本文翻译自:Pass a JavaScript function as parameter

How do I pass a function as a parameter without the function executing in the "parent" function or using eval() ? 如何在没有“父”函数中执行的函数或使用eval()情况下将函数作为参数传递? (Since I've read that it's insecure.) (因为我读过它是不安全的。)

I have this: 我有这个:

addContact(entityId, refreshContactList());

It works, but the problem is that refreshContactList fires when the function is called, rather than when it's used in the function. 它可以工作,但问题是refreshContactList在调用函数时触发,而不是在函数中使用它时触发。

I could get around it using eval() , but it's not the best practice, according to what I've read. 我可以使用eval()绕过它,但根据我所读到的,这不是最好的做法。 How can I pass a function as a parameter in JavaScript? 如何在JavaScript中将函数作为参数传递?




You just need to remove the parenthesis: 您只需要删除括号:

addContact(entityId, refreshContactList);

This then passes the function without executing it first. 然后,它会先传递函数而不先执行它。

Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

function addContact(id, refreshCallback) {refreshCallback();// You can also pass arguments if you need to// refreshCallback(id);
}function refreshContactList() {alert('Hello World');
}addContact(1, refreshContactList);


To pass the function as parameter, simply remove the brackets! 要将函数作为参数传递,只需删除括号!

function ToBeCalled(){alert("I was called");
}function iNeedParameter( paramFunc) {//it is a good idea to check if the parameter is actually not null//and that it is a functionif (paramFunc && (typeof paramFunc == "function")) {paramFunc();   }
}//this calls iNeedParameter and sends the other function to it

The idea behind this is that a function is quite similar to a variable. 这背后的想法是函数与变量非常相似。 Instead of writing 而不是写作

function ToBeCalled() { /* something */ }

you might as well write 你不妨写一下

var ToBeCalledVariable = function () { /* something */ }

There are minor differences between the two, but anyway - both of them are valid ways to define a function. 两者之间存在细微差别,但无论如何 - 它们都是定义函数的有效方法。 Now, if you define a function and explicitly assign it to a variable, it seems quite logical, that you can pass it as parameter to another function, and you don't need brackets: 现在,如果您定义一个函数并将其显式分配给变量,那么您可以将其作为参数传递给另一个函数,并且您不需要括号:



Example 1: 例1:

funct("z", function (x) { return x; });function funct(a, foo){foo(a) // this will return a

Example 2: 例2:

function foodemo(value){return 'hello '+value;
}function funct(a, foo){alert(foo(a));
}//call funct
funct('world!',foodemo); //=> 'hello world!'

look at this 看这个


There is a phrase amongst JavaScript programmers: "Eval is Evil" so try to avoid it at all costs! JavaScript程序员中有一句话:“Eval is Evil”,所以尽量避免它!

In addition to Steve Fenton's answer, you can also pass functions directly. 除了Steve Fenton的回答,您还可以直接传递函数。

function addContact(entity, refreshFn) {refreshFn();
}function callAddContact() {addContact("entity", function() { DoThis(); });


You can use a JSON as well to store and send JS functions. 您也可以使用JSON来存储和发送JS函数。

Check the following: 检查以下内容:

var myJSON =
{"myFunc1" : function (){alert("a");}, "myFunc2" : function (functionParameter){functionParameter();}
}function main(){myJSON.myFunc2(myJSON.myFunc1);

This will print 'a'. 这将打印'a'。

The following has the same effect with the above: 以下与上述效果相同:

var myFunc1 = function (){alert('a');
}var myFunc2 = function (functionParameter){functionParameter();
}function main(){myFunc2(myFunc1);

Which is also has the same effect with the following: 这也与以下内容具有相同的效果:

function myFunc1(){alert('a');
}function myFunc2 (functionParameter){functionParameter();
}function main(){myFunc2(myFunc1);

And a object paradigm using Class as object prototype: 以及使用Class作为对象原型的对象范例:

function Class(){this.myFunc1 =  function(msg){alert(msg);}this.myFunc2 = function(callBackParameter){callBackParameter('message');}
}function main(){    var myClass = new Class();  myClass.myFunc2(myClass.myFunc1);


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