
BPL:贫困线以下/英国物理实验室小组 (BPL: Below Poverty Line / British Physical Laboratories Group)

1)BPL:贫困线以下 (1) BPL: Below Poverty Line)

BPL is an abbreviation of the Below Poverty Line. It is an economic standard lay down by the government of India in case of critical requirement of government help to categorize the economically weaker section of people and households. It alludes to threshold revenue. The criteria of the poor or below poverty line people are considered as the people whose income is below the threshold income set by the government. The government introduces a variety of schemes to facilitate the BPL section of the society so that their essential requirements like food, shelter, and clothes could be fulfilled. According to a board lead by C Rangarajan who is a former Reserve Bank Governor, the survey of 2011-12 says that around 30% of the total population of India lived in poverty.

BPL是“贫困线以下”的缩写 。 这是印度政府制定的一项经济标准,以应对政府帮助将经济上较弱的部分人群和家庭进行分类的关键要求。 它暗示了收入的门槛。 贫困或低于贫困线的人的标准被认为是收入低于政府设定的门槛收入的人。 政府推出了各种计划来促进社会的BPL部门,以便满足他们的基本要求,例如食物,住所和衣服。 根据前储备银行行长C Rangarajan领导的董事会,对2011-12年度的调查显示,印度约30%的人口生活在贫困中。

A variety of diverse factors used by the government to recognize the below poverty line (BPL) sections. These factors may differ from state to state and maybe dissimilar for rural and urban areas. Moreover, the different factors and techniques are used in different countries to identify the poverty line.

政府用于识别以下贫困线( BPL )部分的各种不同因素。 这些因素因州而异,对于农村和城市地区可能有所不同。 此外,不同国家使用不同的因素和技术来确定贫困线。

In 2011, the Suresh Tendulkar Committee defined the poverty line in India. It was defined on the foundation of monthly spending of expenses on food, health, education, transport, and electricity. It is stated by the committee, that a person who expends Rs. 33.3 a day in urban areas and Rs. 27.2 a day in rural areas is living below the poverty line.

2011年,Suresh Tendulkar委员会确定了印度的贫困线。 它是根据每月在食品,卫生,教育,交通和电力上的支出支出定义的。 委员会指出,一个人的花费为Rs。 市区每天33.3卢比。 农村地区每天有27.2岁的人口生活在贫困线以下。

分类BPL的因素 (Factors to classify BPL)

  • Type of house


  • Status of children


  • Consumer durables


  • Food security


  • Clothing


  • Literacy status


  • Landholding


  • Sanitation etc.


2)BPL:英国物理实验室小组 (2) BPL: British Physical Laboratories Group)

BPL is also an abbreviation of British Physical Laboratories Group. It is an Indian electronics company that produces digital and electronics products. Its head office is situated in Bangalore, India. Its subsidiaries comprise BPL Display Devices, Bharat Energy Ventures, and BPL Securities. In consumer resilient market, BPL is a trustworthy brand and its distribution network includes over 7000 channels partners.

BPL也是British Physical Laboratories Group的缩写 。 它是一家印度电子公司,生产数字和电子产品。 其总部位于印度班加罗尔。 其子公司包括BPL Display Devices,Bharat Energy Ventures和BPL Securities。 在消费者弹性市场中,BPL是值得信赖的品牌,其分销网络包括7000多个渠道合作伙伴。

The Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of BPL are Ajit G Nambiar from 2016.

BPL的董事长兼董事总经理(CMD)自2016年起担任Ajit G Nambiar。

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BPL_Group


人气商品 (Popular Products)

  • Landline Phones


  • Home Theatre


  • Televisions


  • Medical equipment


  • Energy communications equipment


  • Household products: home lighting, home UPS, gag tables, cooking hubs, etc.


  • Enterprise communication products like digital switches, EPABX systems, DKX series of telephone systems, etc.


BPL简史 (BPL Brief History)

  • In 1963, BPL was established in Palakkad, Kerala. It was recognized as a single product company to create high meticulousness panel meters for security applications.

    1963年,BPL在喀拉拉邦的帕拉卡德成立。 它被认为是为安全应用生产高精密面板仪表的单一产品公司。

  • In 1967, it began producing electrocardiographs in technical partnership with Fukuda Electric Co, Japan.


  • In 1967, it began the production of Power Line Carrier Communication Equipment.


  • In 1975, it founded its sales and marketing department.


  • In 1982, it came into the consumer electronics market.


  • In 1984, it began manufacturing EPABX and telephone equipment.


  • In 1985, it acknowledged the industrial license to create VCRs in partnership with Sanyo.


  • In 1994, it began producing kitchen appliances.


  • 1n 1995, it introduced mobile telephone services in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.


  • In 2000, it came into a tactical alliance with Slovenian Manufacturing Company to begin off-shore manufacturing in Europe.


  • In 2001, it founded state-of-art design and development centers for systems and software solutions at BPL Telecom.

    2001年,它在BPL Telecom成立了用于系统和软件解决方案的最先进的设计和开发中心。

  • In 2005, it came into combined business enterprise with Sanyo for CTV manufacturing and its distribution.


  • In July 2015, Flipkart turned into the exclusive online retailer of BPL to sell its products online.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bpl-full-form.aspx



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