首先需要思考的问题是:什么是调度器(scheduler)?调度器的作用是什么?调度器是一个操作系统的核心部分。可以比作是CPU时间的管理员。调度器主要负责选择某些就绪的进程来执行。不同的调度器根据不同的方法挑选出最适合运行的进程。目前Linux支持的调度器就有RT scheduler、Deadline scheduler、CFS scheduler及Idle scheduler等。我想用一系列文章呈现Linux 调度器的设计原理。



从Linux 2.6.23开始,Linux引入scheduling class的概念,目的是将调度器模块化。这样提高了扩展性,添加一个新的调度器也变得简单起来。一个系统中还可以共存多个调度器。在Linux中,将调度器公共的部分抽象,使用struct sched_class结构体描述一个具体的调度类。系统核心调度代码会通过struct sched_class结构体的成员调用具体调度类的核心算法。先简单的介绍下struct sched_class部分成员作用。

struct sched_class {const struct sched_class *next;#ifdef CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASKint uclamp_enabled;
#endifvoid (*enqueue_task) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags);void (*dequeue_task) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags);void (*yield_task)   (struct rq *rq);bool (*yield_to_task)(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, bool preempt);void (*check_preempt_curr)(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int flags);struct task_struct *(*pick_next_task)(struct rq *rq);void (*put_prev_task)(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p);void (*set_next_task)(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, bool first);#ifdef CONFIG_SMPint (*balance)(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *prev, struct rq_flags *rf);int  (*select_task_rq)(struct task_struct *p, int task_cpu, int sd_flag, int flags);void (*migrate_task_rq)(struct task_struct *p, int new_cpu);void (*task_woken)(struct rq *this_rq, struct task_struct *task);void (*set_cpus_allowed)(struct task_struct *p,const struct cpumask *newmask);void (*rq_online)(struct rq *rq);void (*rq_offline)(struct rq *rq);
#endifvoid (*task_tick)(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int queued);void (*task_fork)(struct task_struct *p);void (*task_dead)(struct task_struct *p);/** The switched_from() call is allowed to drop rq->lock, therefore we* cannot assume the switched_from/switched_to pair is serliazed by* rq->lock. They are however serialized by p->pi_lock.*/void (*switched_from)(struct rq *this_rq, struct task_struct *task);void (*switched_to)  (struct rq *this_rq, struct task_struct *task);void (*prio_changed) (struct rq *this_rq, struct task_struct *task,int oldprio);unsigned int (*get_rr_interval)(struct rq *rq,struct task_struct *task);void (*update_curr)(struct rq *rq);#define TASK_SET_GROUP      0
#define TASK_MOVE_GROUP     1#ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHEDvoid (*task_change_group)(struct task_struct *p, int type);
  1. next:next成员指向下一个调度类(比自己低一个优先级)。在Linux中,每一个调度类都是有明确的优先级关系,高优先级调度类管理的进程会优先获得cpu使用权。
  2. enqueue_task:向该调度器管理的runqueue中添加一个进程。我们把这个操作称为入队。
  3. dequeue_task:向该调度器管理的runqueue中删除一个进程。我们把这个操作称为出队。
  4. check_preempt_curr:当一个进程被唤醒或者创建的时候,需要检查当前进程是否可以抢占当前cpu上正在运行的进程,如果可以抢占需要标记TIF_NEED_RESCHED flag。
  5. pick_next_task:从runqueue中选择一个最适合运行的task。这也算是调度器比较核心的一个操作。例如,我们依据什么挑选最适合运行的进程呢?这就是每一个调度器需要关注的问题。



调度类 描述 调度策略
dl_sched_class deadline调度器 SCHED_DEADLINE
rt_sched_class 实时调度器 SCHED_FIFO、SCHED_RR
fair_sched_class 完全公平调度器 SCHED_NORMAL、SCHED_BATCH
idle_sched_class idle task SCHED_IDLE


  1. sched_class_highest----->stop_sched_class
  2. .next---------->dl_sched_class
  3. .next---------->rt_sched_class
  4. .next--------->fair_sched_class
  5. .next----------->idle_sched_class
  6. .next = NULL


