
Apple’s Pages is perfectly acceptable as a word processor on the Mac. But most people use Microsoft Office, and iWork isn’t even available for Windows. So if you have an iWork document, and you or someone else needs to open it in Microsoft Office, you’ll have to convert it first.

Apple的Pages作为Mac上的文字处理器是完全可以接受的。 但是大多数人都使用Microsoft Office,而iWork甚至不适用于Windows。 因此,如果您有iWork文档,而您或其他人需要在Microsoft Office中打开它,则必须先进行转换。

There are two ways to do this: through iWork itself, or through iCloud. Let’s first discuss the iWork way for those users who own Macs–we’ll use Pages as an example, but this method should work for any iWork document: Pages, Numbers, or Keynote.

有两种方法可以执行此操作:通过iWork本身或通过iCloud。 首先,我们为拥有Mac的用户讨论iWork方式-我们将以Pages为例,但是这种方法应该适用于任何iWork文档:Pages,Numbers或Keynote。

如何在页面中转换文档 (How to Convert Documents in Pages)

If you’re a Mac user writing in Pages, you should convert your documents to a compatible format before sending it to a Windows user (or a Mac user who doesn’t own Pages). Converting a Pages file to Microsoft Word format is a cinch if you know where to look. First, open the file you want to convert in Pages.

如果您是使用Pages编写的Mac用户,则应先将文档转换为兼容格式,然后再发送给Windows用户(或不拥有Pages的Mac用户)。 如果您知道要查找的位置,那么将Pages文件转换为Microsoft Word格式很容易。 首先,在页面中打开要转换的文件。

Next, click on the “File” menu and then “Export To > Word…”.

接下来,单击“文件”菜单,然后单击“导出到> Word…”。

A dialog will open entitled “Export Your Document”. Note, you don’t have to export to Word at this point, you can click on any of the tabs and export to a different format if you’d like. Click the “Next…” button to advance to the next screen.

将打开一个对话框,标题为“导出您的文档”。 请注意,此时您不必导出到Word,您可以单击任何选项卡,并根据需要导出为其他格式。 单击“下一步…”按钮进入下一个屏幕。

In this image, we’ve shown the Advanced Options, which will let you decide which Word format you want to export to.

The next step is to choose where you want to save your document, add any relevant tags, and give it an appropriate name. When you’ve done all this, click the “Export” button.

下一步是选择要保存文档的位置,添加所有相关标签,并为其指定适当的名称。 完成所有这些操作后,单击“导出”按钮。

Depending on the file’s size, the conversion can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Once finished, you should be able to open the new document in Word on a Windows or Mac machine, and hopefully all of its original formatting will be intact.

根据文件的大小,转换可能需要几秒钟到几分钟的时间。 完成后,您应该能够在Windows或Mac计算机上的Word中打开新文档,并希望其所有原始格式都将保持不变。

If you don’t own a Mac or don’t want to install Pages, then your other option is to convert Pages files via iCloud. We’ll explain how to do this in the next section.

如果您没有Mac或不想安装Pages,则另一种选择是通过iCloud转换Pages文件。 我们将在下一节中说明如何执行此操作。

如何使用iCloud转换文档 (How to Convert Documents with iCloud)

If someone you know has sent you a Pages document that you can’t open, you can ask them to convert it–or you can convert it yourself with iCloud.


You’ll need an iCloud account for this to work, but you don’t have to own a Mac or an iOS device to use iCloud and Pages. Anyone with a valid e-mail address can sign up for an account and use the program that way.

您需要一个iCloud帐户才能工作,但不必拥有Mac或iOS设备即可使用iCloud和Pages。 具有有效电子邮件地址的任何人都可以注册一个帐户并以这种方式使用该程序。

To convert a Pages file using iCloud, first head to icloud.com and log in with your credentials. Note that you may have to jump through a few more hoops here–for example, in order to use all the features on iCloud.com, you may have to first verify your identity over SMS or email.

要使用iCloud转换Pages文件,请首先转到icloud.com并使用您的凭据登录。 请注意,您可能必须在这里跳过几个步骤–例如,要使用iCloud.com上的所有功能,可能必须先通过SMS或电子邮件验证您的身份。

Next, click on the “Pages” icon, which will take you to iCloud’s Pages interface. You can actually create new Pages documents as well as edit existing ones. But in order to edit an existing Pages file, you will first need to enclose it in a .zip file. In Windows, you can accomplish this by right-clicking on the file and going to Send To > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

接下来,单击“页面”图标,这将带您进入iCloud的页面界面。 实际上,您可以创建新的Pages文档,也可以编辑现有文档。 但是,为了编辑现有的Pages文件,您首先需要将其包含在.zip文件中。 在Windows中,您可以通过右键单击文件并转到发送至>压缩(压缩)文件夹来完成此操作。

Once you’ve done so, simply drag the .zip file into Pages iCloud interface and the new document will be available for editing.

完成此操作后,只需将.zip文件拖到Pages iCloud界面中,即可使用新文档进行编辑。

To perform the conversion, double-click on the item you want to open and then click on the wrench icon at the top of the screen, then click “Download a Copy…”.


Next, you’ll need to choose which format you want to download. You can decide between Pages, PDF, Word, and ePub.

接下来,您需要选择要下载的格式。 您可以在Pages,PDF,Word和ePub之间进行选择。

Once you select your file format (in our case we chose Word), it will create the file and automatically download it to your machine.


Depending upon where your downloads end up, your new Word document should appear on your computer in short order, ready for whatever plans you have for it.


Now, the next time someone hands you a flash drive and wants you to take a look at an iWork document, you can quickly convert it–no extra software necessary.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237947/how-to-convert-pages-files-so-they-open-in-microsoft-word/


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