Unless you live in a part of the world without any Internet, or you have made the choice not to read world news anymore, you should know that a massive hacking took place on Twitter on July 15, 2020.


This massive hack saw hackers take control of the Twitter internal administration platform. Thanks to this control, hackers were then able to send tweets with any Twitter account.

这次大规模黑客攻击使黑客控制了Twitter内部管理平台。 由于有了此控制,黑客才能够使用任何Twitter帐户发送推文。

To reach as many Twitter social network users as possible with their scam, these hackers went after top-tier verified accounts.


They tweeted with accounts from Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, or Jeff Bezos. Some accounts from companies such as Apple and Uber were impacted, as well as accounts from cryptocurrency companies such as Binance and Gemini.

他们在Twitter上发布了Barack Obama,Elon Musk,Joe Biden,Bill Gates或Jeff Bezos的帐户发的推文。 苹果和Uber等公司的一些帐户以及币安和Gemini等加密货币公司的帐户都受到了影响。

这些骗局总是要求您先汇款 (These scams always ask you to send money first)

In most cases, the hackers sent a tweet explaining to Twitter users that if they sent $1,000 to a given Bitcoin address, they would receive $2,000 in return.


Although it cannot be said often enough that one should never fall into this type of scam, thousands of people have once again succumbed to it. Since Bitcoin is a public and open Blockchain, by going to explore the activity at this address, it was possible to see that hackers managed to extort nearly $120,000 in Bitcoin :

尽管不能经常说一个永远不要陷入这种骗局,但成千上万的人再次屈服于这种骗局。 由于比特币是一个公开的开放式区块链,因此通过探索此地址的活动, 有可能看到黑客设法勒索了近120,000美元的比特币

Balance of the address used by hackers

Among the 7 big lessons that this massive Twitter hack teaches us about Bitcoin is the fact that Bitcoin-related activity can be monitored forever on the network.


This is the advantage of having a network that is open and accessible to everyone.


Some have already noticed that hackers have started trying to launder these Bitcoins by sending them to an address on a Wasabi wallet. As a reminder, the use of a Wasabi wallet makes it more difficult to detect the origin of Bitcoins afterward.

一些人已经注意到,黑客已经开始尝试通过将这些比特币发送到Wasabi钱包中的地址来洗钱。 提醒一下,使用Wasabi钱包会使以后更难检测到比特币的来源。

It is therefore easy to understand why hackers use this process to try to launder the Bitcoins they stole during the massive Twitter hack.

因此,很容易理解, 为什么黑客使用此过程来尝试洗刷他们在大规模Twitter黑客事件中偷走的比特币

By going through a big trading platform such as Binance or Coinbase, they would have been identified directly due to the increasingly strict KYC policies of these platforms.


黑客确实发生在Twitter而非比特币上 (The hack did take place on Twitter, not Bitcoin)

As a result of this massive hack on Twitter, many have pointed to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as the problem. Some have brought back for the umpteenth time the old cliché that Bitcoin is the best tool for money laundering.

由于Twitter上的这种大规模黑客攻击,许多人指出比特币和加密货币是问题所在。 一些人在无数次的陈词滥调中使人联想到比特币是洗钱的最佳工具。

A few voices have even been raised to say the same nonsense over and over again: Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies wouldn’t serve any purpose other than money laundering and illicit activities.

甚至有人提出一遍又一遍的废话: 比特币和加密货币除了洗钱和非法活动外,没有任何其他目的

I am not going to dwell on this point, but just to remind you that it has already been found that using Bitcoin for illegal purposes is more difficult than using the U.S. dollar.


Secondly, you must not make the mistake of reversing the roles. On July 15, 2020, it was Twitter that was hacked, not Bitcoin. Bitcoin remains the most secure decentralized network in the world. Its security has never been compromised since its creation.

其次,您一定不要犯颠倒角色的错误。 2020年7月15日,被黑客入侵的是Twitter,而不是比特币 。 比特币仍然是世界上最安全的分散网络。 自创建以来,其安全性从未受到损害。

Having said that, I would like to help you understand why so many people are being scammed so often on social networks like Twitter or Facebook.


What I’m about to tell you may even extend to all activities on the Internet, and even in real life.


Twitter骇客骗局不只是简单 (The Twitter hack scam was more than simplistic)

Concretely, what was the Bitcoin scam that took place on Twitter on July 15, 2020, made of?


This scam consisted of sending tweets via celebrity accounts to as many people as possible, taking advantage of the almost blind trust some people have in these celebrities.


Barack Obama, for example, is the personality with the largest audience on Twitter. Barack Obama’s Twitter account has more than 120 million subscribers.

例如,巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)是Twitter上观众人数最多的个性。 巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的Twitter帐户拥有超过1.2亿用户。

The hackers expected that many people would be confident when they saw a tweet from Barack Obama asking them to send him $1,000 in Bitcoin before he sends them back the double.