/** Pick up the highest-prio task:*/
static inline struct task_struct *
pick_next_task(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *prev, struct rq_flags *rf)
{const struct sched_class *class;struct task_struct *p;/** Optimization: we know that if all tasks are in the fair class we can* call that function directly, but only if the @prev task wasn't of a* higher scheduling class, because otherwise those loose the* opportunity to pull in more work from other CPUs.*/if (likely((prev->sched_class == &idle_sched_class ||prev->sched_class == &fair_sched_class) &&rq->nr_running == rq->cfs.h_nr_running)) {p = pick_next_task_fair(rq, prev, rf);if (unlikely(p == RETRY_TASK))goto restart;/* Assumes fair_sched_class->next == idle_sched_class */if (!p) {put_prev_task(rq, prev);p = pick_next_task_idle(rq);}return p;}restart:put_prev_task_balance(rq, prev, rf);for_each_class(class) {p = class->pick_next_task(rq);if (p)return p;}/* The idle class should always have a runnable task: */BUG();



CFS是Completely Fair Scheduler简称,即完全公平调度器。CFS的设计理念是在真实硬件上实现理想的、精确的多任务CPU。CFS调度器和以往的调度器不同之处在于没有时间片的概念,而是分配cpu使用时间的比例。例如:2个相同优先级的进程在一个cpu上运行,那么每个进程都将会分配50%的cpu运行时间。这就是要实现的公平。

以上举例是基于同等优先级的情况下。但是现实却并非如此,有些任务优先级就是比较高。那么CFS调度器的优先级是如何实现的呢?首先,我们引入权重的概念,权重代表着进程的优先级。各个进程之间按照权重的比例分配cpu时间。例如:2个进程A和B。A的权重是1024,B的权重是2048。那么A获得cpu的时间比例是1024/(1024+2048) = 33.3%。B进程获得的cpu时间比例是2048/(1024+2048)=66.7%。我们可以看出,权重越大分配的时间比例越大,相当于优先级越高。在引入权重之后,分配给进程的时间计算公式如下:

分配给进程的时间 = 总的cpu时间 * 进程的权重/就绪队列(runqueue)所有进程权重之和

CFS调度器针对优先级又提出了nice值的概念,其实和权重是一一对应的关系。nice值就是一个具体的数字,取值范围是[-20, 19]。数值越小代表优先级越大,同时也意味着权重值越大,nice值和权重之间可以互相转换。内核提供了一个表格转换nice值和权重。

数组的值可以看作是公式:weight = 1024 / 计算得到。公式中的1.25取值依据是:进程每降低一个nice值,将多获得10% cpu的时间。公式中以1024权重为基准值计算得来,1024权重对应nice值为0,其权重被称为NICE_0_LOAD。默认情况下,大部分进程的权重基本都是NICE_0_LOAD。



static unsigned int sched_nr_latency = 8;/** Minimal preemption granularity for CPU-bound tasks:** (default: 0.75 msec * (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)*/
unsigned int sysctl_sched_min_granularity           = 750000ULL;
static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_min_granularity = 750000ULL;/** Targeted preemption latency for CPU-bound tasks:** NOTE: this latency value is not the same as the concept of* 'timeslice length' - timeslices in CFS are of variable length* and have no persistent notion like in traditional, time-slice* based scheduling concepts.** (to see the precise effective timeslice length of your workload,*  run vmstat and monitor the context-switches (cs) field)** (default: 6ms * (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)*/
unsigned int sysctl_sched_latency           = 6000000ULL;
static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_latency = 6000000ULL;/** The idea is to set a period in which each task runs once.** When there are too many tasks (sched_nr_latency) we have to stretch* this period because otherwise the slices get too small.** p = (nr <= nl) ? l : l*nr/nl*/
static u64 __sched_period(unsigned long nr_running)
{if (unlikely(nr_running > sched_nr_latency))return nr_running * sysctl_sched_min_granularity;elsereturn sysctl_sched_latency;


虚拟时间(virtual time)


