
1. urlencode编码的基本规则


字符"a"-"z","A"-"Z","0"-"9",".","-","*",和"_" 都不被编码,维持原值;

空格" "被转换为加号"+"。

其他每个字节都被表示成"%XY"格式的由3个字符组成的字符串,编码为UTF-8(特别需要注意: 这里是大写形式的hexchar)。

2. urlencode编码








static unsigned char hexchars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";


* @brief URLEncode : encode the base64 string "str"


* @param str: the base64 encoded string

* @param strsz: the str length (exclude the last \0)

* @param result: the result buffer

* @param resultsz: the result buffer size(exclude the last \0)


* @return: >=0 represent the encoded result length

* <0 encode failure


* Note:

* 1) to ensure the result buffer has enough space to contain the encoded string, we'd better

* to set resultsz to 3*strsz


* 2) we don't check whether str has really been base64 encoded


int URLEncode(const char *str, const int strsz, char *result, const int resultsz)


int i,j;

char ch;

if(strsz < 0 || resultsz < 0)

return -1;

for(i = 0,j = 0;i


ch = *(str + i);

if((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||

(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||

(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ||

ch == '.' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '_')

result[j++] = ch;

else if(ch == ' ')

result[j++] = '+';


if(j + 3 <= resultsz)


result[j++] = '%';

result[j++] = hexchars[(unsigned char)ch >> 4];

result[j++] = hexchars[(unsigned char)ch & 0xF];



return -2;




if(i == 0)

return 0;

else if(i == strsz)

return j;

return -2;


// return < 0: represent failure

int main(int argc,char *argv[])


int fd = -1;

char buf[1024],result[1024*3];

int ret;

int i = 0;

if(argc != 2)


printf("please input the encoding filename\n");

return -1;


if((fd = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY)) == -1)


printf("open file %s failure\n",argv[1]);

return -2;


while((ret = read(fd,buf,1024)) >= 0)


if(ret == 0)


ret = URLEncode(buf,ret,result,1024*3);

if(ret < 0)


for(i = 0;i



if(ret < 0)


printf("encode data failure\n");



return ret;


3. urldecode解码








static unsigned char hexchars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";


* @brief URLDecode : decode the urlencoded str to base64 encoded string


* @param str: the urlencoded string

* @param strsz: the str length (exclude the last \0)

* @param result: the result buffer

* @param resultsz: the result buffer size(exclude the last \0)


* @return: >=0 represent the decoded result length

* <0 encode failure


* Note:

* 1) to ensure the result buffer has enough space to contain the decoded string, we'd better

* to set resultsz to strsz



int URLDecode(const char *str, const int strsz, char *result, const int resultsz, const char **last_pos)


int i,j;

char ch;

char a;

*last_pos = str;

if(strsz < 0 || resultsz < 0)

return -1;

for(i = 0,j = 0;i


ch = *(str + i);

if(ch == '+')


result[j] = ' ';

i += 1;


else if(ch == '%')


if(i+3 <= strsz)


ch = *(str + i + 1);

if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')


a = (ch - 'A')+10;


else if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')


a = ch - '0';


else if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')


a = (ch - 'a') + 10;



return -2;


a <<= 4;

ch = *(str + i + 2);

if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')


a |= (ch - 'A') + 10;


else if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')


a |= (ch - '0');


else if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')


a |= (ch - 'a') + 10;



return -2;


result[j] = a;

i += 3;





else if((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||

(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||

(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ||

ch == '.' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '_'){

result[j] = ch;




return -2;



*last_pos = str + i;

return j;


// return < 0: represent failure

int main(int argc,char *argv[])


int fd = -1;

char buf[4096],result[4096];

char *start_pos;

const char * last_pos;

int ret,sz;

int i = 0;

if(argc != 2)


printf("please input the encoding filename\n");

return -1;


if((fd = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY)) == -1)


printf("open file %s failure\n",argv[1]);

return -2;


start_pos = buf;

last_pos = NULL;

while((ret = read(fd,start_pos,buf + 4096 - start_pos)) >= 0)


if(ret == 0)


if(start_pos == buf)




ret = -3;




sz = URLDecode(buf,start_pos - buf + ret,result,4096,&last_pos);

if(sz < 0)


ret = -4;



if(last_pos != start_pos + ret)


memcpy(buf,last_pos,start_pos + ret - last_pos);

start_pos = buf + (start_pos + ret - last_pos);



start_pos = buf;


for(i = 0;i



if(ret < 0)


printf("decode data failure\n");



return ret;


4. 说明



5. Go语言中的一个urlencode

package main

import (




func main(){

urlStr := "批量上传走joss文件 -003-KZyxg.docx?certification=v1645f22bf4084cc7cf38092cd1b52ef6e3e"

urlObj, err := url.Parse(urlStr)

if err != nil{

fmt.Printf("part url failure: %s\n", err.Error())







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