本文主要记录了 中华人民共和国 国家行政区划单位数据的查询和统计常用sql语句






-- 直辖市数量

select count(*) from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000' and instr(name,'市')>0;

-- 直辖市清单

select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000' and instr(name,'市')>0;

-- 省级行政区划单位数量

select count(*) from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000';

-- 省级行政区划单位清单

select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000';

-- 地级市数量

select count(*) from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)!='0000' and SUBSTR(code,5,2)='00' and instr(name,'市')>0;

-- 地级市清单

select nlt.upcode as pro_code , plt.name as pro_name,nlt.code,nlt.name from (select CONCAT(substr(code,1,2),'0000') as upcode, code,name from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)!='0000' and SUBSTR(code,5,2)='00' and instr(name,'市')>0) nlt ,(select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000') as plt where plt.code =nlt.upcode;;

-- 地级行政区划单位数量

select count(*) from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)!='0000' and SUBSTR(code,5,2)='00' ;

-- 地级行政区划单位清单

select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)!='0000' and SUBSTR(code,5,2)='00' ;

-- 县级市数量数量

select count(*) from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,5,2)!='00' and instr(name,'市')>0;

-- 县级市清单

select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,5,2)!='00' and instr(name,'市')>0;

-- 各省行地级政区划数量统计

select plt.name,nlt.count,nlt.list from (select CONCAT(substr(lt.code,1,2),'0000') as code , count(*) as count,GROUP_CONCAT(name) as list from xzqh201905 lt where substr(lt.code,3,2)!=00 and substr(lt.code,5,2)='00' group by substr(lt.code,1,2)) as nlt,(select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000') as plt where plt.code =nlt.code;

-- 各省县级市行政区划数量统计

select plt.name,nlt.count,nlt.list from (select CONCAT(substr(lt.code,1,2),'0000') as code , count(*) as count,GROUP_CONCAT(name) as list from xzqh201905 lt where substr(lt.code,3,2)!=00 and substr(lt.code,5,2)!='00' and instr(lt.name,'市')>0 group by substr(lt.code,1,2)) as nlt,(select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000') as plt where plt.code =nlt.code;

-- 三级行政区划清单

select nlt.pro_code as pro_code, plt.name as pro_name, nlt.dis_code as dis_code,nlt.dis_name as dis_name,'' as code,'' as name from (select CONCAT(substr(code,1,2),'0000') as pro_code , name as pro_name, code as dis_code,name as dis_name from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,1,2) in ('11','12','31','50') and SUBSTR(code,3,2)!='00') as nlt,(select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000') as plt where nlt.pro_code=plt.code


select nlt.pro_code as pro_code, plt.name as pro_name, nlt.dis_code as dis_code,dlt.name as dis_name,nlt.code,nlt.name from (select CONCAT(substr(code,1,2),'0000') as pro_code,CONCAT(substr(code,1,4),'00') as dis_code,code,name from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,5,2)!='00') as nlt,(select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)!='0000' and SUBSTR(code,5,2)='00') as dlt,(select * from xzqh201905 where SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000') as plt where nlt.pro_code=plt.code and nlt.dis_code=dlt.code;

-- 三级行政区划树

select '' as parent_code,'000000' as code ,'全国行政区划' as name


select if(SUBSTR(code,3,4)='0000','000000',if(SUBSTR(code,5,2)='00',CONCAT(SUBSTR(code,1,2),'0000'),if(SUBSTR(code,1,2) in ('11','12','31','50'),CONCAT(SUBSTR(code,1,2),'0000'),CONCAT(SUBSTR(code,1,4),'00')))) as parent_code,code,name from xzqh201905 ;

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