例如,调度周期是6ms,系统一共2个相同优先级的进程A和B,那么每个进程都将在6ms周期时间内内各运行3ms。如果进程A和B,他们的权重分别是1024和820(nice值分别是0和1)。进程A获得的运行时间是6x1024/(1024+820)=3.3ms,进程B获得的执行时间是6x820/(1024+820)=2.7ms。进程A的cpu使用比例是3.3/6x100%=55%,进程B的cpu使用比例是2.7/6x100%=45%。计算结果也符合上面说的“进程每降低一个nice值,将多获得10% CPU的时间”。很明显,2个进程的实际执行时间是不相等的,但是CFS想保证每个进程运行时间相等。


虚拟时间vriture_runtime和实际时间(wall time)转换公式如下:

vriture_runtime = wall_time * 

wall_time =调度周期 *  

vriture_runtime = 调度周期 *    *  =  调度周期 * 



进程A的虚拟时间3.3 * 1024 / 1024 = 3.3ms,我们可以看出nice值为0的进程的虚拟时间和实际时间是相等的。进程B的虚拟时间是2.7 * 1024 / 820 = 3.3ms。我们可以看出尽管A和B进程的权重值不一样,但是计算得到的虚拟时间是一样的。因此CFS主要保证每一个进程获得执行的虚拟时间一致即可。在选择下一个即将运行的进程的时候,只需要找到虚拟时间最小的进程即可。


权重的值已经计算保存到sched_prio_to_weight数组中,根据这个数组我们可以很容易计算inv_weight的值。内核中使用sched_prio_to_wmult数组保存inv_weight的值。计算公式是:sched_prio_to_wmult[i] = /sched_prio_to_weight[i]。

系统中使用struct load_weight结构体描述进程的权重信息。weight代表进程的权重,inv_weight等于/weight。

struct load_weight {
       unsigned long            weight;
       u32                inv_weight;


和上面计算虚拟时间计算公式对比发现。如果需要计算进程的虚拟时间,这里的weight只需要传递参数NICE_0_LOAD,lw参数是进程对应的struct load_weight结构体。

static u64 __calc_delta(u64 delta_exec, unsigned long weight, struct load_weight *lw)
{u64 fact = scale_load_down(weight);int shift = WMULT_SHIFT;__update_inv_weight(lw);if (unlikely(fact >> 32)) {while (fact >> 32) {fact >>= 1;shift--;}}fact = mul_u32_u32(fact, lw->inv_weight);while (fact >> 32) {fact >>= 1;shift--;}return mul_u64_u32_shr(delta_exec, fact, shift);

按照上面说的理论,calc_delta_fair()函数调用__calc_delta()的时候传递的weight参数是NICE_0_LOAD,lw参数是进程对应的struct load_weight结构体。

/** delta /= w*/
static inline u64 calc_delta_fair(u64 delta, struct sched_entity *se)
{if (unlikely(se->load.weight != NICE_0_LOAD))delta = __calc_delta(delta, NICE_0_LOAD, &se->load);return delta;
  1. 按照之前的理论,nice值为0(权重是NICE_0_LOAD)的进程的虚拟时间和实际时间是相等的。因此如果进程的权重是NICE_0_LOAD,进程对应的虚拟时间就不用计算。
  2. 调用__calc_delta()函数。

Linux通过struct task_struct结构体描述每一个进程。但是调度类管理和调度的单位是调度实体,并不是task_struct。在支持组调度的时候,一个组也会抽象成一个调度实体,它并不是一个task。所以,我们在struct task_struct结构体中可以找到以下不同调度类的调度实体。

