
ASP:活动服务器页面 (ASP: Active Server Page)

File Extension: .asp (for ASP)
File Extension: .aspx (for ASP.NET)

文件扩展名 :.asp(对于ASP)
文件扩展名 :.aspx(用于ASP.NET)

ASP is an abbreviation of Active Server Page. It is now has been supplanted by ASP.NET. It was developed by Microsoft and it was Microsoft's first server-side script engine to permit programmers to create and run a website and web server applications, which should be dynamic. It enables programmers to merge HTML pages, script commands, and COM components. It makes it simpler to change, enhance and develop Web applications. The ASP interpreter processed the scripts on a web-based server by making use of input requested for a page from a database to access data before making it delivered to the receiver, reads and implements all script code between <% and %> tags, the result which as a consequence comes as content creation. ASP is a distinctive attribute of the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). It also supported by all browsers because it manages HTML page.

ASP是Active Server Page的缩写 。 现在它已被ASP.NET取代。 它是由Microsoft开发的,并且是Microsoft的第一个服务器端脚本引擎,允许程序员创建和运行应该是动态的网站和Web服务器应用程序。 它使程序员能够合并HTML页面,脚本命令和COM组件。 它使更改,增强和开发Web应用程序变得更加简单。 ASP解释器通过使用数据库请求的页面输入来处理基于Web的服务器上的脚本,以在将数据传递到接收器之前访问数据,读取并实现<%和%>标记之间的所有脚本代码,结果就是内容创建。 ASP是Microsoft Internet信息服务器(IIS)的独特属性。 所有浏览器也都支持它,因为它管理HTML页面。

ASP的用途 (Uses of ASP)

  • HTML forms submitted user's request acknowledged by ASP.


  • In contrast to Perl and CGI, ASP is uncomplicated and makes available for using a significant speed.


  • In the browser, ASP code is concealed, which makes ASP secured and can't be contemplated.


  • The content of the web page can be changed or modified by ASP by additional content.


  • The access to any type of data can be processed by ASP and it can return the consequences of results to the browser.


ASP的优势 (Advantages of ASP)

  • ASP supports multiple programming languages like JavaScript and C#.


  • ASP file can be created by a user by including Jscript or VBScript in an HTML file.


  • Through built-in Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication and per-application configuration, ASP Keeps user applications secured.

    通过内置的Windows NT质询/响应身份验证和按应用程序配置,ASP使用户Asp.net应用程序保持安全。

  • ASP has minimized the lengthy written codes needed to develop substantial applications.


  • ASP is a server-side scripting technology which before displaying its code on the web browser, it first executes on the Windows server.


  • On ASP, the web pages, multiple components, and applications, which are running over it, are monitors rigorously by the windows web server.

    在ASP上,运行在其上的网页,多个组件和应用程序是Windows Web服务器严格监控的。

ASP的缺点 (Disadvantages of ASP)

  • ASP on a Windows server platform requires IIS installed during running ASP programs, which costs higher as IIS is not free.


  • ASP is comparatively slower than PHP.


  • ASP is essentially associated with the Windows platform with ASP-Apache installed on the server, so it is not a platform compatible page like PHP.


  • ASP doesn't have any in-built features like FTP, mechanisms of encryption and email from a webpage.





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