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The industry is changing towards a more agile approach and jacks of one trade can go extinct sooner than we think.

行业正在发生变化 朝着更加灵活的方法和一个贸易的插Kong可以去灭绝快于我们的想法。

I’ve read a quote in a book recently that said:


“If you’re very skilled in one thing, your chances of success are pretty low. But if you add two or more things to your skillset (at a high level) those chances raise drastically.”

“如果您在一件事上非常熟练,那么成功的机会就很低。 但是,如果您在技能组中添加两个或两个以上的东西(高水平),那么这些机会将大大增加。”

Can’t remember which book it was, but the quote stayed with me. It makes a lot of sense!

不记得那本书是哪本书了,但那句话一直留在我身边。 这很有道理!

我们称之为内部协作 。 (Let’s call it internal collaboration.)

Because if you can collaborate internally on a couple of different levels, you’ll be able to communicate with your team better. It also gives you a much broader understanding of how different pieces work together to form the whole.

因为如果您可以在多个不同级别进行内部协作,则可以更好地与团队进行沟通。 它还使您对不同部分如何协同工作以形成整体有更广泛的了解。

There’s a reason industrial designers have to do hands-on work in wood, metal and plastics to graduate. To be able to create something that works on every possible level, you need to understand it.

工业设计师必须要动手操作木材,金属和塑料才能毕业,这是有原因的。 为了能够创建适用于所有可能级别的东西,您需要了解它。

Then working with engineers and marketers you’ll able to communicate without any gaps and that leads both to a better result and more fulfilment of a job well done.


Don’t lock yourself in a tower where the only exit is through a pair of Norman doors. That way you’ll say there forever and miss out!

不要将自己锁在唯一的出口是穿过诺曼门的塔中。 这样一来,您将永远在那里说而错过!

让我们再次好奇! (Let’s be curious again!)

If you’re stuck in your little niche specialisation, you almost always miss out on the world. The whole idea of growing as a human and a designer is to explore areas seemingly not that close to what you do.

如果您陷入小众市场,几乎总是会错过世界。 成长为人类和设计师的整个想法是探索似乎与您的工作不太接近的领域。

Many UXers turn red when they hear “learn to code”.


I already have enough super important knowledge to waste it on becoming a coder!!


But in reality coding is exactly the same thing as UX. It’s problem-solving at it’s finest. And you get concrete results almost right away (when you compile) instead of waiting for the results of a user study.

但实际上,编码与UX完全相同。 最好地解决问题。 这样,您几乎立即(在编译时)就可以得到具体的结果,而不必等待用户研究的结果。

伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk) (Elon Musk)

A good example of a generalist is your favourite polarizing entrepreneur — Elon Musk. He knows how to code (he started that way), but also how rockets work and how to use AI hive mind for self-driving. He can also be boring … a tunnel under LA.

通才的一个很好的例子是您最喜欢的两极分化企业家-Elon Musk。 他知道如何编码(以这种方式开始),但是他知道火箭是如何工作的,以及如何使用AI蜂巢思维进行自动驾驶。 他也可能很无聊……在洛杉矶之下的一条隧道。

Now I’m not saying work 25 hours a day and do everything, but you don’t need to be Elon to be like Elon. Learn one extra thing each year, but try to learn it well enough so you’re confident with the skill.

现在,我并不是说要每天工作25个小时并做所有事情,但是您不必 Elon 一样成为 Elon。 每年多学习一件事,但要尝试得足够好,以使您对技能充满信心。

From coding a business directory website to this ^ (photo SpaceX)

UX外部 (Outside of UX)

If you’re the proud leader of the digital world — the “UX’er” then you’re already on top of the food chain. But it won’t hurt to learn UI design first and then maybe some coding.

如果您是数字世界的骄傲领袖-“ UX'er”,那么您已经在食物链的顶端。 但是先学习UI设计然后再学习一些编码不会有什么坏处。

After that you can proceed to learn UX writing, presenting (or teaching) and more. The possibilities are endless.

之后,您可以继续学习UX编写,演示(或教学)等等。 可能性是无止境。

And if you managed to learn card sorting and flow diagramming then the rest should be simple!


这对我来说是怎么回事 (Here’s how it happened for me)

I started my “career” as a web designer back in 1999. It was a crazy time with innovation coming from every direction. As a web designer my responsibilities were to design the UI (in Photoshop) and then code the HTML and CSS.