  1. struct task_struct {
  2. struct sched_entity se;
  3. struct sched_rt_entity rt;
  4. struct sched_dl_entity dl;
  5. /* ... */
  6. }


struct sched_entity结构体描述调度实体,包括struct load_weight用来记录权重信息。除此以外我们一直关心的时间信息,肯定也要一起记录。struct sched_entity结构体简化后如下:

struct sched_entity {/* For load-balancing: */struct load_weight     load;struct rb_node         run_node;struct list_head       group_node;unsigned int         on_rq;u64               exec_start;u64              sum_exec_runtime;u64                vruntime;u64                prev_sum_exec_runtime;u64               nr_migrations;struct sched_statistics       statistics;#ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHEDint                depth;struct sched_entity       *parent;/* rq on which this entity is (to be) queued: */struct cfs_rq           *cfs_rq;/* rq "owned" by this entity/group: */struct cfs_rq           *my_q;/* cached value of my_q->h_nr_running */unsigned long          runnable_weight;
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SMP/** Per entity load average tracking.** Put into separate cache line so it does not* collide with read-mostly values above.*/struct sched_avg        avg;
  1. load:权重信息,在计算虚拟时间的时候会用到inv_weight成员。
  2. run_node:CFS调度器的每个就绪队列维护了一颗红黑树,上面挂满了就绪等待执行的task,run_node就是挂载点。
  3. on_rq:调度实体se加入就绪队列后,on_rq置1。从就绪队列删除后,on_rq置0。
  4. sum_exec_runtime:调度实体已经运行实际时间总合。
  5. vruntime:调度实体已经运行的虚拟时间总合。


系统中每个CPU都会有一个全局的就绪队列(cpu runqueue),使用struct rq结构体描述,它是per-cpu类型,即每个cpu上都会有一个struct rq结构体。每一个调度类也有属于自己管理的就绪队列。例如,struct cfs_rq是CFS调度类的就绪队列,管理就绪态的struct sched_entity调度实体,后续通过pick_next_task接口从就绪队列中选择最适合运行的调度实体(虚拟时间最小的调度实体)。struct rt_rq是实时调度器就绪队列。struct dl_rq是Deadline调度器就绪队列。

