
Even if you’re familiar with Microsoft Word, you might be surprised by the number and variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your work, and just generally make things more convenient.

即使您熟悉Microsoft Word,也可能会对可用来加快工作速度的键盘快捷键的数量和种类感到惊讶,并且它们通常会使事情变得更方便。

Now, does anyone expect you to memorize all these keyboard combos? Of course not! Everyone’s needs are different, so some will be more useful to you than others. And even if you just pick up a few new tricks, it’s worth it. We’ve also tried to keep the list clean and simple, so go ahead and print it that helps!

现在,有人希望您记住所有这些键盘组合吗? 当然不是! 每个人的需求都不同,因此某些需求对您会比其他需求更有用。 即使您只是学习了一些新技巧,也是值得的。 我们还尝试使列表简洁明了,因此请继续打印,以助您一臂之力!

Also, even though our list of shortcuts here is pretty long, it’s by no means a complete list of every keyboard combo available in Word. We’ve tried to keep it to the more generally useful shortcuts. And, you’ll be happy to know that almost all of these shortcuts have been around for a long time, so they should be useful no matter what version of Word you’re using.

而且,即使我们这里的快捷方式列表很长,也绝不是Word中可用的每个键盘组合的完整列表。 我们尝试将其保留为更常用的快捷方式。 并且,您将很高兴知道几乎所有这些快捷方式都已经存在很长时间了,因此无论您使用的是哪个版本的Word,它们都应该很有用。

通用程序快捷方式 (General Program Shortcuts)

There are many general program shortcuts in Microsoft Word that make it easier for you to do everything from save your document to undo a mistake.

Microsoft Word中有许多常规程序快捷方式,使您可以更轻松地执行从保存文档到撤消错误的所有操作。

  • Ctrl+N: Create a new document

    Ctrl + N:创建一个新文档

  • Ctrl+O: Open an existing document

    Ctrl + O:打开现有文档

  • Ctrl+S: Save a document

    Ctrl + S:保存文档

  • F12: Open the Save As dialog box


  • Ctrl+W: Close a document

    Ctrl + W:关闭文档

  • Ctrl+Z: Undo an action

    Ctrl + Z:撤消操作

  • Ctrl+Y: Redo an action

    Ctrl + Y:重做一个动作

  • Alt+Ctrl+S: Split a window or remove the split view

    Alt + Ctrl + S:拆分窗口或删除拆分视图

  • Ctrl+Alt+V: Print Layout View

    Ctrl + Alt + V:打印版式视图

  • Ctrl+Alt+O: Outline View

    Ctrl + Alt + O:大纲视图

  • Ctrl+Alt+N: Draft View

    Ctrl + Alt + N:草稿视图

  • Ctrl+F2: Print Preview View

    Ctrl + F2:打印预览视图

  • F1: Open the Help pane


  • Alt+Q: Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box

    Alt + Q:转到“告诉我您想做什么”框

  • F9: Refresh the field codes in the current selection


  • Ctrl+F: Search a document

    Ctrl + F:搜索文档

  • F7: Run a spelling and grammar check


  • Shift+F7: Open the thesaurus. If you have a word selected, Shift+F7 looks up that word in the thesaurus.

    Shift + F7:打开同义词库。 如果选择了一个单词,则Shift + F7会在同义词库中查找该单词。

在文档中移动 (Moving Around in a Document)

You can use keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate throughout your document. This can save time if you have a long document and don’t want to scroll through the entire thing, or simply want to easily move between words or sentences.

