原文链接:JavaScript30秒, 从入门到放弃之Array(三)



Flattens an array up to the specified depth.

Use recursion, decrementing depth by 1 for each level of depth. Use Array.reduce() and Array.concat() to merge elements or arrays. Base case, for depth equal to 1 stops recursion. Omit the second element, depth to flatten only to a depth of 1 (single flatten).

const flattenDepth = (arr, depth = 1) =>depth != 1? arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? flattenDepth(v, depth - 1) : v), []): arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), []);



➜  code cat flattenDepth.js
const flattenDepth = (arr, depth = 1) =>depth != 1 ?arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? flattenDepth(v, depth - 1) : v), []) :arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), []);console.log(flattenDepth([1, [2], 3, 4]));
console.log(flattenDepth([1, [2, [5]], 3, 4]));
➜  code node flattenDepth.js
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[ 1, 2, [ 5 ], 3, 4 ]


arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? flattenDepth(v, depth - 1) : v), [])

用了reduce()去处理循环时的每一个值,同时用concat把所有递归结果拼接成新数组返回。循环过程中,对值进行数组判断Array.isArray(v),是数组,flattenDepth(v, depth - 1)深度减1继续递归直到depth1为止;不是数组,直接返回该值v,供concat拼接。


arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), []);


Groups the elements of an array based on the given function.

Use Array.map() to map the values of an array to a function or property name. Use Array.reduce() to create an object, where the keys are produced from the mapped results.

const groupBy = (arr, func) =>arr.map(typeof func === 'function' ? func : val => val[func]).reduce((acc, val, i) => {acc[val] = (acc[val] || []).concat(arr[i]);return acc;}, {});



➜  code cat groupBy.js
const groupBy = (arr, func) =>arr.map(typeof func === 'function' ? func : val => val[func]).
reduce((acc, val, i) => {acc[val] = (acc[val] || []).concat(arr[i]);return acc;
}, {});console.log(groupBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor));
console.log(groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length'));
➜  code node groupBy.js
{ '4': [ 4.2 ], '6': [ 6.1, 6.3 ] }
{ '3': [ 'one', 'two' ], '5': [ 'three' ] }


  1. map
arr.map(typeof func === 'function' ? func : val => val[func])


const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
arr.map(x => x * x); // [1, 4, 9, 16]


const arr = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
const func = 'length';
arr.map(val => val[func]); // [3, 3, 5]
  1. reduce
reduce((acc, val, i) => {acc[val] = (acc[val] || []).concat(arr[i]);return acc;
}, {})


第一个循环时acc的初始值是一个空对象{},循环过程中先判断是否已经有以val为键的值,如果还没有,创建一个空数组把此时对应索引i的数组值arr[i]拼接,作为以val为键的值;否则,直接拼接arr[i]。即是acc[val] = (acc[val] || []).concat(arr[i])做的事。每次循环都返回acc对象,直到循环结束,生成分类结果。



Returns the head of a list.

Use arr[0] to return the first element of the passed array.

const head = arr => arr[0];



➜  code cat head.js
const head = arr => arr[0];console.log(head([1, 2, 3]));
➜  code node head.js


Returns all the elements of an array except the last one.

Use arr.slice(0,-1) to return all but the last element of the array.

const initial = arr => arr.slice(0, -1);


使用arr.slice(0, -1)返回数组除最后一个元素外的所有元素。

➜  code cat initial.js
const initial = arr => arr.slice(0, -1);console.log(initial([1, 2, 3]));
➜  code node initial.js
[ 1, 2 ]

arr.slice(0, -1)立竿见影,实在没啥可说。


Initializes a 2D array of given width and height and value.

Use Array.map() to generate h rows where each is a new array of size w initialize with value. If the value is not provided, default to null.

const initialize2DArray = (w, h, val = null) =>Array(h).fill().map(() => Array(w).fill(val));



➜  code cat initialize2DArray.js
const initialize2DArray = (w, h, val = null) => Array(h).fill().map(() => Array(w).fill(val));console.log(initialize2DArray(2, 2, 0));
➜  code node initialize2DArray.js
[ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ]



Initializes an array containing the numbers in the specified range where start and end are inclusive.

