

class Query {

private $timeout;// = 100; // Max time for stablish the conection

private $server;// = '';//''; // IP address

private $host;// = 'tqq.tencent.com'; // Domain name

private $port;// = 8000;

private $postValues;// = array ( 'VER' => '1.1',

private $ret;

public function go(){

$this->postValues = substr( $this->postValues, 0, -1 );

$request = "POST HTTP/1.1\r\n";

$request .= "Host: $this->host\r\n";

$length = strlen( $this->postValues );

$request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";

$request .= "Content-Length: $length\r\n";

$request .= "\r\n";

$request .= $this->postValues;

$socket = fsockopen( $this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout );

fputs( $socket, $request );

$ret = '';

while ( !feof( $socket ) ) {

$ret .= fgets( $socket, 4096 );


fclose( $socket );

$this->setRetValues( $ret );


public function clearParams() {

$this->postValues = '';

return true;


public function addParams( $var , $value ) {

$this->postValues.= urlencode( $var ) . "=" . urlencode( $value ) . '&';


public function setTimeout( $timeout ) {

$this->timeout = $timeout;

return true;


public function setServer( $server ) {

$this->server = $server;

return true;


public function setHost( $host ) {

$this->host = $host;

return true;


public function setPort( $port ) {

$this->port = $port;

return true;


public function getRetValues() {


return $arrValues;

//return $this->ret;


private function setRetValues( $ret ) {


return ture;




class QQ {

private $query;

private $no;

private $pass;

public function login() {










return $this->query->getRetValues();


public function getFriendList() {

// VER=1.1&CMD=List&SEQ=&UIN=&TN=160&UN=0










return $this->query->getRetValues();


public function changeStat($st) {








return $this->query->getRetValues();




public function getMsg() {








return $this->query->getRetValues();


public function getUserInfo($user_no) {

// VER=1.1&CMD=GetInfo&SEQ=&UIN=&LV=2&UN=









echo time().' '.(double)microtime(true).'

//echo $user_no.'ok';

//print_r( $this->query->getRetValues());


public function setQQInfo( $no , $pass ) {

$this->no = $no;

$this->pass = md5($pass);

return true;


public function setQuery($query) {

$this->query = $query;

return true;






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