您可以使用键盘快捷键轻松浏览整个文档。 如果您的文档很长,不想滚动整个内容,或者只是想轻松地在单词或句子之间移动,这可以节省时间。

  • Left/Right Arrow: Move the insertion point (cursor) one character to the left or right


  • Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow: Move one word to the left or right

    Ctrl +向左/向右箭头:向左或向右移动一个词

  • Up/Down Arrow: Move up or down one line


  • Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow: Move up or down one paragraph

    Ctrl +向上/向下箭头:向上或向下移动一个段落

  • End: Move to the end of the current line


  • Ctrl+End: Move to the end of the document

    Ctrl + End:移至文档末尾

  • Home: Move to the beginning of the current line


  • Ctrl+Home: Move to the beginning of the document

    Ctrl + Home:移至文档的开头

  • Page Up/Page Down: Move up or down one screen

    Page Up / Page Down:上下移动一个屏幕

  • Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down: Move to the previous or next browse object (after performing a search)

    Ctrl +向上翻页/向下翻页:移动到上一个或下一个浏览对象(执行搜索后)

  • Alt+Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down: Move to the top or bottom of the current window

    Alt + Ctrl +向上翻页/向下翻页:移至当前窗口的顶部或底部

  • F5: Open the Find dialog box with the “Go To” tab selected, so you can quickly move to a specific page, section, bookmark, and so on.


  • Shift+F5: Cycle through the last three locations where the insertion point was placed. If you just opened a document, Shift+F5 moves you to the last point you were editing before closing the document.

    Shift + F5:循环浏览放置插入点的最后三个位置。 如果您只是打开文档,则Shift + F5会在关闭文档之前将您移至要编辑的最后一点。

选择文字 (Selecting Text)

You may have noticed from the previous section that the arrow keys are used for moving your insertion point around, and the Ctrl key is used to modify that movement. Using the Shift key to modify a lot of those key combos lets you select text in different ways.

在上一节中,您可能已经注意到,箭头键用于移动插入点,而Ctrl键用于修改该移动。 使用Shift键可修改很多这些键组合,使您可以通过不同方式选择文本。

  • Shift+Left/Right Arrow: Extend your current selection by one character to the left or right

    Shift +向左/向右箭头:将当前选择范围向左或向右扩展一个字符

  • Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Arrow: Extend your current selection by one word to the left or right

    Ctrl + Shift +向左/向右箭头:将当前选择范围向左或向右扩展一个单词

  • Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Extend selection up or down one line

    Shift +向上/向下箭头:向上或向下扩展选择范围一行

  • Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Extend selection to the beginning or end of the paragraph

    Ctrl + Shift +向上/向下箭头:将选择范围扩展到段落的开头或结尾

  • Shift+End: Extend selection to the end of the line

    Shift + End:将选择范围扩展到行尾

  • Shift+Home: Extend selection to the beginning of the line

    Shift + Home:将选择范围扩展到行首

  • Ctrl+Shift+Home/End: Extend selection to the beginning or end of the document

    Ctrl + Shift + Home / End:将选择范围扩展到文档的开头或结尾

  • Shift+Page Down/Page Up: Extend selection down or up one screen

    Shift +向下翻页/向上翻页:将选择范围向下或向上扩展一屏

  • Ctrl+A: Select the entire document

    Ctrl + A:选择整个文档

  • F8: Enter selection mode. While in this mode, you can use the arrow keys to extend your selection. You can also press F8 up to five times to extend the selection outward. The first press enters selection mode, the second press selects the word next to the insertion point, the third selects the whole sentence, the fourth all the characters in the paragraph, and the fifth the whole document. Pressing Shift+F8 works that same cycle, but backwards. And you can press Esc any time to leave selection mode. It takes a little playing with to get the hang of it, but it’s pretty fun!

    F8:进入选择模式。 在此模式下,您可以使用箭头键扩展选择范围。 您也可以按F8最多五次以向外扩展选择。 第一次按进入选择模式,第二次按选择插入点旁边的单词,第三次选择整个句子,第四次选择段落中的所有字符,第五次选择整个文档。 按下Shift + F8可以执行相同的循环,但是要倒退。 并且您可以随时按Esc退出选择模式。 要花点时间玩,要花点时间,但这很有趣!

  • Ctrl+Shift+F8: Selects a column. Once the column is selected, you can use the left and right arrow keys to extend the selection to other columns.

    Ctrl + Shift + F8:选择一列。 选中该列后,可以使用向左和向右箭头键将选择范围扩展到其他列。

编辑文字 (Editing Text)

Word also provides a number of keyboard shortcuts for editing text.