/** This is the main, per-CPU runqueue data structure.** Locking rule: those places that want to lock multiple runqueues* (such as the load balancing or the thread migration code), lock* acquire operations must be ordered by ascending &runqueue.*/
struct rq {/* runqueue lock: */raw_spinlock_t       lock;/** nr_running and cpu_load should be in the same cacheline because* remote CPUs use both these fields when doing load calculation.*/unsigned int      nr_running;
#ifdef CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCINGunsigned int        nr_numa_running;unsigned int        nr_preferred_running;unsigned int       numa_migrate_on;
#ifdef CONFIG_SMPunsigned long      last_blocked_load_update_tick;unsigned int      has_blocked_load;call_single_data_t nohz_csd;
#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */unsigned int     nohz_tick_stopped;atomic_t      nohz_flags;
#endif /* CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON */#ifdef CONFIG_SMPunsigned int       ttwu_pending;
#endifu64           nr_switches;#ifdef CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK/* Utilization clamp values based on CPU's RUNNABLE tasks */struct uclamp_rq  uclamp[UCLAMP_CNT] ____cacheline_aligned;unsigned int       uclamp_flags;
#define UCLAMP_FLAG_IDLE 0x01
#endifstruct cfs_rq     cfs;struct rt_rq        rt;struct dl_rq     dl;#ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED/* list of leaf cfs_rq on this CPU: */struct list_head leaf_cfs_rq_list;struct list_head   *tmp_alone_branch;
#endif /* CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED *//** This is part of a global counter where only the total sum* over all CPUs matters. A task can increase this counter on* one CPU and if it got migrated afterwards it may decrease* it on another CPU. Always updated under the runqueue lock:*/unsigned long     nr_uninterruptible;struct task_struct __rcu *curr;struct task_struct    *idle;struct task_struct    *stop;unsigned long     next_balance;struct mm_struct   *prev_mm;unsigned int       clock_update_flags;u64          clock;/* Ensure that all clocks are in the same cache line */u64            clock_task ____cacheline_aligned;u64            clock_pelt;unsigned long        lost_idle_time;atomic_t     nr_iowait;#ifdef CONFIG_MEMBARRIERint membarrier_state;
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SMPstruct root_domain       *rd;struct sched_domain __rcu   *sd;unsigned long       cpu_capacity;unsigned long      cpu_capacity_orig;struct callback_head  *balance_callback;unsigned char     nohz_idle_balance;unsigned char     idle_balance;unsigned long      misfit_task_load;/* For active balancing */int          active_balance;int          push_cpu;struct cpu_stop_work   active_balance_work;/* CPU of this runqueue: */int          cpu;int         online;struct list_head cfs_tasks;struct sched_avg  avg_rt;struct sched_avg avg_dl;
#ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_SCHED_AVG_IRQstruct sched_avg    avg_irq;
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_THERMAL_PRESSUREstruct sched_avg    avg_thermal;
#endifu64           idle_stamp;u64          avg_idle;/* This is used to determine avg_idle's max value */u64           max_idle_balance_cost;
#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */#ifdef CONFIG_IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTINGu64         prev_irq_time;
#ifdef CONFIG_PARAVIRTu64           prev_steal_time;
#ifdef CONFIG_PARAVIRT_TIME_ACCOUNTINGu64           prev_steal_time_rq;
#endif/* calc_load related fields */unsigned long       calc_load_update;long           calc_load_active;#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_HRTICK
#ifdef CONFIG_SMPcall_single_data_t hrtick_csd;
#endifstruct hrtimer        hrtick_timer;
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS/* latency stats */struct sched_info  rq_sched_info;unsigned long long    rq_cpu_time;/* could above be rq->cfs_rq.exec_clock + rq->rt_rq.rt_runtime ? *//* sys_sched_yield() stats */unsigned int     yld_count;/* schedule() stats */unsigned int        sched_count;unsigned int        sched_goidle;/* try_to_wake_up() stats */unsigned int       ttwu_count;unsigned int     ttwu_local;
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_IDLE/* Must be inspected within a rcu lock section */struct cpuidle_state   *idle_state;
/** Leftmost-cached rbtrees.** We do not cache the rightmost node based on footprint* size vs number of potential users that could benefit* from O(1) rb_last(). Just not worth it, users that want* this feature can always implement the logic explicitly.* Furthermore, users that want to cache both pointers may* find it a bit asymmetric, but that's ok.*/
struct rb_root_cached {struct rb_root rb_root;struct rb_node *rb_leftmost;
/* CFS-related fields in a runqueue */
struct cfs_rq {struct load_weight   load;unsigned int       nr_running;unsigned int     h_nr_running;      /* SCHED_{NORMAL,BATCH,IDLE} */unsigned int      idle_h_nr_running; /* SCHED_IDLE */u64          exec_clock;u64          min_vruntime;
#ifndef CONFIG_64BITu64         min_vruntime_copy;
#endifstruct rb_root_cached tasks_timeline;/** 'curr' points to currently running entity on this cfs_rq.* It is set to NULL otherwise (i.e when none are currently running).*/struct sched_entity *curr;struct sched_entity   *next;struct sched_entity   *last;struct sched_entity   *skip;#ifdef    CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUGunsigned int      nr_spread_over;
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SMP/** CFS load tracking*/struct sched_avg  avg;
#ifndef CONFIG_64BITu64         load_last_update_time_copy;
#endifstruct {raw_spinlock_t    lock ____cacheline_aligned;int      nr;unsigned long    load_avg;unsigned long  util_avg;unsigned long  runnable_avg;} removed;#ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHEDunsigned long      tg_load_avg_contrib;long            propagate;long          prop_runnable_sum;/**   h_load = weight * f(tg)** Where f(tg) is the recursive weight fraction assigned to* this group.*/unsigned long     h_load;u64          last_h_load_update;struct sched_entity  *h_load_next;
#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */#ifdef CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHEDstruct rq      *rq;    /* CPU runqueue to which this cfs_rq is attached *//** leaf cfs_rqs are those that hold tasks (lowest schedulable entity in* a hierarchy). Non-leaf lrqs hold other higher schedulable entities* (like users, containers etc.)** leaf_cfs_rq_list ties together list of leaf cfs_rq's in a CPU.* This list is used during load balance.*/int           on_list;struct list_head    leaf_cfs_rq_list;struct task_group  *tg;    /* group that "owns" this runqueue */#ifdef CONFIG_CFS_BANDWIDTHint           runtime_enabled;s64         runtime_remaining;u64           throttled_clock;u64         throttled_clock_task;u64            throttled_clock_task_time;int           throttled;int           throttle_count;struct list_head throttled_list;
  1. load:就绪队列权重,就绪队列管理的所有调度实体权重之和。
  2. nr_running:就绪队列上调度实体的个数。
  3. min_vruntime:跟踪就绪队列上所有调度实体的最小虚拟时间。
  4. tasks_timeline:用于跟踪调度实体按虚拟时间大小排序的红黑树的信息(包含红黑树的根以及红黑树中最左边节点)。