黑客期望,当人们看到巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的一条推文要求他们向他发送1000美元的比特币,然后再将其发送回两倍时,他们会充满信心。

Hackers were right to bet that some would fall into this trap since they managed to extort more than $120K on July 15, 2020.

黑客正确地打赌有些人会落入这个陷阱,因为他们在2020年7月15日设法勒索了超过$ 120K

Of course, the hackers acted illegally. However, they have simply taken advantage of the credulity of some who still want to believe that it is possible to make money without doing anything on the Internet.

当然,黑客是非法行为。 但是,他们只是利用了某些人的轻信,这些人仍然想相信无需互联网就能做任何事情就可以赚钱。

This gullibility is mixed with greed in my opinion.


这些骗局利用了某些人展示的贪婪和信誉的混合体 (These scams take advantage of a mixture of greed and credibility that some people demonstrate)

The mistake that 99% of people who get scammed on Twitter, Facebook, or any online social network make is to let their greed guide them. Scams are happening all the time, and most of these scams are highlighted to alert people to be careful.

在Twitter,Facebook或任何在线社交网络上被骗的人中有99%犯的错误是让他们的贪婪引导他们。 骗局一直在发生,这些骗局中的大多数都会突出显示,以提醒人们要小心。

Yet, some are so eager to believe that it is possible to earn $2,000 without doing anything that they will be willing to send $1,000 to the first person who offers it to them.


The scam is reinforced when the tweet comes from Barack Obama or Elon Musk.

当推文来自巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)或伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)时,骗局得到加强。

All these people want to believe in miracles so much that they put themselves in the psychological conditions that make scammers work. In the end, the scammers are just taking advantage of the mixture of greed and gullibility of some people who still haven’t understood that miracles don’t exist anymore on the Internet than in real life.

所有这些人都非常相信奇迹,以至于陷入使骗子工作的心理条件 。 最终,骗子们只是利用了一些人的贪婪和易受骗的混合物,这些人仍然不了解奇迹在互联网上已经不复存在了。

退后一步,想一想互联网上的金钱 (Take a step back and think when it comes to money on the Internet)

When you see something related to making quick money without any effort on the Internet, and this is true for any social network, take a step back.


Take a deep breath and ask yourself questions. Be critical. On July 15, 2020, those who were trapped could have asked themselves the following questions:

深呼吸,问自己问题。 严厉 2020年7月15日,被困者可能会问自己以下问题:

  • Why would Elon Musk distribute Bitcoins on Twitter?为什么埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)会在Twitter上分发比特币?
  • Does Elon Musk own Bitcoin?伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)是否拥有比特币?
  • Why does a man who is now richer than Warren Buffett demand $1,000 in Bitcoin before sending me $2,000?为什么现在比沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)富裕的人在向我寄送2,000美元之前需要1,000美元的比特币?
  • ……

These are just examples of questions, but you get the idea behind this logical reasoning that leaves no room for greed.


When you ask yourself these questions, you will not be able to find logical answers. From then on, you will have serious doubts.

当您问自己这些问题时,您将无法找到合乎逻辑的答案。 从那时起,您将有严重的疑问。

It is time to remember these golden rules that will prevent you from being scammed again in the future on Twitter or Facebook:


  • If something’s too good to be true, it’s a scam.如果某件事太好了以至于无法实现,那就是骗局。
  • If it looks like a scam, it’s a scam.如果看起来像骗局,那就是骗局。
  • If it involves a free distribution of money asking you to send some money first, it’s a scam.如果涉及到钱的自由分配,要求您先汇款,那就是骗局。

结论 (Conclusion)

As soon as it’s a scam, all you have to do is keep away from it.


The number one rule you must apply on the Internet and in life, in general, is to never let your greed get the better of your sense of logical reasoning.


No one is going to give you money for free on the Internet. Stop believing this, and you will no longer be a candidate for the scams that abound daily on social networks.

没有人会在互联网上免费给您钱。 停止相信这一点,您将不再是社交网络上每天都有大量骗局的候选人。

If you want to get money online, the safest solution is to work for it. It’s less glamorous than believing in a tweet from Barack Obama announcing a free Bitcoin distribution, but it’s the reality of life. You don’t get anything for nothing in life. This also applies to the Internet.

如果您想在线上赚钱,最安全的解决方案就是为之工作。 它比相信巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)宣布免费比特币发行的推文没有魅力,但这是生活的现实。 你一生中一无所有。 这也适用于Internet。

Be careful, and no more scams will be able to reach you on Twitter or Facebook.


保持联系,加入我的电子邮件列表 (Stay in touch, join my email list)

翻译自: https://medium.com/in-bitcoin-we-trust/the-1-rule-you-must-apply-to-never-get-scammed-on-twitter-or-facebook-644f27255ec9



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