  • Backspace: Delete one character to the left


  • Ctrl+Backspace: Delete one word to the left

    Ctrl + Backspace:删除左侧的一个单词

  • Delete: Delete one character to the right


  • Ctrl+Delete: Delete one word to the right

    Ctrl + Delete:在右侧删除一个词

  • Ctrl+C: Copy or graphics to the Clipboard text

    Ctrl + C:复制或图形到剪贴板文本

  • Ctrl+X: Cut selected text or graphics to the Clipboard

    Ctrl + X:将选定的文本或图形剪切到剪贴板

  • Ctrl+V: Paste the Clipboard contents

    Ctrl + V:粘贴剪贴板内容

  • Ctrl+F3: Cut selected text to the Spike. The Spike is an interesting variant on the regular clipboard. You can keep cutting text to the Spike and Word remembers it all. When you paste the Spikes contents, Word pastes everything you cut, but places each item on its own line.

    Ctrl + F3:将所选文本剪切为Spike。 Spike是常规剪贴板上的一个有趣变体。 您可以继续剪切文本到Spike,Word会记住所有内容。 当您粘贴Spikes内容时,Word会粘贴剪切的所有内容,但是将每个项目放置在自己的行上。

  • Ctrl+Shift+F3: Paste the Spike contents

    Ctrl + Shift + F3:粘贴Spike内容

  • Alt+Shift+R: Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document

    Alt + Shift + R:复制文档上一部分中使用的页眉或页脚

应用字符格式 (Applying Character Formatting)

Word also has loads of keyboard combos for applying character formatting (and paragraph formatting, but that’s covered in the next section. You can use the shortcuts to apply formatting to selected text or to whatever you type next if no text is selected.


  • Ctrl+B: Apple bold formatting

    Ctrl + B: Apple粗体格式

  • Ctrl+I: Apply italic formatting

    Ctrl + I:应用斜体格式

  • Ctrl+U: Apply underline formatting

    Ctrl + U:应用下划线格式

  • Ctrl+Shift+W: Apply underline formatting to words, but not the spaces between words

    Ctrl + Shift + W:将下划线格式应用于单词,但不应用于单词之间的空格

  • Ctrl+Shift+D: Apply double underline formatting

    Ctrl + Shift + D:应用双下划线格式

  • Ctrl+D: Open the Font dialog box

    Ctrl + D:打开“字体”对话框

  • Ctrl+Shift+< or >: Decrease or increase font size one preset size at a time

    Ctrl + Shift + <或>:一次减少或增加一个预设大小的字体

  • Ctrl+[ or ]: Decrease or increase font size one point at a time

    Ctrl + [或]:一次减少或增加一个字体大小

  • Ctrl+=: Apply subscript formatting

    Ctrl + =:应用下标格式

  • Ctrl+Shift+Plus key: Apply superscript formatting

    Ctrl + Shift +加号:应用上标格式

  • Shift+F3: Cycle through case formats for your text. Available formats are sentence case (capital first letter, everything else lower case), lowercase, uppercase, title case (first letter in each word capitalized), and toggle case (which reverses whatever’s there).

    Shift + F3:循环显示文本的大小写格式。 可用的格式为句子大小写(大写的首字母,其他所有的小写字母),小写,大写,标题大小写(每个单词的首字母大写)和切换大小写(颠倒大小写)。

  • Ctrl+Shift+A: Formats all letters as uppercase

    Ctrl + Shift + A:将所有字母格式化为大写

  • Ctrl+Shift+K: Formats all letters as lowercase

    Ctrl + Shift + K:将所有字母格式化为小写

  • Ctrl+Shift+C: Copies the character formatting of a selection

    Ctrl + Shift + C:复制所选内容的字符格式

  • Ctrl+Shift+V: Pastes formatting onto selected text

    Ctrl + Shift + V:将格式粘贴到所选文本上

  • Ctrl+Space: Removes all manual character formatting from a selection

    Ctrl +空格键:从选择中删除所有手动字符格式

应用段落格式 (Applying Paragraph Formatting)

And just like with character formatting, Word has a bunch of shortcuts particular to formatting paragraphs.