  1. cpu调度的最小单位_Linux CFS调度器

    一直没有写过关于Linux内核调度器的内容,这几天被问起,简单的讲了讲,收到一堆challenge,这次决定做一个通篇总结方便自己整理思路. 要说Linux2.4和2.6最大的差异就在于CFS调度器的 ...

  2. 【Linux 内核】CFS 调度器 ⑥ ( CFS 调度器就绪队列 cfs_rq | Linux 内核调度实体 sched_entity | “ 红黑树 “ 数据结构 rb_root_cached )

    文章目录 一.CFS 调度器就绪队列 cfs_rq 二.Linux 内核调度实体 sched_entity 三." 红黑树 " 数据结构 rb_root_cached 一.CFS ...

  3. 【Linux 内核】CFS 调度器 ⑤ ( CFS 调度器类 fair_sched_class 源码 | next 赋值 | enqueue_task 赋值 | dequeue_task 赋值 )

    文章目录 一.调度器类 sched_class 简介 二.CFS 调度器类源码 三.next 赋值 四.enqueue_task 赋值 五.dequeue_task 赋值 一.调度器类 sched_c ...

  4. 【Linux 内核】CFS 调度器 ② ( CFS 调度器 “ 权重 “ 概念 | CFS 调度器调度实例 | 计算进程 “ 实际运行时间 “ )

    文章目录 一.CFS 调度器 " 权重 " 概念 二.CFS 调度器调度实例 ( 计算进程 " 实际运行时间 " ) 一.CFS 调度器 " 权重 & ...

  5. 【Linux 内核】CFS 调度器 ① ( CFS 完全公平调度器概念 | CFS 调度器虚拟时钟 Virtual Runtime 概念 | 四种进程优先级 | 五种调度类 )

    文章目录 一.CFS 调度器概念 ( 完全公平调度器 ) 二.CFS 调度器虚拟时钟概念 ( Virtual Runtime ) 三.进程优先级 ( 调度优先级 | 静态优先级 | 正常优先级 | 实 ...

  6. 用c语言实现对n个进程采用“短进程优先”算法的进程调度_为什么Linux CFS调度器没有带来惊艳的碾压效果?...

    文章转自公众号"人人都是极客" 但凡懂Linux内核的,都知道Linux内核的CFS进程调度算法,无论是从2.6.23将其初引入时的论文,还是各类源码分析,文章,以及Linux内核 ...

  7. CFS调度器的思想的新理解

    本文通过详细分析老的调度器来说明cfs的优势.总是新理解新理解的,我怎么这么没完没了啊,其实每隔一段时间我都会在工作之余再读一读linux内核源代码的关键部分,每次读都有新的理解,然后就第一时间将心得 ...

  8. (5)Linux进程调度-CFS调度器

    目录 背景 1. 概述 2. 数据结构 2.1 调度类 2.2 rq/cfs_rq/task_struct/task_group/sched_entity 3. 流程分析 3.1 runtime与vr ...

  9. 为什么Linux CFS调度器没有带来惊艳的碾压效果? | CSDN博文精选

    任何领域,革命性的碾压式推陈出新并不是没有,但是概率极低,人们普遍的狂妄在于,总是认为自己所置身的环境正在发生着某种碾压式的变革,但其实,最终大概率不过是一场平庸. 作者 | dog250 责编 | ...

  10. Linux进程调度 - CFS调度器 LoyenWang

    背景 Read the fucking source code! --By 鲁迅 A picture is worth a thousand words. --By 高尔基 说明: Kernel版本: ...


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