Head First Java :Head First Java是我将近9年前阅读的第一本与Java相关的书。 这是一本很棒的书,您应该阅读它。 《 Head First Java》最好的部分是本书的简洁性以及它将Java编程概念与现实生活联系起来的难易程度。 这本书需要进行所有最近的更改,以进行更新,但是它仍然是每个人都必须了解的OOPS概念的书,而且与其他编程书籍不同,它非常有趣。

    您可以从以下商店购买“ Head First Java”一书。印度)印度)

  2. Java: A Beginner’s Guide (Sixth Edition): As the name suggests, it’s a good book for someone with basic knowledge of programming wanting to learn java programming language. It’s written by “Herbert Schildt” and covers all the basic concepts of Core Java.

    Some of the things I like about this book is the Hands-on exercises and end of chapter quiz to evaluate your learning. The latest edition of this book covers Java 8 too, that I think is very important as there are many core changes introduced in Java 8.

    You can buy “Java: A Beginner’s Guide” from below stores. (India) (India)

    Java:初学者指南(第六版) :顾名思义,对于那些想要学习Java编程语言的编程基础知识的人来说,这是一本好书。 它由“ Herbert Schildt”撰写,涵盖了Core Java的所有基本概念。

    我喜欢本书的一些内容是动手练习和本章末的测验,以评估您的学习情况。 本书的最新版本也涵盖了Java 8,我认为非常重要,因为Java 8中引入了许多核心更改。

    您可以从以下商店购买“ Java:初学者指南”。印度)印度)

  3. Java: The Complete Reference (Ninth Edition): This book contains everything you need to become master of Java programming language. You can keep this book as a reference. Although I think it’s not a good book for complete beginners because it’s more than 1200 pages long. But if you want to learn beyond the basics, then this is the book I would recommend.

    The latest edition of this book is released in March 2014 to include Java 8 changes. If you are planning to buy it, make sure you get the latest edition.

    You can get “Java: The Complete Reference” from below stores. (India) (India)

    Java:完整参考书(第九版) :本书包含成为Java编程语言大师所需的一切。 您可以保留这本书作为参考。 尽管我认为这对于一本完整的初学者来说不是一本好书,因为它的长度超过1200页。 但是,如果您想学习基础知识以外的内容,那么我会推荐这本书。

    本书的最新版本于2014年3月发布,其中包含Java 8的更改。 如果打算购买,请确保获得最新版本。

    您可以从以下商店获得“ Java:完整参考”。印度)印度)

  4. Core Java Volume I — Fundamentals (9th Edition): This is again a reference book that contains the detailed explanation of different features of Core Java. I like it better than the Complete Reference because of several reasons – it’s not from Oracle, it’s simple to read and under 1000 pages.

    The only thing missing from this book is that it doesn’t cover Java 8, otherwise it’s one of the best java reference books.

    You can get “Core Java Volume I — Fundamentals (9th Edition)” from below stores. (India) (India)

    核心Java第一册-基础(第9版) :这又是一本参考书,其中包含有关核心Java不同功能的详细说明。 由于以下几个原因,我比完全参考更喜欢它-它不是来自Oracle,它很容易阅读并且不到1000页。

    本书唯一缺少的是它没有涵盖Java 8,否则它是最好的Java参考书之一。

    您可以从以下商店获得“ Core Java Volume I-基础知识(第9版)”。印度)印度)

  5. Effective Java 2nd Edition: This is not the beginner’s book but I think this is a must-have book for every Java programmer. The book contains 78 best practices that you should follow when writing Java programs. I think it should be read in parallel with other Java books so that you follow these best practices right from the start.

    The 78 best practices are divided into 11 different sections such as Generics, Methods, Concurrency etc. So it’s easy to read in parallel with any other Java book. If you haven’t read this, I would strongly recommend to buy it and read it.

    You can get “Effective Java 2nd Edition” from below stores. (India) (India)

    有效的Java 2nd Edition :这不是初学者的书,但我认为这是每位Java程序员必备的书。 本书包含了在编写Java程序时应遵循的78个最佳实践。 我认为应该与其他Java书籍并行阅读,以便您从一开始就遵循这些最佳实践。

    这78个最佳实践被划分为11个不同的部分,例如泛型,方法,并发等。因此,很容易与其他Java书籍并行阅读。 如果您还没有阅读过,我强烈建议您购买并阅读。

    您可以从以下商店购买“ Effective Java 2nd Edition”。印度)印度)

There are a lot of other good books too, but I have read all the above books and that’s why I am recommending them. If you have read any other good java book, please let me know through comments. I would love to read them and add to the list.

也有很多其他好书,但是我已经读了所有上述书,这就是为什么我推荐它们。 如果您读过其他任何优秀的Java书籍,请通过评论让我知道。 我希望阅读它们并添加到列表中。




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