  • Ctrl+M: Increases a paragraph’s indent one level each time you press it

    Ctrl + M:每按一次将段落缩进一级

  • Ctrl+Shift+M: Reduces a paragraph’s indent one level each time you press it

    Ctrl + Shift + M:每按一次将段落缩进一个级别

  • Ctrl+T: Increases a hanging indent each time you press it

    Ctrl + T:每次按下时都会增加一个悬挂缩进

  • Ctrl+Shift+T: Reduces a hanging indent each time you press it

    Ctrl + Shift + T:每次按下时都会减少悬挂缩进

  • Ctrl+E: Center a paragraph

    Ctrl + E:将段落居中

  • Ctrl+L: Left-align a paragraph

    Ctrl + L:将段落左对齐

  • Ctrl+R: Right-align a paragraph

    Ctrl + R:将段落右对齐

  • Ctrl+J: Justify a paragraph

    Ctrl + J:对齐段落

  • Ctrl+1: Set single-spacing

    Ctrl + 1:设置单行距

  • Ctrl+2: Set double-spacing

    Ctrl + 2:设置双倍间距

  • Ctrl+5: Set 1.5 line Spacing

    Ctrl + 5:设置1.5行间距

  • Ctrl+0: Remove one line spacing preceding a paragraph

    Ctrl + 0:删除段落前的行距

  • Ctrl+Shift+S: Open a popup window for applying styles

    Ctrl + Shift + S:打开一个弹出窗口以应用样式

  • Ctrl+Shift+N: Apply the normal paragraph style

    Ctrl + Shift + N:应用普通段落样式

  • Alt+Ctrl+1: Apply the Heading 1 style

    Alt + Ctrl + 1:应用标题1样式

  • Alt+Ctrl+2: Apply the Heading 2 style

    Alt + Ctrl + 2:应用标题2样式

  • Alt+Ctrl+3: Apply the Heading 3 style

    Alt + Ctrl + 3:应用标题3样式

  • Ctrl+Shift+L: Apply the List style

    Ctrl + Shift + L:应用列表样式

  • Ctrl+Q: Remove all paragraph formatting

    Ctrl + Q:删除所有段落格式

插入东西 (Inserting Things)

Whether you’re looking to insert a section break in your document, or you just don’t feel like digging for a common symbol, Word’s keyboard combos have you covered.


  • Shift+Enter: Insert a line break

    Shift + Enter:插入换行符

  • Ctrl+Enter: Insert a page break

    Ctrl + Enter:插入分页符

  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert a column break

    Ctrl + Shift + Enter:插入分行符

  • Ctrl+hyphen (-): Insert an optional hyphen or en dash. An optional hyphen tells Word not to use a hyphen, unless the word breaks at the end of a line. If it does, Word will use a hyphen where you placed it.

    Ctrl +连字符(-):插入可选的连字符或破折号。 可选的连字符告诉Word不要使用连字符,除非单词在行尾中断。 如果是这样,Word将在您放置它的位置使用连字符。

  • Alt+Ctrl+hyphen (-): Insert an em dash

    Alt + Ctrl +连字符(-):插入破折号

  • Ctrl+Shift+hyphen (-): Insert a non-breaking hyphen. This tells Word not to break a word at the end of a line, even if there’s a hyphen there. This would be useful, for example, if you included something like a telephone number and wanted to make sure it all appeared on one line.

    Ctrl + Shift +连字符(-):插入不间断的连字符。 这告诉Word即使在一行的末尾也不要断行。 例如,如果您包含电话号码之类的内容并希望确保它们全部显示在一行上,则这将很有用。

  • Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar: Insert a non-breaking space

    Ctrl + Shift +空格键:插入不间断空格

  • Alt+Ctrl+C: Insert a copyright symbol

    Alt + Ctrl + C:插入版权符号

  • Alt+Ctrl+R: Insert a registered trademark symbol

    Alt + Ctrl + R:插入注册商标符号

  • Alt+Ctrl+T: Insert a trademark symbol

    Alt + Ctrl + T:插入商标符号

使用轮廓 (Working with Outlines)

Hopefully, you outline before cracking into a long document. If you’re among those organized, outlining souls, here are a few shortcuts to help you out.

