
Now that we understand what Clustered Index Scan and Clustered Index Seek are, how they occur, and how to eliminate table scans in my previous article SQL Server Query Execution Plans for beginners – Clustered Index Operators, the next topic would be looking at Non-Clustered Indexes

现在,在我之前的文章面向初学者SQL Server查询执行计划–聚簇索引运算符中 ,我们了解了聚簇索引扫描和聚簇索引查找是什么,如何发生以及如何消除表扫描,下一个主题是非聚簇指标

We can start off with the Non-Clustered Index Scan …


非聚集索引扫描 (Non-Clustered Index Scan)

  • When 什么时候

    • A Non-Clustered Index Scan occurs when columns are part of the non-clustered index and the query goes about accessing a large amount of data across this particular index 当列是非聚集索引的一部分时,就会发生非聚集索引扫描,并且查询将通过该特定索引访问大量数据
  • Good or Bad 是好是坏
    • Bad unless large data with most columns and rows retrieved 除非获取的大多数数据具有最多的列和行,否则不正确
  • Action Item 行动项目
    • The action item here is pretty clear. Just look at redefining or refining your Non-Clustered Index. By considering the columns configured in that NON-Clustered index 这里的动作项非常清楚。 只需看看重新定义或完善非聚集索引即可。 通过考虑在该非聚集索引中配置的列

After refining your Non-Clustered Index, you might get into a Non-Clustered Index Seek.


非聚集索引搜寻 (Non-Clustered Index Seek)

  • When 什么时候

    • Non-Clustered Index Seek occurs when Columns part of non-clustered index accessed in query and rows located in the B+ tree 当在查询中访问非聚集索引的Columns部分以及位于B +树中的行时,发生非聚集索引查找
  • Good or Bad 是好是坏
    • It is good and ideal to have a Non-Clustered Index Seek 进行非聚集索引查找是很好且理想的选择
  • Action Item 行动项目
    • Evaluate other operators 评估其他运算符

Let us take a quick example to see how this can be seen and some of the options and methods to go ahead and mitigate.


We are going to use the same table that we created in my previous article.


Then, you can notice some interesting options using that data which will make it very clear on how to get the most performance using non-clustered indexes.


First, let us create one non-clustered index based on [OrderQty] and [ProductID] columns.


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_OrderQty_ProductID]
ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]

Now, we can execute the following script and enable include actual execution plan.


SELECT SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, ProductID, OrderQty
FROM [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]

This will show us the result of 121,317 rows and 303 logical reads. Hence, you can see that I was doing a select some columns from an actual table where the query could get satisfied from the non-clustered key and hence, you got a scan of non-cluster.

这将向我们显示121,317行和303个逻辑读取的结果。 因此,您可以看到我正在从实际表中选择一些列,可以从非集群键中满足查询,因此,您可以扫描非集群。

Interestingly, if I go ahead and add a where condition on the [ProductID] column:


SELECT SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, ProductID, OrderQty
FROM [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]
WHERE ProductID = 799

It is obvious that we have got the result of 648 rows which is less than the previous result but SQL Server has done the same 303 logical reads and we still did not use non-clustered index seek. So, how can I change and refine to redefine the non-clustered index so that it can start getting better results and a better plan?

显然,我们得到了648行的结果,该结果比以前的结果要少,但是SQL Server进行了303次相同的逻辑读取,并且我们仍然没有使用非聚集索引查找。 因此,如何更改和优化以重新定义非聚集索引,以便可以开始获得更好的结果和更好的计划?

One of the methods that can be used here is to change the where conditions to add additional information so that SQL Server can use the non-clustered index effectively.

此处可以使用的方法之一是更改where条件以添加其他信息,以便SQL Server可以有效地使用非聚集索引。

Remember, we had the index created on order quantity and product ID.


I will add the order quantity condition as I know that the order quantity is always greater than zero. and in my previous example, I had got 648 rows.

我将添加订单数量条件,因为我知道订单数量始终大于零。 在前面的示例中,我有648行。

SELECT SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, ProductID, OrderQty
FROM [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]
WHERE ProductID = 799 AND OrderQty > 0

On execution of this particular query gives me the same 648 rows.


