
Taking screenshots is pretty easy; it’s a feature built into most operating systems. If you’re already working on a Word document, though, and want to add a screenshot to it, you can save yourself a few clicks by using Word’s built-in screenshot tool.

截屏非常简单。 它是大多数操作系统中内置的功能。 但是,如果您已经在处理Word文档,并且想要向其中添加屏幕截图,则可以使用Word的内置屏幕截图工具来为自己节省一些点击。

In an open document, switch to the “Insert” tab on the Word ribbon.


Next, click the “Screenshot” button.


You will be greeted with a thumbnail image of every Window you have open at the moment.


You can click one of the thumbnails to have a screenshot of that window immediately inserted into your document. You can then position that image like you would any other illustration.

您可以单击其中一个缩略图,以将该窗口的屏幕快照立即插入到文档中。 然后,您可以像放置任何其他插图一样放置该图像 。

If you want to capture a specific area on the screen instead of an active window, click the “Screen Clipping” command instead of a thumbnail on that Screenshot drop-down menu.


Your entire screen will dim, and you can draw a rectangle over just the portion you want to capture.


As soon as you select the area, Word adds the image to your document right away.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/369365/how-to-use-microsoft-words-built-in-screenshot-tool-2/


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