
1. CPU虚拟化比率

1.1 配置参数描述与默认配置

# Virtual CPU to physical CPU allocation ratio which affects all CPU filters.
# This configuration specifies a global ratio for CoreFilter. For
# AggregateCoreFilter, it will fall back to this configuration value if no per-
# aggregate setting found. NOTE: This can be set per-compute, or if set to 0.0,
# the value set on the scheduler node(s) will be used and defaulted to 16.0
# (floating point value)

1.2 参数配置



2. 内存虚拟化比率

2.1 配置参数描述与默认配置

# Virtual ram to physical ram allocation ratio which affects all ram filters.
# This configuration specifies a global ratio for RamFilter. For
# AggregateRamFilter, it will fall back to this configuration value if no per-
# aggregate setting found. NOTE: This can be set per-compute, or if set to 0.0,
# the value set on the scheduler node(s) will be used and defaulted to 1.5
# (floating point value)

2.2 参数配置



3. 磁盘虚拟化比率

3.1 配置参数描述与默认配置

# This is the virtual disk to physical disk allocation ratio used by the
# disk_filter.py script to determine if a host has sufficient disk space to fit
# a requested instance. A ratio greater than 1.0 will result in over-
# subscription of the available physical disk, which can be useful for more
# efficiently packing instances created with images that do not use the entire
# virtual disk,such as sparse or compressed images. It can be set to a value
# between 0.0 and 1.0 in order to preserve a percentage of the disk for uses
# other than instances.NOTE: This can be set per-compute, or if set to 0.0, the
# value set on the scheduler node(s) will be used and defaulted to 1.0
# (floating point value)

3.2 参数配置




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