Although the messages show me a logical read of 303 yet, you can see the index that is used, the physical operation that is used is an index seek.


Another method to play over here is to redefine the particular index which for that query by reordering the columns in the index:


drop INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_OrderQty_ProductID]
ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_ProductID_OrderQty]
ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]

Then we can execute our original query with only the condition of [ProductID] column:


SELECT SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, ProductID, OrderQty
FROM [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]
WHERE ProductID = 799

Now, we have the most optimal plan with logical reads of 5 only.


Hence, you could see when we went ahead creating a non-clustered index and got a non-clustered scan, we used two methods, one of them is redefining the where clauses to get actually an index seek, yet you could see that IO is never reduced.


The other way that we have used is to actually define a right index of non-clustered in the right order. Here, you can see the IO is reduced considerably.

我们使用的另一种方法是实际上以正确的顺序定义非聚集的正确索引。 在这里,您可以看到IO大大减少了。

This is how we have converted a non-clustered index scan to the most optimal non-clustered index seek.


Let us now look at the next operator, lookups …


查询 (Lookups )

  • When 什么时候

    • Query Optimizer uses the non-clustered index to search few column data and base table for other columns data 查询优化器使用非聚集索引来搜索少量列数据,并在基表中搜索其他列数据
  • Good or Bad 是好是坏
    • Bad 坏
  • Action Item 行动项目
    • The best way to mitigate them is to have either a covering index or use an index with included columns 减轻它们的最好方法是使用覆盖索引或使用包含列的索引

Here is a typical example of how lookups would happen using the same sample table:


SELECT  SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, ProductID, OrderQty,SpecialOfferID
FROM [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]
WHERE ProductID = 789

This produced 364 rows with huge 1854 logical reads


The execution plan has used a where condition which was based on the [ProductID] column using an index seek non-clustered for the operation and it was seeking another extract column so it had to do what we call as a key lookup.


The output list shows this [SpecialOfferID] column which is something that the key lookup was sending out.


So, this particular column is needed to satisfy the select statement.


The first option here, I’m going to create an index, a non-clustered index which is based on covering index.


DROP INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_ProductID_OrderQty] ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]CREATE NONCLUSTERED  INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_ProductID_OrderQty_SpecialOfferID]
ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]

And execute the same query again:


Now, we have obtained the same result set of 364 rows with logical reads of 6 only and also we have eliminated the key lookup operator.


Second, is to use all the columns required by the select statement in the included columns of the non-clustered index, as below:


DROP INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_ProductID_OrderQty_SpecialOfferID] ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]CREATE NONCLUSTERED  INDEX [IX_MySalesOrderDetail_ProductID_OrderQty_SpecialOfferID]
ON [SQL_SHACK].[dbo].[MySalesOrderDetail]
INCLUDE ([OrderQty],[SpecialOfferID])

And execute the same query again:


Now, we can see that it has done an Index Seek Non-Clustered and the bookmark lookup has been eliminated.


摘要 (Summary)

Non-clustered indexes are very important part of performance optimization life cycle. Every DBA should know what exactly can be done with them. I tried here to touch the basics of the non-clustered indexes operators and I hope you found this article helpful.

非聚集索引是性能优化生命周期中非常重要的部分。 每个DBA都应该知道用它们到底可以做什么。 我在这里尝试接触非聚集索引运算符的基础知识,希望对本文有所帮助。

Previous articles in this series:


  • SQL Server Query Execution Plans for beginners – Types and Options 面向初学者SQL Server查询执行计划–类型和选项
  • SQL Server Query Execution Plans for beginners – Clustered Index Operators 面向初学者SQL Server查询执行计划–聚集索引运算符

参考资料 (References)

  • Nonclustered Index Scan Showplan Operator 非聚集索引扫描Showplan运算符
  • Nonclustered Index Seek Showplan Operator 非聚集索引寻求Showplan运算符
  • Key Lookup Showplan Operator 关键查找Showplan运算符

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-query-execution-plans-beginners-non-clustered-index-operators/


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