早在1999年,我就以一名网页设计师的身份开始了我的“职业生涯”。这是一个疯狂的时代,各个方向的创新都来了。 作为一名网页设计师,我的职责是设计UI(在Photoshop中),然后编写HTML和CSS。

Back then the only people involved in the process were Web Designers and Web Developers (who worked on the backend) with extended Marketing teams doing research.


And many companies thrived in that era, even though the average consumer wasn’t yet that well-versed in technology. I’d say it’s actually easier now when the users are on average a lot more tech-savvy.

即使在普通消费者尚未精通技术的情况下,许多公司仍在那个时代蓬勃发展。 我想说,现在平均来说,用户对技术的了解要容易得多。

I worked the second shift at a travel startup, starting work at 4pm and finishing around 10pm. Designing, then coding and handing the front-end code over to the “real developers”.

我在旅行初创公司工作了第二班,从下午4点开始工作,到晚上10点左右结束。 设计,编码然后将前端代码移交给“真正的开发人员”。

Having a wider set of skills allows you to do a lot more with a product.

然后Flash来了 (Then Flash came)

And with it a lot more web-based interactivity. So obviously it was a Web Designer’s job to learn this new tool. And I did. For the next few years I was designing and coding anything from large portals to silly Flash banner ads and games.

并且有了更多基于Web的交互性。 因此,显然,学习此新工具是Web设计师的工作。 而我做到了。 在接下来的几年中,我将设计和编码各种东西,从大型门户网站到愚蠢的Flash标语广告和游戏。

When UX started becoming popular around 2006–2007 I jumped onto that ship as well and brought a couple of extra processes to an agency I used to work at the time.


But why did I learn this completely new, pretty complex thing if I had a stable Web Designer job? Because I was curious! I wanted to explore how digital products are built from each side of that process and that’s exactly what I did.

但是,如果我从事稳定的Web Designer工作,为什么还要学习这一全新的,相当复杂的东西呢? 因为我很好奇! 我想探讨从该过程的各个方面构建数字产品的方式,而这正是我所做的。

T形与金字塔形 (T-shaped vs pyramid-shaped)

Many startups at their early stages can’t really afford a huge design team. So being well versed in the entire design spectrum — from business analysis, through flow design, research and UI is going to be necessary.

许多处于起步阶段的初创公司实际上负担不起庞大的设计团队。 因此,必须精通整个设计领域-从业务分析到流程设计,研究和UI。

And of course, you can only look at large corporations, which due to their slow processes are still mentally in 2009. I mean it must be super cool to work for a company that still forces their employees to use Internet Explorer 7 ;)


So instead of being a niche expert, become a generalist because this is the future. But there are different kinds of generalists too.

因此,不要成为利基专家,而要成为通才,因为这是未来。 但是也有不同类型的通才。

The T-shaped model was the most popular kind for a while, but it’s slowly being replaced by the Pyramid. Instead of being great at one thing and knowledgeable with a couple of others, you are great at one, very good at two, pretty good at another two and so on.

T形模型是一段时间以来最受欢迎的一种,但它逐渐被金字塔所取代。 您不仅擅长一件事,而且不擅长于其他事物,而是擅长于一件事,非常擅长于两件事,非常擅长于另外两件事,依此类推。

So for a UX’er it can be:


  • UI designUI设计
  • More specialised research更专业的研究
  • Marketing营销学
  • Writing写作
  • Coding编码

仅仅UX已经不够了 (Just UX is not enough anymore)

There was a time when UX people were scarce and highly specialised approaches were the thing. But most companies are getting leaner and a lot more agile now and they simply can’t afford a specialist (unless it’s some sort of specialist superhero, but there are only a few of those).

曾几何时,UX人才匮乏,而高度专业化的方法才是问题。 但是,现在大多数公司变得越来越精简,敏捷得多,而且他们根本负担不起专家(除非它是某种专家超级英雄,但其中只有少数)。

The rest is already branching out and changing that UX moniker to “product designer”.


Don’t be so serious about what you do. Be curious and explore everything around you. That’s the only way to truly grow and don’t suffer a professional burnout while still staying relevant.

不要对自己的工作那么认真。 好奇并探索周围的一切。 这是真正成长的唯一途径,并且在保持相关性的同时不会遭受职业倦怠。

Good luck!


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