Use Array((end + 1) - start) to create an array of the desired length, Array.map() to fill with the desired values in a range. You can omit start to use a default value of 0.

const initializeArrayWithRange = (end, start = 0) =>Array.from({ length: end + 1 - start }).map((v, i) => i + start);


使用Array((end + 1) - start)生成所期望的数组,使用Array.map()去填充所期望的有序的数值。若省略start,则start默认值为0

➜  code cat initializeArrayWithRange.js
const initializeArrayWithRange = (end, start = 0) =>Array.from({length: end + 1 - start}).map((v, i) => i + start);console.log(initializeArrayWithRange(5));
console.log(initializeArrayWithRange(7, 3));
➜  code node initializeArrayWithRange.js
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

{length: end + 1 - start}生成的数组长度是end + 1 -start,而(v, i) => i + starti0开始循环,直到length - 1为止。而i + start则表示元素值从0 + start开始递增。


Initializes and fills an array with the specified values.

Use Array(n) to create an array of the desired length, fill(v) to fill it with the desired values. You can omit value to use a default value of 0.

const initializeArrayWithValues = (n, value = 0) => Array(n).fill(value);



➜  code cat initializeArrayWithValues.js
const initializeArrayWithValues = (n, value = 0) => Array(n).fill(value);console.log(initializeArrayWithValues(5, 2));
➜  code node initializeArrayWithValues.js
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]



Returns a list of elements that exist in both arrays.

Create a Set from b, then use Array.filter() on a to only keep values contained in b.

const intersection = (a, b) => {const s = new Set(b);return a.filter(x => s.has(x));



➜  code cat intersection.js
const intersection = (a, b) => {const s = new Set(b);return a.filter(x => s.has(x));
};console.log(intersection([1, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2]));
➜  code node intersection.js
[ 2, 3 ]

const s = new Set(b)先用集合把b数组去重,然后a.filter(x => s.has(x))过滤数组a,返回所有存在于s集合中元素组成的数组。


Returns the last element in an array.

Use arr.length - 1 to compute the index of the last element of the given array and returning it.

const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1];


arr.length - 1去计算一个数组最后一个元素的索引值并返回其对应的数组元素。

➜  code cat last.js
const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1];console.log(last([1, 2, 3]));
➜  code node last.js


Maps the values of an array to an object using a function, where the key-value pairs consist of the original value as the key and the mapped value.

Use an anonymous inner function scope to declare an undefined memory space, using closures to store a return value. Use a new Array to store the array with a map of the function over its data set and a comma operator to return a second step, without needing to move from one context to another (due to closures and order of operations).

const mapObject = (arr, fn) =>(a => ((a = [arr, arr.map(fn)]), a[0].reduce((acc, val, ind) => ((acc[val] = a[1][ind]), acc), {})))();


使用内部匿名函数定义一个不污染全局变量的命名空间并用闭包存储返回值。使用一个新的数组来存储一个包含arr数组和arr数组去map指定方法后生成的数组。并在前面数组的基础上借助,运算符去一步步的生成所需要的对象。避免了上下文环境context来回转换(得益于闭包和运算顺序)。 (这块不是太懂)

➜  code cat mapObject.js
const mapObject = (arr, fn) =>(a => ((a = [arr, arr.map(fn)]), a[0].reduce((acc, val, ind) => ((acc[val] = a[1][ind]), acc), {})))();const squareIt = arr => mapObject(arr, a => a * a);
console.log(squareIt([1, 2, 3]));
➜  code node mapObject.js
{ '1': 1, '2': 4, '3': 9 }


const i = 0
i + 1, i // i = 1

即先进行i + 1运算,为1,然后返回i1


((acc[val] = a[1][ind]), acc)

即先做(acc[val] = a[1][ind])这个运算,然后返回acc


(a = [arr, arr.map(fn)]), a[0].reduce((acc, val, ind) => ((acc[val] = a[1][ind]), acc), {})

即在a = [arr, arr.map(fn)]定义了a的基础上去运用后面的reduce方法,最后返回reduce方法的结果。



微信公众号:JavaScript30秒, 从入门到放弃之Array(三)

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