希望您先概述一下,然后再讨论一个长文件。 如果您属于那些有组织,概述灵魂的人,那么这里有一些捷径可以帮助您。

  • Alt+Shift+Left/Right Arrow: Promote (move to the left) or demote (move to the right) a line

    Alt + Shift +向左/向右箭头:提升(向左移动)或降级(向右移动)

  • Ctrl+Shift+N: Demote an outline level to regular body text

    Ctrl + Shift + N:将大纲级别降级为常规正文

  • Alt+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Move the line with the insertion point up or down in the outline

    Alt + Shift +向上/向下箭头:在大纲中将插入点向上或向下移动

  • Alt+Shift+Plus or Minus keys: Expand or collapse text under a heading

    Alt + Shift +加号或减号键:展开或折叠标题下的文本

  • Alt+Shift+A: Expand or collapse all text or headings in an outline

    Alt + Shift + A:展开或折叠大纲中的所有文本或标题

  • Alt+Shift+L: Show the first line of body text or all body text

    Alt + Shift + L:显示正文的第一行或所有正文

  • Alt+Shift+1: Show all headings that have the Heading 1 style applied

    Alt + Shift + 1:显示所有已应用“标题1”样式的标题

  • Alt+Shift+any other number key: Show all headings up to that level

    Alt + Shift +其他任何数字键:显示直至该级别的所有标题

处理表格 (Working with Tables)

Moving around in tables doesn’t work quite like moving around in regular text. Instead of clicking where you want to go, check out these combos:

在表中四处移动不像在常规文本中四处移动一样。 不用单击您想去的地方,而是查看以下组合:

  • Tab: Move to the next cell in a row and select its contents, if there are any


  • Shift+Tab: Move to the previous cell in a row and select its contents, if there are any

    Shift + Tab:移动到行中的上一个单元格并选择其内容(如果有的话)

  • Alt+Home/End: Move to the first or last cell in a row

    Alt + Home / End:移至行中的第一个或最后一个单元格

  • Alt+Page Up/Page Down: Move to the first or last cell in a column

    Alt + Page Up / Page Down:移至列中的第一个或最后一个单元格

  • Up/Down Arrow: Move to the previous or next row


  • Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Select the cell in the row above or below the insertion point or selection. Keep pressing this combo to keep selecting more cells. If you have multiple cells in a row selected, this combo selects those same cells in the row above or below.

    Shift +向上/向下箭头:在插入点或选择上方或下方的行中选择单元格。 继续按此组合键可以继续选择更多单元格。 如果您在一行中选择了多个单元格,则此组合将在上方或下方的行中选择相同的单元格。

  • Alt+5 on keypad (with NumLock off): Select an entire table

    键盘上的Alt + 5(关闭NumLock):选择整个表格

And that’s about it. Hopefully, you’ve found a few new keyboard shortcuts to make your life in Word a little easier!

就是这样。 希望您发现了一些新的键盘快捷键,使您在Word中的生活更加轻松!

But if that’s not quite enough for you, Word also allows you to create your own keyboard shortcuts for things like commands, styles, and even autotext entries. Plus, we’ve got a handy guide for printing out a list of any custom keyboard shortcuts you’ve created. Enjoy!

但是,如果这还不够,Word还可以让您为命令 , 样式甚至自动文本输入之类的内容创建自己的键盘快捷键。 另外,我们还有一个方便的指南,可打印出您创建的所有自定义键盘快捷键的列表 。 请享用!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/357623/microsoft-word-keyboard-shortcuts-that-make-your-life-easier/


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    在 Windows 中工作时,利用快捷键代替鼠标.可以利用键盘快捷键打开.关闭和导航"开始"菜单.桌面.菜单.对话框以及网页.键盘还可以让您更简单地与计算机交互.  单击一个标题或 ...


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